Triviality example sentences

Related (6): insignificance, pettiness, unimportance, frivolity, immateriality, irrelevance

"Triviality" Example Sentences

1. Her concern about the triviality of her job often frustrated her.
2. They criticized his obsession with the trivialities of life.
3. He rose above the trivialities and focused on the important issues.
4. She dismissed his complaint as a triviality not worth her attention.
5. The manager admonished the employee for complaining about such trivialities.
6. The bureaucratic regulations focused on trivialities and missed the big picture.
7. I didn't want to indulge her complaints about such trivialities.
8. The interviewer asked questions focusing on trivialities rather than substance.
9. She saw through the triviality of his concerns and addressed the real problem.
10. In his quest for simplicity he avoided the trivialities that distracted others.
11. The speaker was criticized for focusing on trivialities instead of real issues.
12. I found the triviality of her complaint to be tiresome and petty.
13. He avoided getting bogged down in the triviality of minor details.
14. The media focused on the triviality of celebrity gossip instead of real news.
15. I grew weary of her tendency to complain about such trivialities.
16. He perceived the triviality of his former concerns with new perspective.
17. Trivialities of daily life often distracted her from more important matters.
18. She dismissed his argument as triviality unworthy of serious consideration.
19. The triviality of the request made him reluctant to fulfill it.
20. He ignored her complaints regarding such trivialities.
21. The reviewer criticized the book for focusing on trivialities and missing the big picture.
22. Trivialities should not distract from the work that really matters.
23. He objected to the triviality of rules that impeded progress without justification.
24. I refused to engage with her over such trivialities.
25. The committee's focus on trivialities prevented progress on more substantive issues.
26. After graduation he gained a new perspective on the triviality of his former concerns.
27. She often found the triviality of daily life frustrating and meaningless.
28. The scandal focused attention on the triviality of celebrity culture.
29. Trivialities and distractions can easily take over if not kept in check.
30. Their dispute seemed petty in its triviality and lack of real substance.
31. His obsession with trivialities prevented him from seeing the big picture.
32. The professor's lecture revealed the triviality behind many of society's preoccupations.
33. He rose above the triviality of the squabble and addressed the real conflict.
34. Rules focusing on triviality often distract from more important objectives.
35. Focusing on triviality can result in missing opportunities for real progress.
36. She grew weary of having to argue about such trivialities.
37. Gradually the triviality of his former concerns lost their hold over him.
38. He soon realized the triviality of many complaints that at first seemed valid.
39. Complaining about trivialities accomplishes nothing of value.
40. Triviality should not distract from efforts toward more meaningful goals.
41. I refused to get drawn into an argument over such trivialities.
42. Her concerns often revolved around trivialities unworthy of serious attention.
43. The regulations focused on trivialities that had nothing to do with safety.
44. Triviality draws attention away from what truly matters.
45. The scandal revealed the triviality underlying much of celebrity culture.
46. Focusing on trivialities is a waste of time and energy.
47. He dismissed her complaints as trivialities unworthy of his response.
48. The media often focuses on trivialities instead of news that really matters.
49. I objected to the triviality of rules that impeded creativity for no good reason.
50. He came to see the triviality behind many of his past concerns.
51. The triviality of her complaint demonstrated a lack of perspective.
52. Their argument revealed the triviality underlying their conflict.
53. The debate focused on trivialities rather than substantive issues.
54. The professor's lecture exposed the triviality behind societal customs.
55. Avoid becoming distracted by the triviality of minor details.
56. The new hire discovered the triviality behind many corporate policies.
57. Their focus on trivialities came at the expense of more substantive concerns.
58. He rose above the triviality of their squabble to address the real conflict.
59. Complaints about trivialities demonstrate a lack of real perspective.
60. Triviality is easily confused with importance until put into proper context.

Common Phases

1. Lost in triviality - Overly concerned with or distracted by unimportant details.
2. Triviality trap - Becoming bogged down or fixated on minor issues or concerns.
3. Beyond triviality- Rising above or going past unimportant details.
4. Refuse to engage in triviality - Decline to participate in discussions about unimportant matters.
5. Triviality of celebrity - The undeserved attention and significance given to famous people for trivial reasons.
6. Tending toward triviality - Having a propensity to focus on unimportant details.
7. Rise above triviality - Become less concerned with minor issues.
8. Obsessed with triviality - Excessively preoccupied with unimportant matters.
9. Distracted by triviality - Drawn away from more meaningful things by minor issues.
10. Avoid triviality - Steer clear of or abstain from worthless discussions or concerns.

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