Tricksy example sentences
Related (10): clever, mischievous, sly, deceitful, cunning, crafty, wily, tricky, foxy, sneaky
"Tricksy" Example Sentences
1. The tricksy fox tried to sneak away with the hen's egg.
2. The magician performed a tricksy card trick that baffled the audience.
3. My tricksy cat spent the morning hiding my slippers.
4. The labyrinth had many tricksy twists and turns that confused those wandering within.
5. The detective suspected foul play due to the tricksy nature of the crime scene.
6. The little imp had a tricksy grin on his face as he plotted his next mischief.
7. My memories of my childhood are tricksy things, fading and distorting with time.
8. The politician gave a tricksy non-answer to avoid really committing to the proposal.
9. The tricksy witch added a potion to her cauldron that made unpleasant smells.
10. The tricksy sprite led the travelers in circles to avoid showing them the path.
11. The tricksy goblin stole the gem and fled into the shadows of the cave.
12. The interview questions were tricksy and designed to trip up overconfident candidates.
13. That tricksy boy is always finding ways to annoy his little sister.
14. The ancient Norse gods were known for being tricksy and mischievous.
15. Some of the AI systems seem eerily tricksy in the way they manipulate humans.
16. The comedian's tricksy wordplay caused many in the audience to chuckle.
17. The tricksy data visualization distorted the true scope of the problem.
18. The lawyer accused the witness of giving a tricksy answer that avoided the question.
19. Loki the trickster god was known for his tricksy nature and deception of the other gods.
20. The politician gave a tricksy noncommittal answer that avoided the true question.
21. The hobgoblins had tricksy features that gave them an impish appearance.
22. The politician provided a tricksy answer that was technically true but deceptive.
23. The little boy's tricksy smile hinted at an upcoming prank.
24. The politician tried to distract the reporter with a tricksy digression.
25. The contract had several tricksy clauses designed to favor the company.
26. The math problem had tricksy wording that was designed to confuse students.
27. The politician gave an answer with tricksy double meanings open to multiple interpretations.
28. The tricksy gnome led the travelers in circles through the dense forest.
29. The lawyer pointed out the tricksy loophole in the hastily written legislation.
30. The tricksy rabbit bit the dog on his nose and then darted away.
31. The con artist carried out a tricksy scheme to swindle money from his victim.
32. My aging memory plays tricksy tricks; some days I can recall details vividly, other days memories fade.
33. The lawyer accused the witness of giving a tricksy non-answer that avoided the true question.
34. The wee fairy folk are known for their tricksy natures and love of mischief.
35. The elf had a tricksy smile that hinted at some upcoming prank.
36. The test questions had tricksy wording designed to confuse overconfident students.
37. The magician's tricksy sleight of hand amazed and bewildered the audience.
38. The politician gave a tricksy answer that had multiple interpretations and meanings.
39. The tricky riddle had tricksy clauses that made it difficult to solve.
40. The hobgoblin had a little tricksy face and pointed ears.
41. The lawyer accused the witness of providing a tricksy interpretation of events.
42. The little goblin had a cheeky, tricksy face as he plotted his next mischief.
43. The politician provided a tricksy yet technically truthful response to avoid the true question.
44. The sly fox gave the chickens a tricksy smile before sneaking into the hen house.
45. The little hobgoblin had a tricksy look of mischief in his eyes.
46. The nasty witch used tricksy spells against her enemies.
47. My memories have a tricksy habit of shifting and distorting over time.
48. The lawyer accused the witness of giving a tricksy technically true response that obscured the facts.
49. The little goblin had a grin that was both cheeky and tricksy.
50. The faerie's tricksy face promised mischief and adventure.
51. The tricksy frog led them in circles through the dense swamp.
52. The lawyer accused the witness of a tricksy interpretation of facts.
53. The little hobgoblin evoked images of tricksy elves and sprites.
54. The tricksy little goblins loved nothing more than playing pranks.
55. The lawyer accused the witness of providing a tricksy and misleading summary of events.
56. The witch's potion had a foul and tricksy smell that soured the air.
57. The politician provided a tricksy response designed to avoid answering the true question.
58. The little goblin's tricksy laugh indicated he was up to something mischievous.
59. The ancient ruins were laid out in a tricksy maze-like pattern that confused visitors.
60. The tricksy prankster enjoyed nothing more than playing mischievous jokes on others.
Common Phases
tricksy words - Words that are deliberately deceiving or misleading.
tricksy question - A question designed to puzzle or confuse, often with a double meaning or misleading phrasing.
tricksy smile - An impish, mischievous smile that hints at someone up to no good or planning mischief.
tricksy deeds - Mischief or deceptive actions.
tricksy imp - An elfish, mischievous creature.
tricksy face - A face with an impish, mischievous appearance.
tricksy nature - A character or personality that is prone to mischief, deception, and tricks.
tricksy mind - A clever, inventive but often deceitful or mischievous intellect.
tricksy memories - Memories that shift or change over time so they become unreliable or distorted.
tricksy memory - An unreliable memory prone to distortions over time.
tricksy wordplay - Clever use of words meant to trick, confuse or amuse.
tricksy loophole - An ambiguity or oversight in a law, contract, or set of rules that allows one to evade its intent.
That covers some common phrases associated with the word tricksy! Let me know if you have any other questions.