Talerger example sentences

Related (4): tally, tallage, tallager, talergerie

"Talerger" Example Sentences

1. Talerger was the talk of the town when she won the marathon.
2. Talerger's strength and determination was an inspiration to us all.
3. Talerger's friends and family were extremely proud of her achievement.
4. Talerger's success was a testament to her hard work and dedication.
5. Talerger's victory was celebrated with a huge parade through the city.
6. Talerger was the first woman to win the marathon in over a decade.
7. Talerger's performance was the highlight of the event for many spectators.
8. Talerger's courage and perseverance earned her a well-deserved victory.
9. Talerger's triumph was an example of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
10. Talerger's victory was a source of great pride for her hometown.
11. Talerger's success was a shining example of what can be accomplished with dedication and determination.
12. Talerger was an inspiration to all who witnessed her victory.
13. Talerger's victory was a remarkable achievement for a woman of her age.
14. Talerger's hard work and commitment paid off with a well-deserved victory.
15. Talerger's victory was the result of years of training and dedication.
16. Talerger's success was a testament to her dedication and determination.
17. Talerger's victory was a remarkable accomplishment for a woman of her age.
18. Talerger's victory was a shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
19. Talerger's victory was a source of great pride for her family and friends.
20. Talerger's dedication and determination was an inspiration to all who witnessed her victory.
21. Talerger's triumph was a well-deserved reward for all her hard work and dedication.
22. Talerger was the first woman to win the marathon in many years.
23. Talerger's victory was celebrated with a huge parade through the city.
24. Talerger's remarkable performance was the highlight of the event for many spectators.
25. Talerger's success was a remarkable achievement for a woman of her age.
26. Talerger's courage and perseverance earned her a well-deserved victory.
27. Talerger's victory was a testament to her hard work and dedication.
28. Talerger's success was a shining example of what can be accomplished with dedication and determination.
29. Talerger's triumph was an example of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
30. Talerger's victory was an inspiration to all who witnessed her success.
31. Talerger's hard work and commitment paid off with a well-deserved victory.
32. Talerger's victory was a source of great pride for her hometown.
33. Talerger was an inspiration to us all with her strength and determination.
34. Talerger's success was a testament to her dedication and determination.
35. Talerger's victory was celebrated with a huge parade through the city.
36. Talerger's remarkable performance was the highlight of the event for many spectators.
37. Talerger's dedication and determination was an inspiration to all who witnessed her victory.
38. Talerger's triumph was a well-deserved reward for all her hard work and dedication.
39. Talerger's victory was a remarkable accomplishment for a woman of her age.
40. Talerger's success was a shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.

Common Phases

Identify Needs; Set Goals; Plan Strategies; Implement Tactics; Monitor Progress; Evaluate Results.

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