Thistly example sentences

Related (6): thorny, prickly, spiky, barbed, bristly, rough-haired

"Thistly" Example Sentences

1. The apple was thistly and had a sharp taste.
2. As he walked through the field, he brushed past some thistly plants.
3. I could feel the thistly texture of the wool sweater against my skin.
4. The thistly bushes around the garden kept the deer away.
5. The thistly vines grew rapidly up the trellis and onto the roof.
6. She picked some thistly flowers and put them in a vase.
7. The thistly needles on the cactus plants made it hard to reach in and water them.
8. The thistly burrs stuck to the dog's fur after he ran through the field.
9. The thistly weeds in the lawn made it difficult to mow.
10. The thistly aroma of the grilled steak filled the air.
11. He shaved off his thistly beard and felt much cooler in the summer heat.
12. The thistly nettles stung his bare ankles as he walked through the woods.
13. I could hear the thistly sound of the record scratching on the turntable.
14. The thistly fog obscured the mountain peak from view.
15. As he chewed the thistly jerky, he noticed a sharp pain in his tooth.
16. The thistly raspberries were the perfect addition to her homemade jam.
17. She brushed thistly hair out of her face and sighed.
18. The thistly soil in that area is not very conducive to farming.
19. I avoided the thistly path and took a different route through the woods.
20. The thistly feeling in my throat told me I was coming down with a cold.
21. The thistly leaves rustled in the wind, making a soft whispering noise.
22. The thistly thorns on the rose bush gave her a small cut when she tried to pick a flower.
23. The thistly bristles on the toothbrush were starting to wear down.
24. He could feel the thistly sensation of the hot sand under his feet.
25. The thistly taste of the broccoli made him wrinkle his nose in distaste.
26. The thistly sweat on his forehead made him wipe it away with the sleeve of his shirt.
27. The thistly sensation of the ice-cold water on his skin was refreshing.
28. She could feel the thistly prick of the acupuncture needle in her arm.
29. The thistly fabric of the couch made it uncomfortable to sit on for long periods of time.
30. The thistly silence in the room was broken only by the ticking of the clock.

Common Phases

1. The thistly fields stretched out as far as the eye could see;
2. I couldn't walk through the thistly patch without getting stuck;
3. The cows were grazing on the thistly hillside;
4. The farmer had to clear the thistly weeds from his garden;
5. The thistly branches scratched at my arms as I passed by;
6. The thistly bushes provided a good hiding place for birds;
7. The thistly flowers were a beautiful shade of purple;
8. The thistly aroma in the air made me sneeze;
9. The thistly texture of the plant made it hard to touch;
10. The thistly leaves were a reminder of how harsh nature can be.

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