Swallowingorigin example sentences

Related (5): swallowing, origin, esophagus, pharynx, ingestion

"Swallowingorigin" Example Sentences

1. Swallowingorigin of the vitamins allows for maximum absorption by the body.
2. The doctor explained that the patient's difficulty in swallowingorigin was due to a problem with the muscles in their throat.
3. Birds have a unique method of swallowingorigin where they use their tongue to push food down their esophagus.
4. The act of swallowingorigin is actually a complex process involving several muscles and nerves.
5. Liz felt a sharp pain in her chest after swallowingorigin a large piece of steak.
6. The sensation of food going down your throat during swallowingorigin is controlled by a part of the brain called the medulla.
7. Some people with acid reflux experience difficulty in swallowingorigin or a feeling of food getting stuck in their throat.
8. Wildfire smoke can cause irritation in the throat, making swallowingorigin uncomfortable.
9. The swallowingorigin of pills can often be aided by taking them with a drink of water.
10. A common symptom of a sore throat is painful swallowingorigin.
11. Babies have to learn the skill of swallowingorigin as they grow and develop.
12. Swallowingorigin air can cause bloating and discomfort in the stomach.
13. Certain medications can cause difficulty in swallowingorigin, necessitating a change in dosage or form.
14. Eczema can lead to dryness and cracking around the mouth, making swallowingorigin painful.
15. Swallowingorigin can be affected by dental issues such as missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures.
16. The fear of choking often leads to anxiety around swallowingorigin, which can exacerbate the problem.
17. Swallowingorigin too quickly can lead to food getting stuck in the esophagus.
18. The gag reflex is an important protective mechanism during swallowingorigin.
19. Scar tissue from previous surgeries or injuries can cause difficulty in swallowingorigin.
20. Dehydration can make swallowingorigin painful and harder due to a lack of moisture in the mouth and throat.
21. Some people with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's or ALS have trouble with swallowingorigin and may require specific interventions.
22. Swallowingorigin is a reflex action controlled by the autonomic nervous system, meaning we don't have to consciously think about it.
23. A phobia of swallowingorigin, known as phagophobia, can cause significant distress and malnutrition.
24. For some people with anxiety disorders, swallowingorigin can be a trigger for panic attacks.
25. The muscles involved in swallowingorigin are closely connected to those involved in speech and breathing.
26. Swallowingorigin small objects can be dangerous, especially when it comes to young children.
27. People who have had radiation therapy to the head and neck area often experience changes in their swallowingorigin abilities.
28. Swallowingorigin can be a challenge for people with certain types of cancers, especially those affecting the esophagus.
29. The sensation of having a lump in your throat can be caused by difficulty in swallowingorigin or acid reflux.
30. Problems with swallowingorigin can impact a person's ability to eat and drink, leading to malnutrition and dehydration.

Common Phases

1. After swallowing, the food is transported to the stomach;
2. Swallowing originates in the throat;
3. The act of swallowing requires the coordination of various muscles;
4. Swallowing is a reflex action;
5. Swallowing can be difficult for individuals with certain medical conditions.

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