Tristfully example sentences

Related (10): sadly, sorrowfully, mournfully, gloomily, piteously, ruefully, regretfully, wistfully, desolately, melancholically

"Tristfully" Example Sentences

1. She looked at the old photo tristfully, reminiscing about the good old days.
2. He sighed tristfully as he watched the sun set over the horizon.
3. The abandoned house stood tristfully on the edge of the cliff, forgotten by time.
4. She spoke tristfully of her lost love, regretting the decisions she made.
5. The singer sang tristfully about lost love and heartbreak, moving the audience to tears.
6. The old man sat on the park bench, staring tristfully at the people passing by.
7. The artist captured the mood of the painting tristfully, using dark and somber colors.
8. The puppy looked up at his owner tristfully, begging for a treat.
9. The river flowed tristfully, reflecting the sadness in the poet's words.
10. He remembered tristfully the day his father passed away, wishing he had expressed his love more.
11. The children played tristfully on the playground, missing their friends who moved away.
12. The dancer moved tristfully on stage, conveying the pain of lost love.
13. The homeless man watched tristfully as people walked past him without a second glance.
14. The flowers in the garden drooped tristfully, wilted by the scorching sun.
15. The rain fell tristfully, mirroring the sadness in her heart.
16. The old book sat tristfully on the shelf, forgotten and unread for years.
17. The traveler gazed tristfully out the plane window, leaving behind a place they loved.
18. The broken toy lay tristfully on the floor, discarded and forgotten by its owner.
19. The abandoned puppy whined tristfully, hoping for someone to take care of him.
20. The soldier looked tristfully at the picture of his family, longing to be home.
21. The musician played tristfully on his guitar, pouring his heart out in the music.
22. The wind blew tristfully through the empty street, carrying the echoes of past memories.
23. The actor delivered his lines tristfully, portraying a character dealing with loss and grief.
24. The snow fell tristfully on the barren landscape, creating a melancholic scene.
25. The singer's voice trembled tristfully, conveying the sadness in the lyrics.
26. The coffin lay tristfully at the front of the church, surrounded by mourners.
27. The soldier's grave sat tristfully in the cemetery, a solemn reminder of sacrifice.
28. The old man smiled tristfully at the memories of his youth, wishing he could go back.
29. The empty house sat tristfully on the street, a silent witness to the passing of time.
30. The sea crashed tristfully against the rocks, a reminder of the power of nature.

Common Phases

1. She gazed out the window tristfully; longing for the days of her youth.
2. He listened to the melancholic melody tristfully; wishing for happier times.
3. The couple walked through the park tristfully; mourning the loss of their beloved pet.
4. She hugged her pillow tristfully; missing the warmth and comfort of her significant other.
5. He stared at the old family photo album tristfully; reminiscing on the memories of his childhood.

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