Trysailfrom example sentences

Related (7): spinnaker, mainsail, jib, genoa, staysail, foresail, topsail

"Trysailfrom" Example Sentences

1. I wonder if I could try to sail from New York to Los Angeles.
2. She will attempt to try to sail from Miami to Havana.
3. I have never tried to sail from one continent to another before.
4. Before you try to sail from here to there, make sure your ship is seaworthy.
5. If you want to try to sail from Australia to New Zealand, you should plan your route carefully.
6. He tried to sail from South Africa to Brazil, but the journey was too difficult for him.
7. We could try to sail from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.
8. She will try to sail from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico.
9. They tried to sail from Bali to Singapore, but the weather conditions were unfavorable.
10. If you want to try to sail from Honolulu to Tokyo, you should have experience navigating in open waters.
11. I’m not sure if I want to try to sail from Europe to South America yet.
12. He tried to sail from the Caribbean to Cape Town in South Africa, but his boat had engine trouble.
13. We should try to sail from the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean Sea.
14. She will attempt to try to sail from the coast of California to Oregon.
15. They tried to sail from Indonesia to Australia, but they got lost at sea.
16. If we decide to try to sail from one river to another, we should hire an experienced captain.
17. I never thought I would try to sail from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River.
18. He tried to sail from Maine to Florida, but he encountered a strong storm in the middle of his journey.
19. We could try to sail from the Amazon River to the Rio de la Plata in Argentina.
20. She will try to sail from Nova Scotia to Iceland if the weather permits.
21. They tried to sail from Cape Verde to Brazil, but their boat was not equipped for the rough waters.
22. If you want to try to sail from Vancouver to Alaska, you should be familiar with the tides and currents.
23. I’m not sure if I want to try to sail from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea just yet.
24. He tried to sail from Puerto Rico to the Dominican Republic, but his boat had a leak.
25. We should try to sail from the Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf of Mexico during hurricane season.
26. She will attempt to try to sail from Hawaii to Fiji with a small crew.
27. They tried to sail from Japan to Russia, but they underestimated the distance and ran out of supplies.
28. If we decide to try to sail from the Mississippi River to the Missouri River, we should check the water levels beforehand.
29. I never imagined I would try to sail from Lake Ontario to Lake Erie in a small boat.
30. He tried to sail from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal, but his vessel was not designed for long voyages.

Common Phases

not worry about the meaning.
1. Trysailfrom the mountain top;
2. Trysailfrom the river bank;
3. Trysailfrom the ocean floor;
4. Trysailfrom the cloud above;
5. Trysailfrom the desert dunes;
6. Trysailfrom the valley below;
7. Trysailfrom the forest canopy;
8. Trysailfrom the city skyline;
9. Trysailfrom the space station;
10. Trysailfrom the Arctic tundra.

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