Tidily example sentences

Related (10): well-organized, neatly, efficiently, methodically, impeccably, trimly, sprucely, appealingly, attractively, precisely

"Tidily" Example Sentences

1. She stacked the dishes tidily in the cupboard.
2. He folded his clothes tidily and put them away.
3. The papers were filed away tidily in labeled folders.
4. The toys were put tidily back in their box when playtime was over.
5. The books were arranged tidily on the shelf in alphabetical order.
6. The pencils were lined up tidily in the pencil holder.
7. The children returned the blocks to the bin tidily when they finished playing.
8. The garage was organized tidily with tools arranged neatly on their hooks.
9. The toys were picked up and put tidily away into their bins at the end of the day.
10. The library books were returned tidily to their designated shelves.
11. The receipts were sorted and filed tidily in the invoice folder.
12. The office supplies were stored tidily in their designated drawers and cabinets.
13. The silverware was placed tidily in designated spots in the drawer.
14. The coats were hung up tidily in the closet.
15. The papers were stacked tidily on the desk in even piles.
16. The loose newspaper clippings were placed tidily in scrapbooks.
17. The student wrote her notes tidily in her notebook.
18. The cutlery was put tidily away in the drawer.
19. The Legos were returned tidily to their box when playtime was over.
20.The socks were folded tidily and put in the drawer.
21. The towels were folded tidily and stacked on the shelf.
22. The sheets were fitted tidily on the bed.
23. The teacher praised the students for writing so tidily in their notebooks.
24. The cook put the dishes tidily away in the cabinets after washing them.
25. The magazines were stacked tidily on the end table.
26. The tickets were filed tidily in a folder for future reference.
27. The mail was organized tidily into sorted piles on the desk.
28. The pennies were counted and stacked tidily in rolls.
29. The technician tidily arranged the wires and cables in the electronic cabinet.
30. The children put their toys away tidily when their mother asked them to.
31. The reporter used a tidy shorthand system to write down quotes efficiently.
32. All of the books were lined up tidily on the shelves in alphabetical order.
33. The tailor folded the fabric samples tidily and placed them in the drawer.
34. The employee tidily returned the supplies to their designated spots after using them.
35. The craft supplies were put tidily away in labeled plastic bins.
36. The ends of the rope were tied in a neat, tidy knot.
37. The pens and pencils were returned tidily to the shared office supplies drawer.
38. The candles were tidily stored in their designated boxes by color and scent.
39. The hostess put the party decorations away tidily when the celebration was over.
40. The janitor mopped the floor and left the workspace tidy.
41. The gardener tidied up the gardening tools in the shed when he finished his work.
42. The painting supplies were cleaned up and stored tidily when the artist finished.
43. The toddler tidied up his blocks by putting each shape into its designated slot.
44. The broken shards of glass were swept up tidily from the floor.
45. The scientist tidily labeled and stored the lab samples in the freezer.
46. The fabric remnants were folded tidily and placed in the scrap bin.
47. The student wrote her class notes tidily in her spiral notebook.
48. The books were arranged tidily on the shelf in order by author's last name.
49. The student wrote his math homework neatly and tidily in his workbook.
50. Each pencil was sharpened tidily and lined up neatly in the pencil box.
51. The teacher praised the student for coloring so neatly and tidily inside the lines.
52. The toddler tidied up his toys by sorting them into the color-coded bins.
53. The girl tidied the ribbon drawer by sorting the various widths and patterns neatly.
54. The boy folded his clothes tidily and placed them in color-coordinated stacks.
55. The hostess tidied the kitchen after the party by wiping counters and returning appliances to their designated spots.
56. The teacher instructed the students to write their journal entries neatly and tidily in cursive.
57. The secretary stacked the papers tidily and filed them away in labeled folders.
58. The accountant filed the receipts tidily in dated envelopes for tax purposes.
59. The researcher wrote notes tidily in a lab notebook using designated abbreviations.
60. The mechanic put the tools tidily away in their designated compartments after completing the repair job.

Common Phases

1. She folded the blankets tidily and stored them away.
2. He stacked the dishes in the cupboard tidily.
3. The jars were lined up tidily on the shelf in alphabetical order.
4. The papers were organized tidily in matching folders.
5. She tucked the bedsheets tidily under the mattress.
6. The bookshelves were arranged tidily with books sorted by genre and author.
7. The mechanic arranged the tools tidily in their proper places.
8. The students submitted their assignments tidily stapled and in the correct format.
9. I packed my bags tidily so nothing would get jumbled during the flight.
10. The office worker filed the papers tidily in the appropriate drawers.
11. The teacher appreciated that the students submitted their work tidily.
12. The children tidied up their toys tidily and put them away.
13. The artist stored her paintbrushes tidily in cups labeled by color.
14. The secretary stacked the documents tidily on the desk for the boss to review.
15. The sketch artist arranged his pencils tidily inside their appropriate pouches.
16. The baker organized the ingredients tidily on the counter before beginning to bake.
17. The waitress stacked the dirty dishes tidily on the tray to take to the kitchen.
18. The office worker filed the documents tidily alphabetically in binders.
19. The cook put the used pots and pans tidily in the dishwasher to be cleaned.
20. The butler arranged the freshly pressed suits tidily on hangers in the wardrobe.
21. The clothes were folded and stored tidily in the dresser drawers.
22. The cookbook author stored the spices tidily in labeled jars on the shelf.
23. The librarian shelved the returned books tidily in their proper places.
24. The teenager tidied up their room tidily before their parents came home.
25. The nurse arranged the instruments tidily in sterilized containers on the tray.
26. The homeowner stacked the kindling tidily in the wooden box by the fireplace.
27. The tailor stored the fabrics tidily folded in their appropriate drawers.
28. The instructor tidied up the desks and chairs tidily after the class ended.
29. The dentist arranged the tools tidily in the sterilized holders on the tray.
30. The teacher admired how the student had tidily stacked all the worksheets.
31. The camper packed up the tent tidily and stored it away in the bag.
32. The student tidied up their desk tidily at the end of the class period.
33. The electrician coiled the wires tidily and organized them by type and size.
34. The craft drawer stored the arts and crafts supplies tidily labeled in small jars.
35. The paper boy stacked the newspapers tidily on the porch for customers.
36. The chef organized the utensils tidily in the labeled slots on the wall.
37. The farmer neatly stacked the hay bales tidily in the barn.
38. The maid made the beds tidily and fluffed the pillows.
39. The fisherman coiled the ropes and lines tidily and stowed them away.
40. The mother appreciated that her children tidied up their toys tidily.
41. The desk was neatly organized with stationery arranged tidily.
42. The decorations were stored tidily after the party ended.
43. The employee tidied up the workstation before leaving for the day.
44. The nuts and bolts were stored tidily labeled in small compartments.
45. The mechanic wiped down and organized the tools tidily after completing the job.
46. The cook cleaned and stored the dishes and cookware tidily.
47. The preschool teacher appreciated how the children tidied up the classroom tidily.
48. The sewing supplies were arranged tidily sorted by type and color.
49. The gardener stored the tools tidily in the shed after finishing for the day.
50. The camping gear was stored tidily away after the trip ended.
51. The toddler tidied up their toys tidily in the correct bins when asked.
52. The scraps of material were folded and stored tidily in a drawer.
53. The host tidied up the kitchen and living room tidily after the party.
54. The nurse made the hospital bed tidily with crisp sheets and blankets.
55. The craftsman put away the equipment tidily labeled and organized.
56. The classroom was tidied up tidily by the students at the end of the school day.
57. The kindergarteners tidied up the play area tidily after free play time.
58. The girl scout troop tidied up the campsite tidily before leaving.
59. The mother appreciated that her teenager had tidied up their room tidily.
60. The office was cleaned and organized with supplies stored tidily.

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