Syllables example sentences

Related (10): pronunciation, stress, vowels, consonants, rhythm, phonetics, diphthongs, intonation, articulation, accent

"Syllables" Example Sentences

1. The word had three syllables.
2. She had trouble pronouncing multisyllable words.
3. The poem's rhyme scheme followed the syllables.
4. The teacher had the students clap out the syllables in each word.
5. The chant divided into four-syllable lines.
6. I counted the syllables on my fingers.
7. The long word had more than seven syllables.
8. There were two unstressed syllables between each accent.
9. Some languages separate each syllable into a separate word.
10. The monosyllabic responses conveyed very little meaning.
11. The poet chose words with an even number of syllables for each line.
12. The tongue twister contained many polysyllabic words.
13. The musician emphasized the first syllable of each phrase.
14. The coach broke the play calls into syllables for clarity.
15. I broke the difficult word into syllables to spell it out.
16. The haiku's precise syllable count creates its structure.
17. Japanese poetry highly values precise syllable counts.
18. German words can often be very long with many syllables.
19. The ending of each line had to match in syllables.
20. The poem used anapestic feet with two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable.
21. The poet violated the established syllable count for dramatic effect.
22. The students reviewed syllabication rules to help divide longer words.
23. The rhyme scheme followed an AABA pattern with lines of differing syllable lengths.
24. I needed a monosyllabic word to fill the gap in the sentence.
25. The musician stressed alternating syllables for an offbeat effect.
26. Tongue twisters help practice enunciating similar sounding syllables.
27. The passage included some polysyllabic technical terms.
28. The dictionary listed the syllable count and pronunciation of each entry.
29. I mispronounced the word by dividing it between the wrong syllables.
30. The speaker emphasized key words by stressing specific syllables.
31. The author aimed for an even distribution of syllables between lines.
32. The poet carefully arranged polysyllabic words in each line.
33. The first and third lines had to contain the same number of syllables.
34. Reading poetry aloud helps bring out the rhythm of stressed and unstressed syllables.
35. The rhythm of the chant derived from the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
36. Syllable counts helped determine the foot and meter of the poem.
37. Counting syllables aloud can help children learn to read multisyllabic words.
38. Certain languages are more rhythmic and syllable-timed than stress-timed.
39. I segmented the long word into syllables by recognizing prefixes, suffixes and roots.
40. Word play often depends on creatively manipulating syllables.
41. Syllabication rules helped me determine the correct word division between syllables.
42. Primary and secondary stress marked the stressed syllables in each phrase.
43. The meter alternated between lines with eight and five syllables.
44. Traditional haiku follows a 5-7-5 syllable structure.
45. I used a syllable counter app to determine the word's syllable count.
46. The syllable count helps determine the line length and rhythm in verse.
47. The poem had an inconsistent and irregular syllable count between lines.
48. She taught syllabication to help struggling readers break down longer words.
49. The speaker chose to emphasize certain syllables for rhetorical effect.
50. Rappers often create lyrics that manipulate syllable stress and count.
51. The poet experimented with varying syllable counts to achieve different effects.
52. The children enjoyed clapping out the syllables in funny sounding words.
53. Vowel sounds typically mark the end of syllables in English words.
54. The poet increased the syllable count to heighten the intensity.
55. Unsyllabified compounds were treated as single syllables.
56. Children should be taught to count syllables to improve reading fluency.
57. Certain poetic forms require consistent syllable counts in each line.
58. The poet stretches and condenses syllables for emotional and musical effect.
59. Syllables are a basic unit of poetic meter and rhythm.
60. Syllable stress patterns help determine parts of speech in ambiguous words.

Common Phases

1. Count syllables - To determine the number of syllables in a word by dividing it into pronounceable units.
2. Multisyllabic word - A word that has two or more syllables.
3. Monosyllabic word - A word consisting of one syllable.
4. Polysyllabic word - A word composed of many syllables.
5. Stressed syllable - The syllable in a word that is pronounced more strongly.
6. Unstressed syllable - A syllable that is not pronounced with as much force.
7. Clap syllables - To separate and pronounce the syllables in a word by patting hands on thighs.
8. Dividing between syllables - Separating a word at the correct boundary between syllables.
9. Pattern of syllables - The arrangement and number of syllables in a line of verse.
10. Syllable count - The total number of syllables in a word, line of poetry, or poetic form.

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