Traffics example sentences

Related (10): congestion, gridlock, highway, intersection, road, speed, stoplight, tailback, transport, vehicles.

"Traffics" Example Sentences

1. The police are monitoring the traffics around the area.
2. There is a lot of traffics on the highway today.
3. The traffics lights were red, so I had to stop.
4. He was stuck in traffics for over an hour.
5. She had to take a detour due to the traffics.
6. The traffics was so bad that we had to turn back.
7. The traffics was so heavy that I couldn't move an inch.
8. He was late for work because of the traffics.
9. I had to wait for the traffics to clear before I could proceed.
10. He had to take an alternate route due to the traffics.
11. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a bus.
12. The traffics was so dense that I had to take a detour.
13. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a taxi.
14. The traffics was so bad that it took me twice as long to get to work.
15. I had to wait for the traffics to clear before I could cross the street.
16. She was stuck in traffics for over an hour before she made it to work.
17. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different route.
18. I had to wait for the traffics to clear before I could turn onto the highway.
19. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different route home.
20. She had to take a detour due to the heavy traffics on the highway.
21. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different route to work.
22. He was stuck in traffics for over an hour before he made it home.
23. I had to wait for the traffics to clear before I could make a left turn.
24. He had to take a detour due to the heavy traffics on the highway.
25. The traffics was so heavy that I had to take a different route.
26. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different road.
27. I had to wait for the traffics to clear before I could get onto the highway.
28. She had to take a detour due to the congested traffics on the highway.
29. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different route to the airport.
30. He had to take a detour due to the heavy traffics on the road.
31. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different route home from work.
32. I had to wait for the traffics to clear before I could make a right turn.
33. She was stuck in traffics for over an hour before she made it to the airport.
34. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different road to work.
35. He had to take an alternate route due to the congested traffics on the highway.
36. The traffics was so heavy that I had to take a different road home.
37. I had to wait for the traffics to clear before I could make a U-turn.
38. She had to take a detour due to the heavy traffics on the side streets.
39. The traffics was so bad that I had to take a different route to the mall.
40. He had to take a detour due to the congested traffics on the side streets.

Common Phases

1. Identifying Traffic Sources;
2. Analyzing Traffic Patterns;
3. Estimating Traffic Volume;
4. Monitoring Traffic Trends;
5. Optimizing Traffic Flow;
6. Controlling Traffic Congestion.

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