Thrawn example sentences

Related (10): stubborn, determined, obstinate, unyielding, persistent, tenacious, wilful, inflexible, headstrong, resolute.

"Thrawn" Example Sentences

1. The thrawn child kicked and screamed all day.
2. The thrawn bull charged at anyone who came near.
3. The old willow tree stood thrawn and twisted against the wind.
4. The thrawn branches scratched at the windows of the old house.
5. The thrawn branches reached out like claws from the darkness.
6. The thrawn criminal resisted arrest and had to be subdued by force.
7. The thrawn vines choked out the smaller plants in the garden.
8. Her thrawn spirit refused to bend to the will of others.
9. He was a thrawn old man who would not show kindness to strangers.
10. The farmer had a hard time plowing around the thrawn old oak tree.
11. Her thrawn nature prevented her from admitting any fault.
12. The thrawn roots were hard to remove from the flower bed.
13. The thrawn dog could not be calmed even with treats and kindness.
14. The thrawn youth would not obey any rules set by his parents.
15. The weather-beaten trees stood bleak and thrawn against the stormy sky.
16. The thickets and briars were full of thrawn branches that snagged the hiker's clothing.
17. Her thrawn disposition only worsened with age.
18. The old thrawn tree refused to succumb to the winter's frosts.
19. The thrawn hedge grew thick and wild along the property line.
20. The thrawn branches intertwined making it impossible to walk through the woods.
21. His thrawn mannerisms made people wary of him.
22. No amount of effort could tame the thrawn old brambles.
23. The thrawn vines strangled the life out of the delicate morning glories.
24. The thrawn roots grew in every direction, making them difficult to remove intact.
25. The thrawn shrubs surrounded the abandoned cottage on all sides.
26. No one approached the thrawn old woman for fear of her bitter tongue.
27. The icy thrawn wind cut through my coat like a knife.
28. The thrawn sapling's hard branches resisted bending.
29. The thrawn bush spilled over into the path, its thorns catching at ankles and legs.
30. Her thrawn face twisted into a scowl whenever he entered the room.
31. The thrawn woods seemed full of strange sounds and shadows that night.
32. His thrawn stare scared away even the most persistent debt collectors.
33. The old thrawn oak stood alone in the middle of the open field.
34. The thrawn brambles filled the empty lot, forming an impenetrable thicket.
35. The thrawn invasive species crowded out all the native plants.
36. His thrawn ways only served to isolate him further.
37. She met his thrawn glare with an icy stare of her own.
38. As a youngster, his thrawn behavior troubled his parents.
39. The thrawn tendril crept further along the wall with every passing day.
40. The wrinkles on her thrawn face only deepened with age.
41. The old thrawn man lived a hermit's life on the edge of town.
42. His thrawn anger would flare up at the slightest provocation.
43. The thrawn feeling refused to relinquish its hold on her heart.
44. With age came a certain bitter thrawn cynicism.
45. The thrawn weeds struggled to grow up through the cracks in the sidewalk.
46. The old thrawn barn leaned dangerously to one side.
47. The gnarled thrawn branch reached out like an accusing finger.
48. The thrawn vines choked out all the other plants in the garden bed.
49. The thrawn woman refused to apologize, even when she knew she was in the wrong.
50. His thrawn suspicions only served to drive her further away.

Common Phases

1. His thrawn nature made him impossible to get along with.
2. The thrawn child defied his mother at every turn.
3. Despite his thrawn personality, deep down he had a good heart.
4. Her thrawn ways were infuriating and pushed people away.
5. He was known for his thrawn temper and hotheadedness.
6. His thrawn stubbornness caused many arguments.
7. The child's thrawn refusal to obey annoyed the teacher.
8. She had a thrawn streak that caused much conflict.
9. The school was struggling with the thrawn behavior of some of the students.
10. Her thrawn behavior throughout childhood caused problems for her parents.
11. The thrawn student showed no signs of following the class rules.
12. His thrawn attitude made him difficult to manage as an employee.
13. The thrawn youth followed his own misguided path.
14. The small village had a thrawn streak that made outsiders unwelcome.
15. The teacher struggled to manage her most thrawn students.
16. Despite her thrawn ways, there was an element of vulnerability underneath.
17. His thrawn defiance continued throughout his teenage years.
18. The thrawn side of his personality often caused conflict with his parents.
19. The thrawn colt kicked at the farmer trying to halter him.
20. His thrawn refusal to listen almost cost him everything.
21. The thrawn horse remained wild despite the trainer's efforts.
22. The thrawn villagers resisted the mayor's reforms.
23. His thrawn behavior only isolated him further.
24. The thrawn group of boys refused the teacher's instructions.
25. Her thrawn independence repelled potential suitors.
26. The thrawn donkey remained stubbornly in the road.
27. Despite his thrawn ways, deep down he longed for connection.
28. The farmer had to restrain the thrawn bull violently.
29. The thrawn mare needed constant supervision.
30. The thrawn leader rejected all compromise.
31. His thrawn stubbornness prevented him from seeing reason.
32. The branch proved thrawn and hard to bend.
33. The vines were thrawn and resistant to being moved.
34. Their thrawn attitude made them difficult to deal with.
35. Her thrawn independence became a source of strength.
36. His thrawn moods caused trouble for his family.
37. The thrawn girl resisted having her hair combed.
38. The thrawn flower boasted many thorns to protect itself.
39. The law officers struggled to control the thrawn mob.
40. His character proved too thrawn to be shaped by his parents.
41. Their thrawn rejection of tradition worried the elders.
42. The thrawn roots resisted efforts to be dug up.
43. Her thrawn streak could turn charming at times.
44. The thrawn weeds were almost impossible to uproot.
45. The yew's thrawn nature made it resistant to decay.
46. They struggled against the thrawn undercurrents of the river.
47. His thrawn behavior was aimed at gaining attention.
48. The thrawn roots of the tree cracked the paving stones.
49. Her thrawn spirit could not be chained for long.
50. The thrawn gale lashed the treetops.
51. Their thrawn intransigence meant negotiations failed.
52. His spiny, thrawn hedge was meant to keep people out.
53. Taming a thrawn heart is no easy task.
54. The thrawn current swirled around their ankles.
55. The thrawn tree branches caught at her hair.
56. His thrawn refusal left them no option but to walk away.
57. The thrawn reed bent but did not break.
58. Her thrawn attitude was born from years of hurt.
59. The committee struggled with the thrawn demands of some members.
60. They searched for a way to tame his thrawn spirit.

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