Training example sentences

Related (11): education, coaching, mentoring, apprenticeship, development, practice, preparation, conditioning, drilling, classroom, workshop.

"Training" Example Sentences

1. I attended training last week.
2. The new employees underwent orientation training.
3. The soldier received combat training.
4. The puppy needed obedience training.
5. The gym offers a range of fitness training programs.
6. I need some customer service training.
7. Pilot training is very rigorous.
8. The bank provided anti-money laundering training.
9. The lifeguard completed swimming pool rescue training.
10. The company invested in leadership training for managers.
11. I received self-defense training as part of the course.
12. The intern underwent on-the-job training.
13. Job training programs help the unemployed find work.
14. I need to brush up on my Excel skills with some training courses.
15. Military training prepares soldiers for combat.
16. Driver training teaches teenagers how to drive safely.
17. The athletic trainer helped the injured athlete recover.
18. Training simulations mimic real-life scenarios.
19. The lactation consultant provided infant feeding training.
20. Sales training helps improve staff performance.
21. Training manuals provide step-by-step instructions.
22. I attend spin class three times a week for fitness training.
23. First aid training teaches basic emergency response skills.
24. Group training sessions bring employees together.
25. Safety training reduces workplace accidents.
26. The athlete's strict training regimen consisted of weightlifting and running.
27. Teambuilding training fosters collaboration among coworkers.
28. Computer training classes keep me up to date on the latest software.
29. Boot camp provided intense military training.
30. The instructor led the training workshop for new hires.
31. Online training modules offer flexibility and self-paced learning.
32. I need assertiveness training to improve my communication skills.
33. Soft skills training covers things like communication, time management and leadership.
34. The puppy required intensive potty training.
35. Yoga teacher training certification took months to complete.
36. The safety training covered fire, earthquake and active shooter drills.
37. Management training helps future leaders develop their skills.
38. Employees received diversity and inclusion training.
39. The athletes trained vigorously for the big competition.
40. Technical training prepares workers for specific jobs.
41. Intensive boot camp-style training produces quick results.
42. Leadership training aims to develop strong management skills.
43. Trainees practiced emergency evacuation procedures during training.
44. The coach ran the team through practice drills and training exercises.
45. The workout consisted of strength training and cardio.
46. Successful training requires motivation, commitment and repetition.
47. My running training plan includes hill sprints, speed work and long runs.
48. Government-funded job training helps the unemployed find work.
49. The driver's ed teacher conducted behind-the-wheel training.
50. Training seminars bring experts and students together.
51. The workshop provided skills training focused on a single subject.
52. Foreign language training aids second-language acquisition.
53. On-the-job training allows new hires to learn while working.
54. Training simulations recreate potential real-world scenarios.
55. Training programs improve both hard and soft skills.
56. After training, trainees demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge and abilities.
57. Teachers routinely undergo professional development training.
58. Vocational training prepares students for specific careers.
59. The recruits endured rigorous physical and psychological training.
60. Training facilities provide equipment and instructors for skills development.

Common Phases

1. In-house training
Training that is conducted within an organization by its own trainers or leaders.
2. On-the-job training
Learning that takes place during regular work activities under the guidance of others.
3. Onboarding training
Training provided to new employees to help them become productive members of the team.
4. Soft skills training
Training focused on interpersonal skills like communication, teamwork and leadership.
5. Hands-on training
Training that involves active engagement and practical experience, rather than just lectures.
6. New hire training
The initial training provided to newly hired employees.
7. Job skills training
Training aimed at developing the skills needed to perform a specific job or occupation.
8. Management training
Training focused on developing the skills needed to effectively lead and manage others.
9. Continuing education
Ongoing training and learning beyond one's formal education.
10. Professional development
The process of improving and increasing the knowledge and skills related to one's profession through continuing education and training.

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