Surveillants example sentences

Related (15): guards, monitors, watchers, overseers, observers, inspectors, sentinels, spies, detectives, wardens, caretakers, custodians, keepers, patrollers, pickets.

"Surveillants" Example Sentences

1. The surveillants kept a watchful eye on the inmates.
2. The school hired several surveillants to monitor the students during exams.
3. The bank installed cameras and hired surveillants to prevent thieves from robbing the place.
4. The government increased the number of surveillants to ensure public safety.
5. The prisoners were afraid of the rough treatment from the surveillants.
6. The surveillants caught the shoplifter red-handed while he was stealing.
7. The company hired surveillants to detect any employee who tried to leak confidential information.
8. The hospital had to increase the number of surveillants after a patient escaped through the window.
9. The city council demanded that surveillants be placed in all public areas to prevent crime.
10. The nightclub owner asked the surveillants to keep an eye on a group of troublemakers.
11. The artists were uneasy with the presence of the surveillants in their exhibition.
12. The mall's security relied on the surveillants to maintain order during the busy holiday season.
13. The police officers recruited the sharpest surveillants in the police academy.
14. The bank's manager gave a commendation to the surveillants who foiled the robbery attempt.
15. The surveillants had to endure long hours of sitting and watching the CCTV camera feeds.
16. The supermarket chain installed motion sensors and hired surveillants to prevent any shoplifting activities.
17. The prison warden commended the hardworking surveillants who prevented a jailbreak.
18. The park security hired experienced surveillants to look out for suspicious behaviors during events.
19. The campus security employed trained surveillants to monitor any possible threats during orientation day.
20. The company's CEO demanded that all the computers should be monitored by the surveillants to prevent hacking attempts.
21. The department store installed new surveillance cameras and hired more surveillants to boost security measures.
22. The casino's security relied heavily on the observant surveillants to prevent any cheating activities.
23. The airport's security deployed experienced surveillants to detect any possible terrorist attack.
24. The festival's organizers asked for police assistance and hired extra surveillants as crowds started to build up.
25. The security company dispatched a team of surveillants to investigate a suspicious package in the office building.
26. The bank's surveillance system requires highly trained surveillants to analyze the CCTV footage.
27. The shopping center's security employed young and vigilant surveillants to prevent petty theft.
28. The museum's security decided to install alarms and hire more surveillants after a valuable artwork was stolen.
29. The transit company added more cameras and hired more surveillants to prevent any acts of vandalism.
30. The high-profile event required a team of experienced surveillants to keep the VIP guests safe from any potential threat.

Common Phases

1. The surveillants were stationed strategically; watching every move we made.
2. We were constantly monitored by the surveillants; no detail went unnoticed.
3. The surveillants were equipped with the latest technology; ensuring no breach in security.
4. The presence of the surveillants was intimidating; we felt as if we were being watched 24/7.
5. The surveillants worked in shifts; ensuring round-the-clock surveillance.
6. The surveillance cameras were monitored by skilled surveillants; ready to act at any moment.
7. The surveillants communicated using headphones; relaying important information to one another.
8. The surveillants were diligent in their tasks; their professionalism was commendable.
9. The task of the surveillants was crucial; they held the safety of many in their hands.
10. The surveillants were always on high alert; prepared for any eventuality.

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