Tilling example sentences

Related (6): agriculture, plowing, cultivating, planting, gardening, farming

"Tilling" Example Sentences

1. The farmer spent the morning tilling his fields.
2. The land needed tilling before the seeds could be planted.
3. After months of sitting idle, the soil required hours of tilling to break up the hardened clumps.
4. Tilling the soil incorporates organic material into the top layers, improving fertility and drainage.
5. The tractor pulled the tilling implement, loosening the soil in large rolling waves.
6. The lush garden required regular tilling and amending of the soil throughout the growing season.
7. Before planting the garden, the soil needed to be tilled to provide the roots with room to grow.
8. Tilling disturbsweed seeds lying dormant in the soil, bringing them to the surface where they can sprout.
9. Deep tilling can unearth nutrients from lower soil layers and bring them closer to plant roots.
10. The land was left fallow for a season to replenish nutrients before the next round of tilling and planting.
11. The farmer followed the tiller across the field, inspecting the newly turned soil.
12. Tilling mixes organic material from the soil surface into the native subsoil layers.
13. The community garden volunteers took turns tilling the plot before planting the spring flowers and vegetables.
14. The soil had compacted over the winter months and required tilling to make it ready for new grass seed.
15. His grandfather taught him the rhythmic art of tilling the fertile topsoil with an old wooden plow.
16. Fall was the best time for deep tilling to prepare the soil for next year's crops.
17. Each spring, the gardens required hours of tilling, weeding, fertilizing and planting.
18. Deep tilling can break up any hardpan layers that may have formed below the surface.
19. Aerating the lawn involves shallow tilling or coring that loosens the compacted soil.
20. Her hands were calloused from years of tilling and working the soil.
21. The community gardeners spent the day tilling, raking, fertilizing and turning over the plots.
22. Before planting a new lawn, contractors till and level the soil.
23. Deep tilling helps incorporate organic matter that enriches the soil and feeds the crop roots.
24. Every fall, they tilled the fields to prepare for next spring's planting.
25. Rototilling involves using a power tool that churns the soil like a rototiller.
26. The gardener spent the morning rototilling all of the planting beds in preparation for spring.
27. The local farm used a large tractor to till their hundreds of acres of fields.
28. Moles burrowed through the newly tilled soil, wreaking havoc in the garden beds.
29. On his hands and knees, he tilled the soil by hand, mixing in compost and fertilizer.
30. Tilling helps achieve the ideal soil texture and structure for optimal plant growth.
31. The homesteader tilled small plots by hand with only a shovel and hoe.
32. Tilling can also effectively manage weeds by uprooting weed seeds and seedlings.
33. Deep tilling breaks up hard, compacted soil layers and improves drainage.
34. The community garden volunteers took turns tilling the overgrown plot and clearing weeds and debris.
35. Deep tilling can incorporate organic amendments like compost and manure into the soil.
36. She carefully tilled the soil around each new seedling without disturbing the fragile roots.
37. Weeds quickly reestablished in the recently tilled soil.
38. Tines on tillers and plows churn and aerate the topsoil, loosening and fluffing it up.
39. Each field required multiple passes with the large tractor tiller to break up the heavy clay soil.
40. The soil had become overly compressed from the foot traffic of kids playing, and needed tilling to restore its natural fluffiness.
41. Powdery mildew thrived in the newly tilled soil, infecting the young seedlings.
42. Aerating lawns with a core aerator involves using tines that remove plugs of soil, allowing air and water to penetrate compacted areas.
43. Using a pitchfork, he spent hours tilling several small garden beds by hand.
44. Many home gardeners prefer rototilling over hand tilling for more thorough soil preparation.
45. The farmer used an old wooden plow pulled by draft horses to till the fields for spring planting.
46. Early spring is the ideal time for tilling gardens before the weather gets too warm.
47. Each day she would walk through her tilled garden rows, inspecting the soil and young plants.
48. The soil in the flowerbed had hardened over the winter and needed tilling to loosen the heavy clay.
49. The raised garden beds required tilling every couple of years to work in compost and organic material.
50. Hand tilling involves turning over the soil with tools like picks, shovels, forks and hoes.
51. The exposed soil became hard and compact after several days without tilling.
52. Tilling incorporated the fallen leaves and grass clippings into the soil as organic matter.
53. The backbreaking labor of tilling fields by hand was replaced by tractors and tillers.
54. After tilling the soil, she raked it smooth and level before laying out the garden beds.
55. Spring tilling helps prepare the soil for growing crops by loosening the hardened ground.
56. Fall tilling incorporates organic material from rotted leaves and vegetation into the earth.
57. The novice gardener's inexperience showed in the uneven tilling of the garden plots.
58. Earthworms and other beneficial creatures burrowed into the soil soon after tilling.
59. She planted new perennials directly into tilled garden beds without disturbing the surrounding soil.
60. Regular tilling helps manage weeds by uprooting weed seeds before they germinate.

Common Phases

1. The farmer spent the morning tilling his field.
2. The horses pulled the tiller as it churned up the soil.
3. He tilled the earth to prepare the ground for planting seeds.
4. After a rainy spring, the farmer started tilling the soil in early summer.
5. The soil felt soft and rich under the repeated motions of the tiller.
6. The morning sun shone down as the clods of dirt were turned over during the tilling process.
7. The springtime earth smelled fresh and fertile after it had been tilled.
8. The tilling machine made quick work of preparing large portions of land for planting.
9. The soil needed to be broken up and loosened through the act of tilling.
10. The gardener walked behind the tiller as it moved through the rows.
11. They used an old tractor to do the hard work of tilling the field.
12. The tractor pulled a large rototiller to churn up the soil.
13. After the tilling was complete, they spread fertilizer across the freshly worked ground.
14. The farmer spent all spring tilling, fertilizing and otherwise preparing the acres of farmland.
15. On her small plot of land, she tilled the garden by hand, using a shovel and hoe.
16 The fieldhand worked long days tilling the land for the plantation owner.
17. Tilling the soil disrupted weed growth and aerated the earth.
18. The farmer could see the improved texture of the dirt after tilling it.
19. Before tilling, the farmer removes stones and debris from the field.
20. After harvesting the fall crops, he tilled the remaining stubble back into the ground.
21. The pitchfork and shovel allowed her to till the small garden in front of her house.
22. Each spring he tills the entire field, not just the rows where he will plant that year.
23. Years of planting and then tilling the soil had created rich topsoil.
24. First the farmer tills the field, then he plants the seeds.
25. The chickens wandered the recently tilled field, looking for bugs in the freshly overturned dirt.
26. Pulling the tiller through the rows was backbreaking work.
27. After tilling the soil, it was easier for the roots of the plants to grow.
28. Tilling helps to loosen heavy or compacted soil.
29. The root systems of the crops benefited from the act of tilling between plantings.
30. As the furrows were opened up by the tiller, worms and insects surfaced in the dirt.
31. The teenagers spent the afternoon tilling the large backyard garden.
32. With tilling completed, the farmer raked the rows smooth before sowing seeds by hand.
33. The rows of tilled dirt stretched as far as the eye could see across the flat landscape.
34. The garden had sat fallow all winter but come springtime needed tilling once more.
35. As she tilled the ground, she thought about the seeds waiting to sprout within the soil.
36. Tilling decomposed the previous year’s plant matter into the earth.
37. Any weeds leftover from the previous year were uprooted during the tilling process.
38. The farmer drove up and down the field, tilling in straight lines behind the tractor.
39. Neighbors came to help him till the land after the long, cold winter.
40. The clods of dirt grew smaller with each pass of the tiller through the field.
41. Old tools like shovels and hoes allowed him to till the small community garden by hand.
42. Tilling before planting helped disrupt weed growth and improve soil texture.
43. Turning the soil by hand was hard work but the rewards of tilling were great.
44. After the harvest, a second round of tilling prepared the ground for the winter.
45. The soft earth was broken up and aerated through tilling.
46. Neighbors gathered to help one another till their gardens in the springtime.
47. The smell of freshly tilled earth filled the air.
48. His bones ached after hours of tilling the rocky soil by hand.
49. The field needed two or three rounds of tilling before the soil was ready for planting.
50. After spending the morning tilling, the sweat poured off his brow.
51. The old wheel harrow helped him till the garden without using a tractor.
52. They lined the rows with string before tilling to ensure they were straight.
53. The daughters helped their father till the large family farm.
54. She thought of her seeds sprouting as she walked behind the tiller.
55. Each spring the farmer tilled the soil, recalling his father doing the same thing for decades.
56. The garden sat undisturbed all winter but come spring needed to be tilled once more.
57. Spring brought a sense of renewal as the farmer entered the field to begin tilling again.
58. Neighbors gathered on weekends to help one another till their plots of land.
59. Each stroke of the hoe helped to till the soil between the rows of crops.
60. Turning the earth by hand was hard work, but the rewards of tilling were great indeed.

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