Tom example sentences
Related (39): cat, feline, kitten, friend, pet, Jerry, Hanks, Cruise, gun, firearm, pistol, rifle, hunting, game, bird, turkey, chicken, duck, athlete, Brady, baseball, football, soccer, basketball, actor, Hardy, Holland, superhero, Spiderman, villain, Joker, hero, mask, costume, Halloween, pumpkin, carving, decoration, lantern
tom (noun) · toms (plural noun) · Tom (noun) · Toms (plural noun)
- the male of various animals, especially a turkey or domestic cat:
- a Black man considered to be excessively obedient or servile to white people.
- (of a Black person) behave in an excessively obedient or servile way.
noun informal (toms)
tom (noun) · toms (plural noun)
- short for tomato
noun informal (toms)
tom (noun) · toms (plural noun)
- short for tom-tom
feline, pussycat, pussy, puss, kitty, kitten, tomcat, tabby, tortoiseshell, calico, mouser, moggie, grimalkin, tomato, American, Legal"Tom" Example Sentences
1. I'll see you tom after class.
2. Let's meet up for lunch tom.
3. Tom is my favorite day of the week.
4. The test is tom, so I need to study tonight.
5. I have a doctor's appointment tom morning.
6. My new car is being delivered tom afternoon.
7. Tom marks the end of the work week.
8. The project is due tom, so I'll be busy working on it.
9. The weather forecast for tom calls for rain.
10. The game is scheduled to start at 8pm tom night.
11. Tom will be here before you know it.
12. I'm counting down the hours until tom.
13. We have a meeting with the client early tom morning.
14. The electricity will be shut off for repairs tom night.
15. Tom was payday for many employees.
16. The power outage is expected to last through tom night.
17. Tom is the best day of the week in my opinion.
18. It seems like tom will never come.
19. We are taking the kids to the zoo tom afternoon.
20. The results of the test will be released tom.
21. I need to buy a birthday gift for my mom before tom.
22. There's a sale at the store tom, so I want to go shopping.
23. My vacation starts bright and early tom morning.
24. I can't wait for this work week to be over tom.
25. The baby is scheduled for his 6 month checkup tom afternoon.
26. Tom can't come soon enough!
27. Tom is my Friday.
28. The package is scheduled to arrive on our doorstep tom morning.
29. The curtains will be delivered and installed in our house tom.
30. Tom marks the start of the weekend.
31. I look forward to tom every week.
32. The landscapers will be here to do yard work tom.
33. Tom is the day I get to sleep in.
34. Tom is payday and I need the money.
35. The kids have a half day of school tom.
36. I plan to celebrate the end of the work week tom night.
37. The forecast calls for sunshine and warm weather tom.
38. Tom feels so far away right now.
39. The plumber is coming to fix the leaky faucet early tom morning.
40. Tom can't come soon enough!
41. We are going out for dinner tom night to celebrate.
42. I'll wake up when I want to tom morning.
43. Tom is usually my most productive day of the week.
44. I'm building up the excitement for tom all week long.
45. Tom will be here before you know it, just hang in there!
46. I really need a break from work, tom can't come soon enough.
47. Tom is my day of rest and relaxation.
48. The football game starts at 1pm tom afternoon.
49. I can't concentrate at work, I keep thinking about tom.
50. The plumber will come between 8am and noon tom.
51. Tom is the light at the end of the tunnel this week.
52. I am looking forward to sleeping in and doing nothing tom.
53. The kids' summer camp program ends tom afternoon.
54. My gym membership auto-renews tom, so I need to cancel it.
55. I plan to do as little as possible for the rest of this week until tom.
56. The mail carrier comes around noon every tom.
57. The weekly farmer's market is open every tom morning.
58. I'll be turning in early tom night after a long week.
59. We have reservations at our favorite restaurant for tom night.
60. The furniture delivery truck is scheduled to arrive between 9am and 5pm tom.
Common Phases
1. Tom had a dog named Spot.
2. Tom is my friend from school.
3. "Come here, boy!" yelled Tom to his dog.
4. Tom loves to play catch with his dog in the backyard.
5. "Hey Tom, want to go to the movies with me?" asked Sally.
6. Tom walked to the store to buy an ice cream cone.
7. Tom's favorite subject in school is science.
8. The teacher called on Tom to read the next paragraph out loud.
9. Tom joined the baseball team this year.
10. Tom spilled juice on his shirt at lunch.
11. Tomorrow, Tom is going fishing with his dad.
12. Aunt Mary bought Tom a new baseball glove for his birthday.
13. Tom finished his homework early and was able to play outside.
14. "Nice catch, Tom!" yelled his friends from the bleachers.
15. At the sleepover, Tom told ghost stories that scared his friends.
16. Tom received an award for being the top student in his class.
17. Tom helped his little brother put together a puzzle.
18. Mrs. Smith told Tom he did a great job on his book report.
19. Tom drove his bicycle to the park to play ball with his friends.
20. Tom laughed at the joke his friend told him.
21. Tom mowed the lawn every Saturday to earn extra money.
22. Tom found a penny on the sidewalk and picked it up.
23. The older kids let Tom join in their game of tag.
24. Tom's parents told him they were very proud of him.
25. The teacher reminded Tom not to leave his homework at home again.
26. Tom looked forward to summer vacation and playing all day.
27. Tom walked his new puppy every day to help it become comfortable outside.
28. Tom baked cookies with his mom and got to lick the batter spoon.
29. Tom liked to collect comic books and had a huge collection.
30. Tom practiced his batting swing every day after school.
60. Tom smiled and waved to all his friends at the school assembly.