Terminator example sentences
Related (10): robot, assassin, cyborg, machine, killer, exterminator, destroyer, annihilator, soldier, avatar.
"Terminator" Example Sentences
1. The T-800 terminator arrived from the future to kill John Connor.
2. John watched as the relentless terminator robot pursued his mother through the burning factory.
3. Skynet created the terminator machines to wipe out the human resistance.
4. The terminator stood impassively as the explosions occurred all around him.
5. The technology to create perfectly mimicking human terminators does not actually exist.
6. The crops were almost terminator, meaning farmers would have to buy new seeds each year.
7. The terminator seeds threatened to destroy biodiversity and put farmers at the mercy of corporations.
8. The rose bush developed terminator seeds, unable to then reproduce on its own.
9. Activists protested against the spread of terminator technology in agriculture.
10. Roundup Ready crops and terminator seeds have ignited heated debates.
11. Critics say terminator technology will end up ruining small farmers.
12. Supporters argue that terminator crops could help increase food production.
13. The company hoped their terminator seed technology would lock farmers into purchasing seeds from them each year.
14. Activists label the development of terminator seeds as unethical corporate overreach.
15. The relentless terminator chased Sarah through the streets, shooting at her even as the police opened fire on it.
16. The merciless terminator showed no emotion, pursuing its task with cold, calculated efficiency.
17. The implacable terminator pursued John relentlessly, unable to be stopped or reasoned with.
18. The unstoppable terminator wreaked havoc throughout the city in its pursuit of John Connor.
19. The ruthless terminator destroyed everything in its path as it searched for its target.
20. The metal monster that was the terminator showed no remorse for the lives it ended.
21. The heirloom seeds had not yet been altered to be sterile like modern terminator seeds.
22. Scientists created synthetic biology terminators to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
23. The synthetic biology terminator genes only targeted the specific pathogen.
24. Public health officials hope synthetic biology terminators could help fight a pandemic.
25. Supporters argue synthetic biology terminators could save millions of lives in the future.
26. Critics worry synthetic biology terminators may lead to unwanted side effects.
27. The relentless terminator robot would not stop until John Connor and all of humanity were wiped out.
28. John knew he needed to somehow shut down or destroy the terminator in order to survive.
29. The death grip of the terminator seemed impossible to escape from.
30. The T-1000 terminator liquefied and reformed, adapting to every strategy Sarah and John employed.
31. The cyberdyne systems terminator robots were designed as perfect killing machines.
32. The cyberdyne systems terminators were relentless in their goal of ensuring humanity's extermination.
33. The terminator hunting down John seemed impossible to outwit with conventional weapons.
34. The cyberdyne systems terminators immersed themselves in human culture to blend in more effectively.
35. John had to come up with creative new ways to outsmart and eventually destroy the terminator.
36. The T-800 terminator felt no fear, pain or emotion as it relentlessly pursued its quarry.
37. No matter how many times John tried to lose or confuse the terminator, it tracked him down again easily.
38. John finally realized he had to somehow destroy the terminator's CPU in order to stop it.
39. With a creative trick, John was finally able to lure and trap the relentless terminator.
40. John resorted to burning the relentless terminator to finally destroy it.
41. The merciless terminator seeds would destroy the livelihood of small farmers.
42. The callous terminator robots showed no mercy in their extermination of human resistance fighters.
43. Any notion of reasoning with the terminator was quickly abandoned as a futile effort.
44. Government officials tried to downplay the threat posed by synthetic biology terminators.
45. Despite setbacks, the implacable terminator robot relentlessly pursued its target.
46. The ruthless terminator seeds would mean the end of seed independence for farmers.
47. The relentless terminator pursued Sarah and John all the way to Mexico.
48. Synthetic biology terminators hold both great promise and peril for the human race.
49. The merciless pursuit by the terminator seemed unending and inescapable.
50. The inhuman terminator robot showed no mercy in its hunt for John Connor.
51. The unrelenting terminator stalked Sarah and John, appearing to be always one step ahead.
52. Only by trapping and destroying the CPU could they finally stop the terminator.
53. Activists warned of the dangerous potential for misuse of synthetic biology terminator technology.
54. The progressive farmers resisted adopting terminator seeds on principle.
55. Synthetic biology terminators could help stop a global pandemic in its tracks.
56. The terminator seeds would make farmers dependent on a single corporation for their very survival.
57. Critics argued that synthetic biology terminators could easily spiral out of control.
58. John finally found a way to lure the cybernetic terminator into a metal press to crush it.
59. The synthetic biology terminators selectively targeted harmful pathogens while leaving beneficial bacteria intact.
60. The implacable terminator seemed unstoppable until the very end.
Common Phases
• like a terminator - describing someone or something that acts in a single-minded, relentless way similar to a fictional Terminator robot.
• relentless like a terminator - describing someone or something that pursues a goal relentlessly and without stopping similar to how a Terminator robot pursues its target.
• killer/merciless terminator - describing someone or something that is brutal, cruel and unfeeling like a fictional Terminator robot.
• implacable terminator - describing someone or something that is relentless, unstoppable and impossible to pacify like a Terminator robot.
• emotionless terminator - describing someone or something that appears to lack emotion similar to how fictional Terminator robots lack emotion.
• persistent/relentless as a terminator - describing someone or something that is tenacious, consistent and persistent in pursuing a goal.
• inhuman terminator - describing someone or something that seems merciless and cruel like a fictional Terminator robot.
• have a terminator mentality - to have a single-minded, relentless way of thinking and acting.
• chase/hunt like a terminator - to pursue someone or something in a focused, relentless manner.