Toadyisms example sentences

Related (8): flattery, sycophancy, servility, subservience, obsequiousness, cajolery, adulation, groveling.

"Toadyisms" Example Sentences

1. It's disappointing to see a person who thrives on toadyisms.
2. Your flattery amounts to nothing more than toadyisms.
3. I do not tolerate any toadyisms in my workplace.
4. Toadyisms will not get you anywhere in life.
5. I can see through your toadyisms, so don't even try.
6. A true leader does not indulge in toadyisms.
7. Your toadyisms are making me uncomfortable.
8. He advanced his career through his toadyisms.
9. I find toadyisms to be insincere.
10. Don't resort to toadyisms to get ahead.
11. She was fired for her constant display of toadyisms.
12. His toadyisms towards the boss were cringe-worthy.
13. I don't understand why people rely on toadyisms.
14. His toadyisms are so obvious, it's painful to watch.
15. Toadyisms are just another form of manipulation.
16. His toadyisms were so extreme, it made me nauseous.
17. I refuse to engage in any toadyisms to get ahead.
18. I'm not fooled by your toadyisms.
19. She is known for her toadyisms towards those in power.
20. Toadyisms may get you short term benefits, but not long term success.
21. His toadyisms are just a way for him to curry favor.
22. Toadyisms are not a sign of respect, but of weakness.
23. I refuse to stoop to the level of toadyisms.
24. His toadyisms are just a façade for his true intentions.
25. Toadyisms do not make for good relationships.
26. His toadyisms towards his superiors are disrespectful to his peers.
27. I find toadyisms to be a waste of time and energy.
28. She is always engaging in toadyisms towards her boss.
29. Don't mistake my honesty for toadyisms.
30. His toadyisms are a clear indication of his lack of integrity.
31. Toadyisms will not help you gain respect from others.
32. Her toadyisms are rather transparent at this point.
33. He is always engaging in toadyisms in order to get what he wants.
34. Toadyisms are a sign of a weak character.
35. She was promoted due to her skill, not her toadyisms.
36. His toadyisms towards the CEO are quite nauseating.
37. A true leader does not resort to toadyisms to get ahead.
38. His toadyisms are a clear sign of his insecurities.
39. Toadyisms are not a valid strategy for success.
40. It's disappointing to see someone resort to toadyisms, rather than working hard and earning their success.

Common Phases

1. "Whatever you say, boss; you're always right."
2. "I couldn't agree with you more, your highness; your intelligence is unmatched."
3. "Your words are like music to my ears, sir; I will do anything to please you."
4. "You are the most wonderful, magnificent, and brilliant person I have ever met; I am so fortunate to be in your presence."
5. "Your wisdom astounds me, master; I am grateful for your guidance."

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