Thuggee example sentences

Related (10): assassination, murder, gang, ritual, strangulation, devotion, Kali, temple, thug, India

"Thuggee" Example Sentences

1. His criminal activities included robbery, extortion and thuggee.
2. He was a thuggee, and a master of disguise.
3. He was a leader in the infamous cult of thuggee.
4. The thuggee were eventually suppressed by the British.
5. The thuggee had been operating in India for centuries.
6. The thuggee were known for their ritualistic murders.
7. The cult of thuggee was finally destroyed in the 19th century.
8. The thuggee were known to use violence and intimidation.
9. The thuggee were believed to be an extension of the cult of Kali.
10. The thuggee were said to have been in existence since the 12th century.
11. The thuggee were known to use deception to lure their victims.
12. The thuggee were known to have a system of initiation and initiation rituals.
13. The thuggee were believed to have been given special powers by the goddess Kali.
14. The thuggee were known to have a hierarchical structure with a leader at the top.
15. The thuggee were known to use disguise and subterfuge to carry out their crimes.
16. The thuggee were known to have a code of silence that was strictly enforced.
17. The thuggee were known to have a network of spies and informants to help them carry out their activities.
18. The thuggee were known to have a system of rewards and punishments for their members.
19. The thuggee were known to have a system of secret signs and passwords to identify each other.
20. The thuggee were believed to have been devoted to the goddess Kali and to have been willing to carry out her orders.
21. The thuggee were known to have a system of initiation and initiation rituals to induct new members.
22. The thuggee were known to have a system of secret signs and passwords to identify each other and to communicate.
23. The thuggee were known to use disguise and subterfuge to carry out their activities and to hide their identities.
24. The thuggee were known to have a network of spies and informants to help them carry out their activities and to keep track of their victims.
25. The thuggee were known to have a system of rewards and punishments for their members to ensure loyalty.
26. The thuggee were known to have a code of silence that was strictly enforced to keep their activities secret.
27. The thuggee were believed to have been devoted to the goddess Kali and to have been willing to carry out her orders without question.
28. The thuggee were known to have a system of initiation and initiation rituals to induct new members and to ensure their loyalty.
29. The thuggee were known to use disguise and subterfuge to carry out their activities, to hide their identities, and to avoid detection.
30. The thuggee were known to have a system of secret signs and passwords to identify each other, to communicate, and to protect their identities.
31. The thuggee were known to have a network of spies and informants to help them carry out their activities, to keep track of their victims, and to protect their identities.
32. The thuggee were known to have a system of rewards and punishments for their members to ensure loyalty and to maintain discipline.
33. The thuggee were known to have a code of silence that was strictly enforced to keep their activities secret and to protect their identities.
34. The thuggee were believed to have been devoted to the goddess Kali and to have been willing to carry out her orders without question or hesitation.
35. The thuggee were known to have a system of initiation and initiation rituals to induct new members, to ensure their loyalty, and to maintain discipline.
36. The thuggee were known to use disguise and subterfuge to carry out their activities, to hide their identities, to avoid detection, and to protect their identities.
37. The thuggee were known to have a system of secret signs and passwords to identify each other, to communicate, to protect their identities, and to maintain secrecy.
38. The thuggee were known to have a network of spies and informants to help them carry out their activities, to keep track of their victims, to protect their identities, and to maintain secrecy.
39. The thuggee were known to have a system of rewards and punishments for their members to ensure loyalty, to maintain discipline, and to ensure secrecy.
40. The thuggee were known to have a code of silence that was strictly enforced to keep their activities secret, to protect their identities, and to maintain secrecy.

Common Phases

Thuggee cults; Thuggee initiation rituals; Thuggee murders; Thuggee doctrines; Thuggee's use of deception; Thuggee symbols; Thuggee's practice of strangling victims; Thuggee's worship of Kali; Thuggee's use of secret passwords; Thuggee's use of disguises; Thuggee's use of terror tactics; Thuggee's use of intimidation.

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