Swashways example sentences

Related (3): tides, currents, erosion

"Swashways" Example Sentences

1. The boat glided smoothly through the swashways of the calm sea.
2. The captain expertly navigated through the swashways of the narrow channel.
3. The swashways were particularly treacherous during the storm.
4. The ship was swept off course by the strong swashways.
5. The sailors struggled to control the ship as it was tossed around by the swashways.
6. The swashways of the tidal river posed a challenge for even the most experienced sailors.
7. The small boat bobbed up and down in the swashways.
8. The swashways in this area are known for their dangerous whirlpools.
9. The ferry traversed the swashways on its regular route to the island.
10. The fishermen carefully navigated their boats through the swashways to reach their favorite spots.
11. The swashways were teeming with marine life, including schools of colorful fish.
12. The swashways provided shelter for small boats during bad weather.
13. The swashways gradually became calmer as the boat entered the sheltered bay.
14. The swashways were too rough for the tourist boat to continue its sightseeing tour.
15. The swashways of the estuary were a popular spot for kayakers and paddleboarders.
16. The sailboat was able to smoothly maneuver through the swashways, thanks to the skilled crew.
17. The swashways near the coast were dotted with rocky outcroppings that posed a danger to passing boats.
18. The storm created huge waves in the swashways, making the boat feel like it was in a giant washing machine.
19. The swashways eventually opened up into a broad, tranquil lagoon.
20. The swashways twisted and turned so much that the boat felt like it was on a rollercoaster.
21. The steep cliffs along the swashways provided a picturesque backdrop for the passing boats.
22. The swashways were filled with seaweed, which made it difficult for boats to pass through.
23. The swashways were so choppy that the fisherman couldn't even cast their lines.
24. The boat had to slow down as it entered the narrow swashways of the river delta.
25. The swashways were famous for their amazing sunsets, which were particularly beautiful from the water.
26. The swashways were so shallow that the boat had to be careful not to run aground.
27. The swashways were abuzz with activity as pleasure boats and fishing vessels vied for space.
28. The swashways provided a natural defense for the coastal town against enemy ships.
29. The swashways of the bay were home to a variety of sea birds, including pelicans and seagulls.
30. The swashways led to a secluded cove, where the boat dropped anchor for the night.

Common Phases

1. The swashways rushed up the shore; crashing against the rocks with a thunderous sound.
2. The rhythmic sounds of the swashways lulled me to sleep; creating a sense of calmness within me.
3. The swashways pulled back, leaving behind a carpet of shells and seaweed; reminding me of the vastness of the ocean.
4. Walking on the wet sand, I could feel the swashways gently kiss my toes; it was a pleasant sensation.
5. The swashways ebbed and flowed; creating a beautiful dance of water and sand.

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