Thermaesthesia example sentences

Related (1): thermoreception

"Thermaesthesia" Example Sentences

1. The patient reported feeling a burning thermaesthesia on their skin.
2. The type of thermaesthesia experienced can vary depending on the individual.
3. Researchers are studying the mechanisms behind thermaesthesia in order to develop new treatments.
4. Some people with thermaesthesia report feeling a sensation similar to a mild sunburn.
5. The intensity of thermaesthesia can be influenced by environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity.
6. Patients with thermaesthesia may experience difficulty sleeping due to discomfort.
7. Thermaesthesia can be a symptom of certain medical conditions, such as peripheral neuropathy.
8. The sensation of thermaesthesia may be reduced with the use of topical creams or medications.
9. Individuals with thermaesthesia may benefit from wearing loose, lightweight clothing.
10. Patients with severe thermaesthesia may require more aggressive treatments, such as nerve blocks.
11. Patients with thermaesthesia may experience hypersensitivity to touch and pressure.
12. The symptoms of thermaesthesia can be debilitating for some individuals.
13. Thermaesthesia is a relatively common symptom among patients with nerve damage.
14. Some patients with thermaesthesia may find relief through alternative therapies, such as acupuncture.
15. Thermaesthesia can be aggravated by stress and anxiety.
16. Patients with thermaesthesia may require specialized medical care from a neurologist.
17. The severity and duration of thermaesthesia can vary greatly depending on the cause.
18. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary in order to properly diagnose thermaesthesia.
19. Thermaesthesia is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as numbness and tingling.
20. Patients with thermaesthesia may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy to manage their symptoms.
21. Certain medications may worsen or alleviate thermaesthesia symptoms.
22. Thorough patient education is important in order to manage thermaesthesia symptoms effectively.
23. The sensation of thermaesthesia can be difficult to explain to others.
24. Thermaesthesia may be more pronounced in certain areas of the body, such as the extremities.
25. Patients with thermaesthesia may need to avoid certain activities or environments that worsen their symptoms.
26. Thermaesthesia can be a symptom of certain autoimmune disorders, such as lupus.
27. Patients with severe thermaesthesia may need to modify their daily routines in order to manage their symptoms effectively.
28. The sensation of thermaesthesia may be accompanied by a running or crawling sensation under the skin.
29. Patients with thermaesthesia may require ongoing medical treatment and monitoring in order to manage their symptoms.
30. Thermaesthesia can have a significant impact on a patient's quality of life and daily activities.

Common Phases

1. The thermaesthesia in my hand is strong after holding a hot cup of coffee;
2. I experienced a sudden surge of thermaesthesia when I touched the iron;
3. The chilly wind caused a feeling of thermaesthesia on my face;
4. He tried to reduce the thermaesthesia in his body by sweating out in the sauna;
5. The strange thermaesthesia in my leg made me realise that it was asleep;
6. I couldn't bear the thermaesthesia in my mouth after sipping on the scalding hot soup.

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