Synopsis example sentences

Related (8): summary, abstract, overview, brief, outline, condensation, recapitulation, digest.

"Synopsis" Example Sentences

1. The synopsis provided an overview of the plot.
2. The synopsis summarized the main events of the book.
3. The synopsis outlined the basic storyline.
4. The reader-submitted synopsis convinced me to buy the book.
5. The lengthy synopsis gave away many plot twists.
6. I read the two-paragraph synopsis to get a sense of the story.
7. The publisher included a synopsis on the back flap of the dust jacket.
8. The movie studio released a synopsis along with the trailer.
9. I decided to read the book based on the engaging synopsis.
10. The synopsis persuaded me to watch the film.
11. The synopsis captured my interest and imagination.
12. The synopsis presented only the bare bones of the intricate plot.
13. I need a synopsis to decide if the novel is worth reading.
14. The author provided a synopsis of upcoming chapters.
15. The synopsis failed to do justice to the complexity of the plot.
16. The detailed synopsis spoiled the major twists and turns.
17. The synopsis prepared me for the many plot twists.
18. The synopsis wet my appetite for the epic adventure.
19. The brief synopsis left many questions unanswered.
20. I preferred the short synopsis to the lengthy plot summary.
21. The synopsis hinted at the far-reaching consequences of the protagonist's actions.
22. The synopsis piqued my interest in reading the entire manuscript.
23. Her synopsis of the report captured the major findings.
24. The synopsis hinted at a dark and tragic conclusion.
25. The synopsis outlined key events over several centuries.
26. The publisher waited to release the synopsis until later in the marketing campaign.
27. Short synopses accompanied each episode of the television series.
28. He wrote a compelling synopsis for the upcoming reality show.
29. The synopsis sold me on the appeal of the epic romance.
30. The synopsis failed to hint at the story's surprising twists.
31. Audiences relied on the synopsis to decide whether to watch the film.
32. A shorter synopsis accompanied each chapter.
33. I save synopses of interesting movies to refer to later.
34. The film studio kept the synopsis vague to avoid spoilers.
35. The synopsis piqued my interest in the unconventional heroine.
36. The synopsis whetted my appetite for more.
37. The book's synopsis hinted at a complex and multilayered story.
38. The synopsis did little to detract from my enjoyment of the story.
39. I needed a synopsis to gain context for the article.
40. Her synopsis of the business plan was thorough and concise.
41. The synopsis promised an epic saga spanning many generations.
42. The synopsis introduced the unusual setting and characters.
43. The synopsis will help me decide whether to read the full script.
44. The synopsis highlighted events from each decade covered.
45. The synopsis teased fascinating mysteries yet to be revealed.
46. The synopsis gave me a good overview of the complex research.
47. The synopsis revealed little about the protagonists' inner journeys.
48. Her synopsis prepared me for the difficult ethical issues raised.
49. The synopsis described an intellectually stimulating story with depth and nuance.
50. The synopsis promised an unconventional romantic storyline.
51. I referred to the synopsis numerous times while reading the novel.
52. The synopsis captured my attention but did not satisfy my curiosity.
53. The synopsis failed to convey the dramatic character arcs.
54. The synopsis intrigued me though it revealed little of the plot.
55. His synopsis of the CEO's speech highlighted the key points.
56. The synopsis hinted at the story's unusual mix of humor and tragedy.
57. The synopsis promised an epic story with adventure, magic and romance.
58. Her synopsis of the critical issues was thorough and thought-provoking.
59. The synopsis hinted at fascinating themes yet to be explored.
60. The synopsis aroused my curiosity while revealing little of the mystery at the heart of the story.

Common Phases

1. In a nutshell, the synopsis...
2. The synopsis provides an outline of...
3. In brief, the synopsis summarizes...
4. To sum up, the synopsis conveys...
5. Essentially, the synopsis describes...
6. Generally speaking, the synopsis entails...
7. Broadly speaking, the synopsis portrays...
8. In summary, the synopsis encapsulates...
9. The synopsis captures the essence of...
10. The synopsis touches upon the main ideas of...

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