Thornbushes example sentences

Related (10): prickly, thorny, brambles, thistles, nettles, cacti, spiny, briars, jagged, barbed.

"Thornbushes" Example Sentences

1. The thornbushes grew rapidly in the garden.
2. The children played among the thornbushes without getting hurt.
3. The thornbushes bloomed with beautiful flowers.
4. The thornbushes provided shelter for small animals.
5. The hikers were careful not to get caught on the thornbushes.
6. The farmer cleared the thornbushes from his fields.
7. The thornbushes scratched the paint on the car as it drove by.
8. The thornbushes rustled in the wind.
9. The thornbushes were thick and impenetrable.
10. The thornbushes were trimmed to prevent them from becoming overgrown.
11. The thornbushes provided a natural barrier for the property.
12. The thornbushes were used to create a hedge around the garden.
13. The thornbushes were covered in blackberries.
14. The thornbushes were so dense that it was hard to walk through them.
15. The thornbushes kept unwanted animals out of the garden.
16. The thornbushes were prickly and sharp.
17. The thornbushes were a popular spot for nesting birds.
18. The thornbushes were a reminder of the untamed wilderness.
19. The thornbushes were a natural deterrent for burglars.
20. The thornbushes had grown so tall they blocked the view of the mountains.
21. The thornbushes were carefully pruned to prevent damage to the adjacent property.
22. The thornbushes were native to the region and provided important habitat for wildlife.
23. The thornbushes scratched the explorer's arms and legs as she tried to push her way through the forest.
24. The thornbushes were a nuisance to the neighbors, who complained about the sharp branches and thorns that regularly spilled onto their property.
25. The thornbushes were a favorite spot for romantic encounters, as they provided privacy and seclusion from prying eyes.
26. The thornbushes were a source of annoyance for the lawn care crew, who had to carefully mow around them each time they tended to the property.
27. The thornbushes were a testament to the resilience of nature, as they continued to thrive in even the harshest conditions.
28. The thornbushes were a crucial component of the local ecology, providing food, shelter, and nesting sites for a wide range of birds, mammals, and insects.
29. The thornbushes had grown so thickly that they created a natural barrier that was nearly impossible to penetrate.
30. The thornbushes were a familiar sight along country roads, where they often lined the edges of fields and pastures.

Common Phases

1. The path was overgrown with thornbushes; we had to be careful not to get scratched.
2. The thornbushes seemed to reach out and grab us; we were relieved when we finally reached the other side.
3. The thornbushes were so thick that we had to crawl through them; it was exhausting.
4. We could hear something rustling in the thornbushes; we were on high alert.
5. The thornbushes were like a barrier between us and the rest of the world; we were completely isolated.
6. Despite the thornbushes, we pressed on; we were determined to reach our destination.
7. The thornbushes had grown so tall that we couldn't see beyond them; we felt trapped.
8. As we walked through the thornbushes, we got caught on the thorns; we were covered in scratches by the time we emerged.
9. The thornbushes were a reminder that nature can be both beautiful and dangerous; we respected their power.
10. We used the thornbushes as a landmark; we knew that we were nearing our campsite when we saw them.

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