Teary example sentences

Related (10): cry, weep, sob, emotional, upset, misty-eyed, lachrymose, saddened, touched, tearful

"Teary" Example Sentences

1. She had teary eyes as she said goodbye.
2. The sweet reunion left us all with teary eyes.
3. His teary goodbye made me emotional too.
4. Her teary expression broke my heart.
5. His teary story moved me to tears.
6. The teary children hugged their mother tightly.
7. His voice was raspy and teary as he spoke.
8. Her teary face betrayed her true feelings.
9. With teary smiles, they embraced one last time.
10. The teary-eyed crowd gave him a standing ovation.
11. The teary-eyed mother held her newborn child.
12. I gave her a hug as her teary eyes met mine.
13. I couldn't help but get a little teary myself.
14. The teary look in his eyes struck a chord in me.
15. Her teary gaze caught my attention.
16. His teary face broke my composure.
17. With teary eyes, he said his final goodbyes.
18. She saw me teary and came over to comfort me.
19. I tried to choke back my own teary cough.
20. The teary reunion made my heart melt.
21. The sad movie left all the viewers with teary eyes.
22. With a teary voice, I wished him farewell.
23. The teary apology seemed heartfelt and genuine.
24. His teary eyes threatened to spill over with tears.
25. Her teary smile touched a soft spot within me.
26. I stared at her teary eyes, not knowing what to say.
27. Her teary gaze fell upon the crowd.
28. The teary breakdown came so suddenly.
29. The teary picture touched my soul.
30. The teary farewell made me question my own choices.
31. The teary surprise warmed my heart.
32. His teary mood seemed out of character.
33. Her teary face still haunts my memories.
34. The teary goodbyes were heartbreaking to watch.
35. The teary farewell left a lingering sadness.
36. With teary eyes, he hugged me one last time.
37. His teary voice betrayed his vulnerable emotions.
38. The teary reunion made my heart soar.
39. The touching poem brought teary eyes to the audience.
40. The teary plead for forgiveness seemed genuine.
41. With teary smiles, they reminisced about the past.
42. Her eyes were so teary I couldn't help but comfort her.
43. The teary reactions around me were contagious.
44. His teary eyes made me want to wrap him in a hug.
45. The teary apology brightened my day.
46. She stared at me with teary eyes, searching for words.
47. With a teary laugh, he accepted the gift.
48. The teary display of affection warmed my heart.
49. I gave him a tissue for his teary eyes.
50. The teary tale evoked raw emotion in me.

Common Phases

1. She had teary eyes as she said goodbye.
2. The kid walked away with teary cheeks.
3. His voice was teary as he told the sad story.
4. I saw her wipe her teary face with a tissue.
5. The teary eyed widow walked up to the casket.
6. I noticed a teary smile on her face.
7. His grandmother gave him a teary hug.
8. The teary farewell scene made me weep.
9. The movie had me with teary eyes.
10. The soldiers embraced with teary hugs.
11. Her teary blue eyes gazed into mine.
12. I hugged my friend with a teary embrace.
13. His teary face made me want to comfort him.
14. The teary kids waved at their parents.
15. She walked away with teary laughter.
16. As he spoke, his voice became increasingly teary.
17. The little girl had teary eyes after scraping her knee.
18. She gave her departing lover a teary kiss on the cheek.
19. The toddler had teary cheeks after a tantrum.
20. I could hear the teary desperation in his voice.
21. The aunt handed the birthday girl a gift with a teary smile.
22. We hugged with teary joy after not seeing each other for years.
23. The singer's teary rendition of the ballad brought me to tears.
24. His words were choked and teary as he proposed.
25. She stared with teary eyes at the beautiful sunset.
26. The soldier's teary hug with his family stirred heartstrings.
27. Her teary laughter rang out over the rooftops.
28. The teary singer cradled the microphone.
29. The teary apology seemed heartfelt and sincere.
30. We embraced with teary melancholy, reminiscing of old times.
31. The children hugged their father with teary squeals of delight.
32. The teary mother gazed lovingly at her newborn baby.
33. The words spilled out of her in a teary torrent.
34. Her teary cheeks shone in the soft light.
35. The old man had teary eyes as he looked at the photograph.
36. The teary mother ran to comfort her crying son.
37. His teary goodbyes pulled on our heartstrings.
38. The teary eyed veteran saluted the American flag.
39. The actor wiped away his teary makeup after filming the sad scene.
40. The teary eyed crowd watched the decorated veteran receive his honors.
41. The teary eyed soprano belted out the mournful aria.
42. Her teary smile spoke volumes more than words ever could.
43. He saw his lost lover walking towards him with teary eyes.
44. His voice wavered with teary emotion as he sang the melancholy tune.
45. The teary eyed couple embraced, relieved the ordeal was finally over.
46. The children hugged their returning father with teary joy.
47. The teary eyed grandfather hugged his granddaughter for the first time.
48. His teary words stumbled out in a rush of profound sentiment.
49. She walked back into his arms with teary eyes and a smile.
50. The teary eyed crowd applauded the victorious athletes.
51. The teary eyed parents hugged their college-bound child.
52. Her teary eyes betrayed the pain beneath her cheerful facade.
53. He spoke his heartfelt words with a teary sincerity.
54. The teary eyed crowd erupted into cheers as their hero emerged from the flames unharmed.
55. The teary eyed groom stood waiting at the altar for his bride.
56. The teary eyed cast took their final curtain call together.
57. The teary eyed children waved goodbye to their departing teacher.
58. His teary laughter betrayed the joy he felt inside.
59. The soldier embraced his family with teary relief.
60. The teary eyed grandmother opened her letter from her long lost grandchild.

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