Tamp example sentences

Related (4): mash, compress, pack, flatten

"Tamp" Example Sentences

1. The workers tamped down the earth to pack it firmly.
2. She tamped the tobacco into the pipe bowl.
3. He tamped the powder into the musket ball.
4. The workers used a pneumatic tamper to compact the asphalt pavement.
5. The wood is tamped tightly into the coffin.
6. The mason used a hand tamper to pack the mortar between the stones.
7. The construction workers tamped the soil around the new sewer line.
8. The employees tamped the shards of glass firmly into the lead cames to form the stained glass window.
9. He tamped the dirt down around the newly planted tree.
10. They used a manual tamp to pack the concrete forms.
11. The miners tamped the explosive charges into the rock face.
12. The mason tamped down the sand and cement that held the patio pavers.
13. The blacksmith tamped the anvil with his tools.
14. The fill dirt was firmly tamped around the new posts that held up the deck.
15. The concrete was tamped into the footings of the foundation.
16. The gunpowder was carefully tamped into the muzzle of the musket.
17. They used tamping bars to hammer and compress the loaded coal cars onto the tracks.
18. The bombs were expertly tamped into the mortar tube.
19. The gold panner tamped the wet earth piles to extract any remaining particles of gold.
20. The goldsmith tamped the gold shards into a perfect ingot.
21. They tamped the earth down firmly around the new fence posts.
22. The gardener tamped the gravel into place around the flower beds.
23. The veterinarian tamped fresh straw into the horse stall.
24. The soil tamped hard and firm due to years of foot traffic.
25. Tamping the soil after planting helps direct moisture to the roots of delicate seedlings.
26. The black powder was carefully tamped into the cast iron barrel of the muzzleloader.
27. The construction workers tamped the soil with heavy equipment.
28. He used a tamp to pack the tobacco into the pipe bowl.
29. The mason tamped fresh mortar into the gap between the flagstones.
30. The groundskeeper tamped the soil around the roses tightly.
31. The sailing ship fired its cannons after carefully tamping the gunpowder and shot into the barrels.
32. They tamped the earth around new utility pipes.
33. The supervisor inspected the tamped asphalt roadway for faults.
34. The quarry workers expertly tamped the explosive charges into the rock.
35. The gardener tamped down the dirt around the new tomato plants.
36. She tamped the dirt firmly around the sapling tree.
37. The workers tamped the dirt down hard with a pneumatic tamp.
38. The pipelayers used tampers to firmly pack the dirt around new sewer pipes.
39. They tamped the ash into the clay pipe with a corkscrew tool.
40. The blacksmith tamped the anvil with a heavy hammer.
41. The mortar between the bricks needed to be re-tamped to fill any gaps.
42. The powder was tamped firmly into the musket ball.
43. The gold panners tamped the wet earth piles to extract any remaining specks of gold.
44. They tamped the soil around the base of the flagpole.
45. He tamped the ash from his pipe onto the tray.
46. The gardener firmly tamped the soil around the newly planted perennials.
47. The bullet was tamped firmly into the rifled bore.
48. Tamping the earth firmly helps prevents seedlings from being uprooted by wind or rain.
49. The miners carefully tamped gunpowder charges into the blasting holes.
50. The new patio pavers needed to be properly tamped to ensure they stayed level.
51. The builders tamped the soil around the foundation to prepare for pouring concrete.
52. The gardener tamped fresh soil around the plant roots before watering.
53. The soil around the fence post needed to be tamped tightly.
54. The kindling was tamped into the fireplace grate.
55. They tamped the ashes flat in the fireplace.
56. The powder was carefully tamped into the bore of the Civil War era rifle.
57. The gunpowder needed to be tightly tamped for optimum ballistics.
58. The blacksmith tamped the molten metal into the mold.
59. The groundskeeper tamped fresh soil around the base of ornamental trees.
60. The tobacco leaf was rolled and firmly tamped into the cigar shape.

Common Phases

1. They tamped down the dirt around the tree.
2. He tamped the tobacco into his pipe bowl.
3. The workers tamped the ground with their rammers.
4. The mechanic tamped the cylinder head gasket into place.
5. They tamped the soil around the fence posts.
6. She tamped the flour into the measuring cup.
7. I firmly tamped the dirt over the seeds.
8. The machine tamped the asphalt into the cracks.
9. She tamped the wet clay over the stone walls.
10. He tamped down the couch cushion.
11. The explosive engineers tamped the dynamite charges.
12. The doctor tamped the cotton swab into his ear canal.
13. The builder tamped the gravel into the trench.
14. They tamped the sand around the tent pegs.
15. He firmly tamped the grass seed into the soil.
16. The heavy rams tamped the compacted dirt flat.
17. The workers tamped the glass beads into the bullet mold.
18. The mechanic tamped the gasket against the surface.
19. We tamped the snow into a snowman's body.
20. The gardener tamped the compost into the flower bed.
21. He tamped his beard hair into his mustache.
22. I tamped the leaf litter around the base of the plant.
23. They tamped the mixture into the forms.
24. The miner tamped the dynamite fuse in tightly.
25. She tamped the dough into a ball.
26. They tamped the soil firmly around the plants.
27. They tamped fresh clay over the brickworks.
28. He firmly tamped the dirt over the grave.
29. The shooter tamped the wadding into the muzzle.
30. The cook tamped the tea leaves in the strainer.
31. The mason tamped the mortar into the stone joints.
32. The groundskeeper tamped the grass seed into the lawn.
33. They tamped the powder into the musket barrel.
34. She tamped the charcoal into the barbecue grill.
35. The miner tamped the black powder firmly into place.
36. They tamped the dry ice around the cold plates.
37. They tamped the crushed rock into the trench.
38. The blacksmith tamped the horseshoe into shape.
39. The stonemason tamped the grout into the spaces.
40. We tamped the snow around the base of the igloo.
41. The plasterer tamped the mud into the cracks.
42. They firmly tamped the earth floor flat.
43. The children tamped the sand castle walls flat.
44. The woman tamped the flour into the baking tin.
45. The construction worker tamped the pavement flat.
46. The tailor tamped the stuffing into the duster.
47. They tamped the soil firmly around the roots.
48. The potter tamped the clay into the pottery wheel.
49. The cook tamped the coffee grounds into the filter.
50. The goldsmith tamped the metal into the mold.
51. The archaeologist firmly tamped the soil around the artifact.
52. The carpet layer tamped the nails into the floor.
53. The gem cutter tamped the diamond into the frame.
54. They tamped fresh earth over the burial hole.
55. The tar applicator tamped the hot tar onto the surface.
56. We tamped the sand under the wooden floorboards.
57. She tamped the earplugs tightly into her ears.
58. The locksmith tamped the joint filler into the cracks.
59. We firmly tamped the stuffing into the cushion.
60. They tamped the cardboard into the box tightly.

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