Swiftian example sentences

Related (4): satirical, ironic, sarcastic, biting

"Swiftian" Example Sentences

1. The satirical essay was truly Swiftian in its biting commentary.
2. She had a Swiftian wit that could turn any conversation toward mockery.
3. The political cartoon had a Swiftian touch, ridiculing the president's latest gaffe.
4. His writing style was reminiscent of Swift, with a Swiftian tendency to mock the arrogant elite.
5. The novel was aptly called Swiftian, as it explored the twisted logic of a dystopian society.
6. The scientist's proposal had a Swiftian twist, suggesting the poor sell their organs to the rich for money.
7. The playwright's dark comedy had a Swiftian edge, mocking societal norms and conventions.
8. The poet's Swiftian satire was a scathing criticism of the government's failure to address climate change.
9. The children's book had a Swiftian flair, poking fun at adult authority figures with sly humor.
10. The film's plot had a Swiftian resonance, exploring the absurdity of class divisions and social hierarchies.
11. His Swiftian antipathy towards religion was evident in all his writing.
12. The artist's Swiftian work captured the grotesque nature of humanity's flaws.
13. The comedian's Swiftian humor was acerbic and hilarious, with a biting wit reminiscent of Swift himself.
14. The musical had a Swiftian influence, allowing the characters to mock social norms and conventions through song.
15. The writer's Swiftian imagination was brought to life in a fantastical tale of rebellion.
16. The academic article had a Swiftian approach to criticizing the government's response to the pandemic.
17. The play had a Swiftian theme, exploring the absurdity of wealth and power in an unstable society.
18. The satirical magazine had a Swiftian flair, pointing out the hypocrisy of political figures with biting wit.
19. The novel's Swiftian satire of love and marriage was both entertaining and thought-provoking.
20. The children's cartoon had a Swiftian twist, teaching valuable life lessons through humor and parody.
21. The screenplay had a Swiftian touch, exploring the absurdity of fame and celebrity in a modern world.
22. The comedian's Swiftian jabs at the current president drew both applause and criticism.
23. The artist's Swiftian depiction of war and violence was both beautiful and terrifying.
24. The novel had a Swiftian edge, criticizing the government's handling of a looming crisis with irony and sarcasm.
25. The show's Swiftian approach to parodying reality TV made for hilarious viewing.
26. The author's Swiftian critique of capitalism was a sobering reminder of its downfalls.
27. The drama had a Swiftian undercurrent, examining the nature of human depravity and selfishness in the face of tragedy.
28. The film was a blend of Swiftian satire and dark humor, exploring the absurdity of life in a modern society.
29. The poet's Swiftian influence was clear in her witty and biting commentary on the struggles of the human condition.
30. The literary magazine featured several Swiftian pieces, all of which tackled sensitive issues with biting humor and irony.

Common Phases

1. The proposal was met with a swiftian response from the opposition party; they deemed it completely impractical and unrealistic.
2. In a swiftian turn of events, the unexpected candidate emerged victorious in the election.
3. The company's decision to cut corners resulted in a swiftian decline in their reputation and sales.
4. The internet quickly became a swiftian tool for spreading fake news and propaganda.
5. The athlete's career came to a swiftian end after he tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs.

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