Trash example sentences

Related (10): garbage, waste, debris, rubbish, junk, litter, scrap, refuse, detritus, leftovers

"Trash" Example Sentences

1. Please take out the trash.
2. The whole alley was filled with trash.
3. The house was filled with trash and clutter.
4. They saw trash and litter all along the roadside.
5. The landlord made them clean up all the trash in the yard.
6. The beach was littered with trash and debris after the storm.
7. The side of the highway was lined with trash and abandoned cars.
8. The dumpster was overflowing with trash.
9. The kitchen counter was covered in trash and dirty dishes.
10. They trashed the hotel room after a wild party.
11. Our neighbor never empties his trash cans.
12. The ministry is organizing a cleanup to remove trash from the riverbanks.
13. We need to buy more trash bags for the kitchen.
14. I threw out the rotten food and other trash from the fridge.
15. The overturned trash bins left garbage scattered all over the street.
16. Their conversations often consisted of trashing other people.
17. The empty bottles and food wrappers were all trash littering the floor.
18. Don't spread rumors or trash talk other people.
19. The litter and trash ruined the natural beauty of the woods.
20. Kids these days trash talk each other constantly.
21. The trash collectors came by early this morning.
22. They set the trash on fire in the alley.
23. The landlord fined them for leaving trash and clutter outside their unit.
24. The house already looked trashed even before the party started.
25. There were trash cans everywhere for collecting litter.
26. Kids these days spend too much time trashing each other on social media.
27. Workers cleaned up the trash that had accumulated under the bridge.
28. My neighbors never properly separate their trash and recyclables.
29. They trashed the house after a wild all-night party.
30. The whole neighborhood came together to clean up trash along the river.
31. The wash left a bunch of trash and sand on the beach.
32. The city needs more facilities and programs for handling trash properly.
33. We have a trash bin in the kitchen for collecting food waste.
34. Don't leave your trash for the janitor to clean up.
35. The whole hallway was littered with trash after the football game.
36. They need to take the trash out more often to avoid pests and odors.
37. There was trash scattered everywhere after the hurricane.
38. Their conversations always devolved into trashing other classmates.
39. We filled up three bags of trash cleaning up the yard.
40. The town organized a massive cleanup to remove tons of trash from the river.
41. My kids never seem to throw their trash away properly.
42. We cleaned up all the trash the night before trash day.
43. Landlords tend to fine tenants for leaving trash outside their units.
44. The whole neighborhood came together to clean up tons of trash in the park.
45. The city wants to fine people more for improperly disposing of trash.
46. They trashed the restaurant after a rowdy lunch celebration.
47. The train tracks were lined with trash and debris after a long winter.
48. Our neighbors dump their trash in our bins instead of getting their own.
49. The housing project became filled with trash and abandoned cars.
50. The owners trashed the rental house before moving out.
51. The overflowing dumpster was filling with trash.
52. The students trashed the school gym after the football game.
53. The landfill was piled high with trash from the recent hurricane.
54. Their arguments always devolved into trashing each other personally.
55. People expend too much energy trashing each other online.
56. Don't spread rumors or trash talk others. Be kind.
57. They threw their trash right out the car window as they drove away.
58. The cleaning crew had to remove tons of trash from the concert venue.
59. Kids spend too much time trashing each other on social media.
60. The house was filled with trash, clutter and abandoned belongings.

Common Phases

1. Talk trash - to criticize or insult someone in an unfair or rude way. "Stop talking trash about her, she's not even here to defend herself."
2. Take out the trash - to empty the trash bin and dispose of its contents. "It's your turn to take out the trash tonight."
3. Trash talk - rude and aggressive speech intended to intimidate or insult someone. "The two players started trash talking each other before the game even started."
4. Separate recyclables - to divide items into trash and recyclable bins according to what can and cannot be recycled. "Remember to separate your paper, plastic and metal when you take out the trash."
5. Trashed the place - caused significant destruction or damage to an area. "The party guests really trashed the place last night."
6. Litter the ground - to cover the ground with small pieces of trash. "Please don't litter the ground with your candy bar wrappers."
7. Throw trash - to discard something as worthless garbage. "stop throwing trash all over the floor!"
8. Covered in trash - full of or scattered with garbage and litter. "The alley was covered in trash and broken glass."
9. Full of clutter - untidy or disorderly due to many disorganized belongings. "The house was filthy and full of clutter."
10. Overflowing dumpster - a trash bin so full that its contents are spilling over the top. "The dumpster was overflowing with trash and people just kept dumping more in."

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