Trank example sentences

Related (6): tranquility, tranquilizer, tranquil, tranquillize, tranquillity, tranquilize

"Trank" Example Sentences

1. Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over her after taking a trank.
2. He couldn't focus on his work until he took a trank to ease his anxiety.
3. The doctor prescribed a trank to help with insomnia.
4. She mistakenly took two tranks instead of one and felt woozy all day.
5. He had never taken a trank before, so he was wary of how it would affect him.
6. After a long day, she was grateful for the calming effects of the trank.
7. He regretted taking a trank before the important business meeting as it made him lethargic.
8. She relied on tranks to help her get through her fear of flying.
9. The nurse gave him a trank to help him relax before undergoing surgery.
10. The trank had a soothing effect on her frayed nerves.
11. He had to cut back on tranks as he noticed it started to affect his memory.
12. Her therapist prescribed her a trank to help manage her panic attacks.
13. She felt like a completely different person after taking a trank during her severe bout of depression.
14. A strong trank was the only way she could handle the stress of her job.
15. He took a trank and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
16. She was hesitant to take a trank, but her doctor ensured her the dosage was minimal.
17. The trank helped take the edge off of his social anxiety.
18. She found herself becoming more and more dependent on tranks to ease her stress.
19. He avoided tranks as much as possible, as he didn't want to risk developing an addiction.
20. The trank's calming effects allowed her to face her fear of public speaking.
21. He made sure to take a trank before getting on the plane, even though he was a regular flyer.
22. She took a trank before meeting her in-laws to calm her nerves and it worked wonders.
23. He had a hard time functioning throughout the day without the aid of tranks.
24. The trank failed to help him with his nerves during his important interview.
25. She was offered a trank to help with her claustrophobia during the MRI scan.
26. He was prescribed tranks after being diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.
27. She couldn't remember the last time she slept through the night without tranks.
28. He felt guilty for relying so heavily on tranks to get him through daily tasks.
29. She knew she had to cut back on tranks when she started to experience withdrawal symptoms.
30. The trank had an almost instant effect, bringing her anxiety levels down within minutes.

Common Phases

1. I've been feeling a bit anxious lately; I might need to trank soon.
2. After a long day at work, I just want to come home and trank.
3. I have trouble sleeping without trank; it helps calm my mind.
4. I always bring a trank with me when I fly; it helps with my fear of flying.
5. My doctor recommended trank to help with my panic attacks.
6. Sometimes I feel like I rely too much on trank to manage my stress.
7. I only use trank when needed; I don't want to become dependent on it.
8. Trank helps me relax and enjoy social situations that would normally make me nervous.
9. I'm out of trank and can feel my anxiety starting to rise.
10. Trank has been a lifesaver for me in managing my anxiety and stress levels.

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