Toeholds example sentences

Related (7): grip, foothold, leverage, advantage, opportunity, platform, foundation

"Toeholds" Example Sentences

1. She found some toeholds on the rocky cliff and began scaling it.
2. He struggled to find toeholds on the steep slope.
3. The hiker slipped on the grass, grabbing at toeholds as she fell.
4. The climbers relied on their experience to locate toeholds on the sheer face of the mountain.
5. The child climbed up the wall using the small toeholds purposely placed for beginners.
6. The explorer searched for toeholds to navigate the treacherous terrain.
7. The gymnast leaped from one toehold to another with ease.
8. The cat was able to climb the tree with ease, using the bark as toeholds.
9. The firefighter struggled to ascend the burning building, searching for stable toeholds among the wreckage.
10. She dug her feet into the sand, searching for toeholds to climb the dune.
11. The monkey used the branches as toeholds to jump from tree to tree.
12. The spider crawled up the wall using small toeholds it spun with its web.
13. The rock climber tested each toehold before trusting her weight to it.
14. The student used her shoes to create toeholds in the snow, making it easier to climb the hill.
15. The bird perched on the rocky outcropping, using small toeholds to stay balanced.
16. The lizard scampered up the tree trunk using the rough bark as toeholds.
17. The athlete gripped the uneven bars tightly, finding toeholds to propel herself forward.
18. The mountain goat gracefully climbed the steep incline, using the tight toeholds.
19. The surfer struggled to find toeholds on the slippery rock, but eventually made her way to the top.
20. The reptile clung to the vine with its claws, using them as makeshift toeholds.
21. The climber felt for toeholds in the dark, relying on her sense of touch to guide her.
22. The construction worker placed safety nets below the toeholds, to prevent falls.
23. The gymnast found purchase across the metal bars, using the small toeholds to balance her movements.
24. The monkey discovered new toeholds by dangling from the branch and searching for stable areas to grip.
25. He slowly ascended the ladder, searching for the toeholds that would allow him to climb safely to the roof.
26. The hiker slipped on the icy trail, but managed to grab onto toeholds to avoid tumbling down the slope.
27. The farmer used strategically placed stones as toeholds to climb over the fence.
28. The climber used a rope to anchor herself to the mountain, finding toeholds as she ascended.
29. The gecko ran up the wall, using its adhesive toes as toeholds.
30. The parkour athlete navigated the obstacle course, finding creative toeholds in the structures around her.

Common Phases

1. Starting with small toeholds; building momentum over time.
2. Gaining a toehold in the industry; expanding our reach.
3. Finding a toehold in the market; growing our customer base.
4. Establishing a toehold in the community; earning trust and respect.
5. Using social media as a toehold; creating a strong online presence.
6. Creating a toehold by providing exceptional customer service; building loyalty.
7. Securing a toehold in the market; driving innovation and growth.
8. Using partnerships as a toehold; collaborating to achieve success.

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