Trifling example sentences
Related (5): Insignificant, petty, frivolous, inconsequential, minor.
"Trifling" Example Sentences
1. He dismissed her complaints as trifling matters.
2. The thief had committed only trifling offenses.
3. The witness considered the event to be of a trifling nature.
4. The judge saw no reason to impose severe punishment for such trifling misconduct.
5. The manager considered the employee's lateness to be a trifling infraction.
6. Her teacher viewed her mistakes as mere trifling errors.
7. The infraction was deemed too trifling to merit serious consequences.
8. The child's prank was dismissed as a trifling act of mischief.
9. The accusations against him were based on trifling evidence.
10. Trifling annoyances should be overlooked.
11. He was charged with only trifling violations of the law.
12. Trifling gossip is best ignored.
13. Trifling sum of money was all that was needed to purchase the item.
14. A trifling gesture can sometimes mean so much.
15. Her contribution, though trifling, was gratefully received.
16. The damage caused by the flood was largely trifling.
17. They quarreled over some trifling comment.
18. She viewed her mistake as a mere trifling error.
19. The professor viewed his student's mistake as a trifling error.
20. They apologized for the trifling delay.
21. He made light of her complaints, calling them trifling concerns.
22. She brushed aside his objections as trifling and unimportant.
23. The trifling difference of opinion soon blew over.
24. His trifling remark caused a world of trouble.
25. His meddling with their affairs was dismissed as a trifling annoyance.
26. The arbiter ruled that the breach was too trifling to merit drastic action.
27. The trifling nature of the insult soon passed without incident.
28. Their dispute over that trifling matter upset their friendship for weeks.
29. The sorrow she felt over such a trifling matter seemed excessive.
30. The inaccuracy was deemed far too trifling to deserve further attention.
31. The trifling error bars little significance in the grand scheme.
32. She brushed aside his criticisms as trifling and petty.
33. The trifling expense was easily absorbed into the project's larger budget.
34. Their argument over such a trifling issue seemed absurd.
35. The trifling sum they owed was easily paid.
36. Her trifling accomplishment was nonetheless an important first step.
37. A trifling gift may sometimes prove most meaningful.
38. She brushed aside his objections as mere trifling quibbles.
39. His apology for the trifling mistake seemed sincere.
40. Her assistance, however trifling, was nonetheless appreciated.
41. The trifling amount owed was promptly repaid.
42. The trifling surplus was donated to charity.
43. His trifling remark caused her great offense.
44. The trifling discrepancy had no bearing on the final result.
45. The trifling oversight was easily corrected.
46. Trifling disagreements should not come between friends.
47. The trifling sum was quickly repaid.
48. Any trifling error can be easily amended.
49. Kindnesses, no matter how trifling, have lasting value.
50. The trifling inclination proved difficult to change.
51. Her trifling whim cost a small fortune.
52. The trifling details were quickly settled.
53. Trifling matters should not occupy the mind.
54. His trifling comment began a heated quarrel.
55. She shrugged off his objections as so much trifling quibbling.
56. The discrepancy, though trifling, took much time and care to resolve.
57. The trifling surplus was divided equally among them.
58. His trifling remarks were nonetheless hurtful.
59. Trifling annoyances quickly faded.
60. The complaint was deemed too trifling to merit action.
Common Phases
1. make a trifling of - treat as unimportant or worthless
2. trifling matter- something considered unimportant
3. trifling amount - a very small quantity
4. trifling error - a minor mistake
5. trifling oversight- an inconsequential error or omission
6. trifling offense - a minor crime or violation
7. trifling complaint - a petty or insignificant grievance
8. trifling remark - an unimportant comment
9. trifling sum - a very small amount of money
10. of trifling importance - being of little significance
11. trifling difference - an inconsequential distinction
12. trifling objection - an insignificant quibble
13. dismiss as trifling - regard as unimportant
The phrases illustrate how the word "trifling" is commonly used to describe things considered minor, petty, insignificant or unimportant. The connotation is typically negative, implying that the thing described is not worthy of much attention or notice.