Teewhit example sentences
white (adjective) · whiter (comparative adjective) · whitest (superlative adjective) · White (adjective)
- of the color of milk or fresh snow, due to the reflection of most wavelengths of visible light; the opposite of black:
- approaching the color white; very pale:
- (of a plant) having white flowers or pale-colored fruit.
- (of a tree) having light-colored bark.
- (of wine) made from white grapes, or dark grapes with the skins removed, and having a yellowish color.
- (of coffee or tea) served with milk or cream.
- (of bread) made from a light-colored, sifted, or bleached flour.
- (of glass) transparent; colorless.
- belonging to or denoting a human group having light-colored skin (chiefly used of peoples of European extraction):
- relating to white people:
- counterrevolutionary or reactionary. Contrasted with red
- white color or pigment:
- white clothes or material:
- white clothes, especially as worn for playing tennis, or as naval uniform, or in the context of washing:
- white wine:
- the player of the white pieces in chess or checkers.
- the white pieces in chess.
- a white thing, in particular the white ball (the cue ball) in billiards.
- white bread:
- the visible pale part of the eyeball around the iris.
- the outer part (white when cooked) which surrounds the yolk of an egg; the albumen.
- a member of a human group having light-colored skin, especially one of European extraction.
- a white or cream butterfly that has dark veins or spots on the wings. It can be a serious crop pest.
- paint or turn (something) white: