Tor example sentences

Related (8): onion, anonymity, browser, network, encryption, nodes, relay, privacy

"Tor" Example Sentences

1. The colossal tor loomed over the valley.
2. They climbed the rocky tor to get a view of the surrounding landscape.
3. A sudden fog rolled in, shrouding the tor in mystery.
4. The tor had stood lonely on the moor for hundreds of years.
5. We met at the tor before going our separate ways.
6. The storm ravaged tor was a haunting sight at dusk.
7. They scaled the grassy tor at sunrise to watch the day break.
8. The tor was our favorite place to hike to as kids.
9. The jagged tor jutted out from the rolling hills.
10. The view from the top of the tor was spectacular.
11. Clouds swirled around the tor, obscuring its peak.
12. They descended from the tor as the sun began to set.
13. We set up camp at the base of the tor for the night.
14. The dark tor cast an ominous shadow over the landscape.
15. The mysterious tor stood silently guarding the valley below.
16. The children played at the base of the ancient tor.
17. The tor provided shelter from the frigid wind.
18. The narrow path up the tor was steep and treacherous.
19. Legends surrounded the granite tor on the moor.
20. Visitors flocked to the sacred tor year round.
21. The tor stood tall against the setting sun.
22. The stone tor survived countless storms over the centuries.
23. The tor captured my imagination from a young age.
24. They built a cairn at the top of the tor to mark their visit.
25. They had to navigate using a map and compass to find the tor.
26. The tor dominated the horizon throughout my childhood.
27. The path up the tor wound back and forth across its slopes.
28. We raced each other to the top of the tor.
29. The view from the tor took my breath away.
30. The ancient tor held many secrets.
31. The settlers built a shelter at the foot of the tor for protection.
32. The children enjoyed climbing the smooth stones of the tor.
33. Birds nested in cracks and crevices of the weathered tor.
34. The mysterious lights seen from the tor sparked local legends.
35. The tor's grassy slopes provided a perfect hill for rolling down.
36. Old tales were told of treasures hidden within the tor.
37. A circle of large stones surrounded the base of the grassy tor.
38. The sentry stood guard at the top of the tor keeping watch.
39. The tor had become their refuge over the years.
40. They celebrated at the top of the tor after completing the long hike.
41. The mysterious tor seemed almost alive at times.
42. The rounded tor formed a picturesque silhouette against the sky.
43. Storms battered the exposed tor through the seasons.
44. They gazed out at the valley from the ruins atop the tor.
45. The tor was a beacon in the misty valley below.
46. The sunrise transformed the tor into shapes of wonder.
47. They were rewarded with a panoramic view from atop the craggy tor.
48. The mystical tor called to them from afar.
49. The tor dominated the landscape for miles.
50. They flew kites from the grassy slopes of the tor.
51. The tor pierced the clouds on the stormy night.
52. They gathered at the tor for a picnic.
53. It took most of the afternoon to reach the summit of the tor.
54. They wondered what secrets lay hidden within the hollows of the tor.
55. The ancient tor had weathered many generations.
56. The tor was the first thing he saw each morning.
57. They scrambled up the scree slopes of the tor.
58. Legends tell of a tunnel running beneath the tor.
59. The view of the valley from the tor took their breath away.
60. The villagers gathered at the tor to celebrate the festival.

Common Phases

1. At the foot of the tor
2. At the base of the tor
3. At the top of the tor
4. The summit of the tor
5. The slopes of the tor
6. The ruins atop the tor
7. The path up the tor
8. The ancient tor
9. Weathered/worn tor
10. Loomed over the landscape
11. Dominated the landscape
12. Windswept tor
13. Dominated the horizon
14. Grass-covered tor
15. Pierced the clouds

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