Svcutil example sentences

Related (6): WCF, Metadata, Tool, SOAP, Contracts, Endpoints

"Svcutil" Example Sentences

1. To generate client code for a WCF service using svcutil, use the following command.
2. The svcutil tool can be used to generate metadata documents for a WCF service.
3. When using svcutil, make sure to include the endpoint address of the service.
4. The svcutil command-line utility can be used to generate a service client proxy from a WSDL or XSD file.
5. When using svcutil to generate client code, the resulting classes will be generated in a separate file.
6. The svcutil command can be used to generate a service configuration file.
7. When generating client code using svcutil, you can specify the output path for the resulting code files.
8. If you are using svcutil to generate client code for a WCF service, you may need to include the service contract in your project.
9. To use svcutil to generate code for a WCF service, you will need to have the .NET framework installed on your machine.
10. The svcutil command can be used to generate a service contract and implementation class from a WCF service.
11. When using svcutil to generate client code for a WCF service, you can specify the namespace for the resulting code files.
12. When generating metadata documents with svcutil, you can specify the output format.
13. To generate a client proxy using svcutil, you will need to provide the WSDL file for the service.
14. The svcutil tool can generate client code for both SOAP and RESTful services.
15. When using svcutil to generate code from a WSDL file, you can specify the binding to use.
16. To generate a client proxy using svcutil, you will need to provide the endpoint address of the service.
17. The svcutil utility can be used to generate code for a WCF service hosted in IIS.
18. When using svcutil to generate code, you can specify the language to use for the resulting code.
19. To generate a client proxy using svcutil, you will need to specify the binding type to use.
20. The svcutil tool can be used to generate code for WCF services hosted in Windows services or console applications.
21. When generating client code using svcutil, you can specify the service credentials to use.
22. The svcutil command-line utility can be used to generate code for a WCF service hosted in a Windows service.
23. When using svcutil to generate code for a WCF service, you can specify the namespace for the resulting code files.
24. To generate metadata documents using svcutil, you will need to provide the service endpoint address.
25. The svcutil tool can generate code for both synchronous and asynchronous service operations.
26. When using svcutil to generate code, you can specify the directory to place the resulting code files in.
27. To generate a client proxy using svcutil, you will need to provide the address of the metadata endpoint.
28. The svcutil command can be used to generate code for a WCF service hosted in a console application.
29. When using svcutil to generate metadata documents, you can specify the message encoding to use.
30. To generate a client proxy using svcutil, you will need to provide the WS policy files for the service.

Common Phases

1. svcutil.exe /t:metadata url;
2. svcutil.exe /language:C# /out:generatedProxy.cs file.wsdl;
3. svcutil.exe /language:VB file.wsdl;
4. svcutil.exe /d:metadata file.wsdl;
5. svcutil.exe /config:myProxy.config file.wsdl;
6. svcutil.exe /noConfig file.wsdl;
7. svcutil.exe /r:"c:\my assemblies\assembly1.dll"; "c:\my assemblies\assembly2.dll" file.wsdl;
8. svcutil.exe /messageContract file.wsdl;
9. svcutil.exe /serializer:DataContractSerializer file.wsdl;
10. svcutil.exe /strict /out:generatedProxy.cs file.wsdl;

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