Tillage example sentences

Related (13): plow, cultivation, farming, plowing, harrowing, sowing, fertilizing, cultivating, reaping, tilling, agronomy, husbandry, irrigation

"Tillage" Example Sentences

1. The farmer used tillage methods that conserved soil and prevented erosion.
2. Primary tillage implements like plows and disks loosen and invert the soil.
3. Secondary tillage tools like harrows and cultivators break up clods and level the soil bed.
4. No-till farming eliminates primary tillage and leaves crop residue on the surface of the soil.
5. Reduced tillage practices minimize soil disturbance and preserving soil structure.
6. Deep tillage incorporates crop residue and organic matter into the subsoil.
7. Fall plowing allows time for tillage pans to break down over winter.
8. Intensive tillage destroys soil organic matter and degrades soil quality.
9. Cover crops help protect the soil from erosion during times without active tillage.
10. Mulch tillage uses crop residue to cover and protect the soil during planting.
11. Moldboard plows completely invert the soil layers through tillage.
12. Disk harrows use rotating disks to thoroughly mix and break up soil.
13. Chisel plows loosen compacted layers through deep tillage.
14. Subsoilers penetrate deeper pans to alleviate compaction issues.
15. Rototillers use tines to till soil for planting gardens and fields.
16. The tractor pulled many implements for various tillage operations on the farm.
17. Thecombine cut and threshed the wheat, leaving just enough straw forsurface tillage.
18. After harvest, the fields received primarytillage to prepare the soil forwinter.
19. Secondary tillage with harrows and cultivators ensures proper seedbedconditions.
20. The farmer experimented with minimal tillagemethods to reduce soil erosion.
21. Her family had been practicing sustainabletillage for generations.
22. Intensive tillage requires more energy andlabor while degrading soil qualityover time.
23. Less disturbance of the soil through reducedtillage helps to conserve soilmoisture.
24.Cover crops provide ground cover duringtimes without active tillage.
25. The soil scientist studied the effect oftillage on organic matter andnutrients in the fields.
26. Moldboard plows turned the soil to theproper depth for spring tillage.
27. Disk tillage helped break up macroporesand clods in the soil.
28.Chisel plows alleviated compaction issuesfrom years of intensive tillage.
29.The rototiller can complete multiplepassages over the small garden plots.
30. The tractor performed all tillageoperations on the large wheat field.
31. After harvest, the fields lay fallowuntil the next season's tillage.
32. Reduced tillage practices reduceroad and fuel costs for farmers.
33. Intensive tillage has negative long-termimpacts on soil quality.
34. Conservation tillage methods like no-tillleave crop residue on the surface.
35. Fall tillage incorporates crop residueinto the soil before winter.
36. Deep tillage with subsoilers breaks upthe compacted subsoil layers.
37. Mulch tillage maintains some residue tocover and protect the soil surface.
38. The moldboard plow does primary tillageto fully invert and prepare the soil.
39. Disk harrows break up clods after primarytillage with plows.
40. Chisel plows loosen tight, compactedlayers resulting from intensive tillage.
41. The rototiller is useful for preparinggarden beds for planting.
42. The tractor easily pulled all thenecessary tillage implements.
43. The implement lies fallow after harvestuntiltillage resumes in the spring.
44. Conservation tillage aims to minimizeimpact on soil health through reduceddisturbance from tillage implements.
45. Cover crops help prevent soil erosion duringfallow periods between tillage operations.
46. Intensive tillage leaves soil vulnerableto erosion from wind and water.
47. Reduced tillage practices leave moreresidue on the soil surface for protection.
48. Tillage pans form from years of intensiveplowing and tillage without disturbance.
49. Fall tillage incorporates crop residueand nutrients into the subsoil layers.
50. The subsoilers loosened the compactedlayers through deep penetrating tillage.
51. The garden needed multiple passes with therototiller before it was ready for planting.
52. The tractor pulled the disk harrowsafter primary tillage to further break up clods.
53. The fields lay fallow for months untilspring brought the next round of tillage.
54. Conservation tillage practices aim tominimize disturbance to soil health whilepreparing the fields for planting.
55. Cover crops stabilized the soil andprevented erosion during the fallowperiod between tillage operations.
56. Intensive tillage leaves soil prone toerosion and degrades soil organic matter.
57. Reduced tillage practices leave morecrop residue on the soil surface for protectionagainst erosion.
58. Tillage pans result from years ofintensive tillage without deep disturbance.
59. Fall tillage incorporates organicmatter into the subsoil layers to boostfertility before winter.
60. The subsoilers loosened the tight,compacted soil through deep tillage.

Common Phases

1. Conservation tillage helps reduce soil erosion.
2. No-till agriculture eliminates plowing and other soil inversion methods of tillage.
3. The adoption of minimum tillage practices has declined in recent years.
4. Reduced tillage systems leave more crop residue on the soil surface.
5. Ridge tillage involves plowing the soil into ridges prior to planting.
6. Mulch tillage leaves crop residue on or near the soil surface.
7. The farmer switched from conventional tillage to minimum tillage.
8. The tillage practices depend on soil type, topography, and weather.
9. Their tillage consists only of using a field cultivator.
10. Double-bottom plowing is an intensive form of tillage.
11. The farm uses strip tillage for planting their corn crops.
12. The soil requires deep tillage to break up a hard pan.
13. Chisel tillage is a tillage method that loosens the soil.
14. Overworking the soil with tillage can damage soil structure.
15. Perennial weeds are difficult to control without intensive tillage.
16. Primary tillage breaks up soil before planting.
17. Secondary tillage prepares the seedbed after primary tillage.
18. Cover crops can help reduce the need for intensive tillage.
19. Soil compaction is often a problem with deep tillage.
20. Tillage pans may form below the zone of primary tillage.
21. Reduced tillage systems help retain nutrients in the soil.
22. Fall tillage can help control winter weeds and minimize erosion.
23. They recommend shallow tillage to loosen the compacted topsoil.
24. Deep tillage may be required to alleviate a plow pan.
25. Moldboard plowing is a type of inversion tillage.
26. Disc tillage uses disc blades that cut through soil.
27. Reduced tillage requires different weed management strategies.
28. Rotary tillage tools use rotary motion to cut and mix soil.
29. Intensive tillage helps break weed seed dormancy.
30. No-tillage farming aims to disturb the soil as little as possible.
31. Tillage radish is good cover crop for reducing compaction.
32. Minimum tillage equipment includes chisel plows and disks.
33. Tillage brings weed seeds to the surface where they can sprout.
34. Low-disturbance tillage aims to disturb only the top few inches of soil.
35. Spring tillage incorporates cover crops into the soil.
36. Broadcast fertilizer applications require tillage to incorporate the fertilizer.
37. Crop residue helps protect the soil from the impacts of tillage.
38. Reduced tillage helps maintain soil organic matter levels.
39. Disk-harrow tillage is an intermediate form of tillage.
40. Strip tillage disturbs only narrow strips of soil where plants will grow.
41. Rotary tillage combines cutting and mixing of soil in one operation.
42. Deep tillage increases infiltration and soil aeration.
43. Inversion tillage temporarily mixes topsoil with subsoil.
44. Precision tillage tools match tillage depth to soil needs.
45. Fall moldboard plowing helps control winter weeds and prepare fields for spring tillage.
46. Some no-till drills can place fertilizer and cover crop seed directly into untilled soil.
47. Conservation tillage increases organic matter inputs to the soil.
48. Chisel plow tillage breaks up soil without inverting or mixing top and subsoil layers.
49. Disk tillage incorporates organic residues into the upper layers of soil.
50. Spring plowing usually provides more thorough weed control than fall tillage.
51. Secondary tillage after the primary tillage incorporates crop residue into the soil.
52. Reduced tillage helps improve soil quality and health over time.
53. Reduced tillage diminishes the breakdown of soil aggregates.
54. Deep tillage can fracture plow pans and reduce soil compaction.
55. Soil inversion mixes the organic-rich topsoil with the mineral-rich subsoil.
56. Sprinkling crop residue on the soil surface before tillage helps it become incorporated.
57. Strip tillage aims to disturb only the precise area where seeds are planted.
58. Rotary tillers use rotating blades to cut and blend soil.
59. Tools for primary tillage include moldboard and chisel plows.
60. Reduced tillage systems conserve organic matter and carbon in the soil.

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