Transpirational example sentences

Related (2): perspiration, evaporation

"Transpirational" Example Sentences

1. The transpirational process of plants allows them to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
2. The rate of transpirational water loss from the leaves depends on the atmospheric humidity.
3. The transpirational cooling effect of trees helps to reduce the urban heat island effect.
4. The transpirational capacity of different plant species varies depending on their water-use efficiency.
5. High transpirational rates in crops can lead to water stress and reduced crop yields.
6. Measuring transpirational flow rates can provide insight into plant water relations.
7. Transpirational losses can account for a significant proportion of water loss in agricultural systems.
8. Drought tolerance in plants is often closely linked with their transpirational response to water stress.
9. Certain plant adaptations can reduce transpirational water loss and increase water-use efficiency.
10. Transpirational water loss can be reduced by shading plants or using mulch.
11. Soil moisture levels can influence the transpirational activity of plants.
12. Stomatal closure is a common mechanism used by plants to reduce transpirational water loss.
13. Transpirational cooling is an important ecosystem service provided by forests.
14. Certain crops, such as maize, have higher transpirational rates than others due to their leaf morphology.
15. Plant transpiration is an important component of the water cycle.
16. Water-use efficiency in agriculture can be improved by reducing transpirational water loss.
17. The transpirational response of plants to environmental stress can be used as a bioindicator of ecosystem health.
18. The transpirational flux of water vapour from the leaves is controlled by the stomatal pore size.
19. Gas exchange in plants is closely linked with transpiration rates and transpirational water loss.
20. Measuring transpirational rates can provide information on the effects of climate change on plant physiology.
21. Transpirational losses can be reduced by using drip irrigation systems or other efficient irrigation methods.
22. Stomatal conductance is an important factor affecting transpirational water loss in plants.
23. Changes in transpirational water loss can affect the carbon balance of ecosystems.
24. The transpirational water flux from the leaves is driven by the difference in water vapour concentration between the leaf and the atmosphere.
25. Plant growth is often limited by transpirational water loss under water-limited conditions.
26. Transpirational cooling can help to reduce the energy demand for air conditioning in urban areas.
27. Transpirational water loss can be influenced by a range of environmental factors, including temperature, humidity and wind speed.
28. Achieving water sustainability in agriculture requires managing transpirational water losses.
29. Changes in land use can affect transpirational losses and alter the water balance in ecosystems.
30. The transpirational response of plants to water stress can vary depending on their drought tolerance.

Common Phases

1. The transpirational rate of the plants increased as the temperature rose;
2. The transpirational process plays a crucial role in regulating plant growth;
3. The transpirational loss of water through leaves is essential for plant cooling;
4. The transpirational pull from the roots is responsible for water uptake in plants;
5. The transpirational efficiency of a plant adapts to changing environmental conditions.

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