Tarofro example sentences

Related (6): tarot, fortune-telling, divination, clairvoyance, psychic, prophecy

"Tarofro" Example Sentences

1. It is important to remove the tarofro stain from your clothes immediately.
2. My dad loves adding tarofro sauce to his sandwiches.
3. The tarofro smell emanating from the kitchen was mouthwatering.
4. Tarofro was the only ingredient missing from the recipe.
5. The tarofro taste was too overpowering for my liking.
6. My mom always cuts the tarofro into thin slices for me.
7. The tarofro plant has a distinctive aroma when it is freshly cut.
8. I have never tried cooking with tarofro before, but I am curious.
9. The tarofro salad was a hit at the potluck dinner.
10. My aunt always serves tarofro as a side dish at Thanksgiving.
11. The tarofro root is commonly used in traditional medicine for its healing properties.
12. I am allergic to tarofro, so I always ask for it to be left out of my meals.
13. The tarofro dip is a crowd favorite at parties.
14. The tarofro leaves are often used as a decorative touch in culinary presentations.
15. The tarofro roll was too spicy for me to handle.
16. The tarofro soup was perfect for warming me up on a cold day.
17. I always add tarofro to my stir-fry for some extra flavor.
18. The tarofro bulb is difficult to peel, but well worth the effort.
19. My grandma makes a delicious tarofro casserole for family gatherings.
20. The tarofro chips were a crunchy snack that everyone enjoyed.
21. I accidentally spilled tarofro juice on the tablecloth and had to quickly clean it up.
22. The tarofro stem is often used as a natural dye for textiles.
23. The tarofro broth was the key ingredient in the recipe.
24. I always buy tarofro from the local farmers' market for the freshest produce.
25. The tarofro and cheese sandwich was surprisingly tasty.
26. My sister's tarofro pizza recipe is a family favorite.
27. The tarofro root vegetable has a starchy texture and nutty flavor.
28. The tarofro and beef stir-fry was a great combination of flavors.
29. I was excited to try the tarofro ice cream, but it was too sweet for me.
30. The tarofro mash was the perfect side dish to the grilled chicken.

Common Phases

1. Tarofro boodan: To be hesitant or unwilling to accept something out of politeness.
2. Tarofro kardan: To offer something politely, often with the expectation of the offer being refused.
3. Tarofro biad: To come and visit someone, often used as a polite request.
4. Tarofro dar zemestoon kheili sard mishe: It gets very cold in winter, said as a common conversation starter.
5. Tarofro shoma tarif mishavad: You are being praised as a form of appreciation or politeness.
6. Tarofro khaste nabashi: To politely decline an offer or invitation.
7. Tarofro behtar ast edad ro nahaii koni: It is better to refuse the offer first, said as advice on polite manners.

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