"Tum" Example Sentences
1. The tum tum in my belly told me it was time for lunch.
2. The dog began to tum tum when I scratched his favorite spot.
3. The tum tum of the bass drum gave the music its deep rhythm.
4. The little boy's tum tum rumbled as he stared hungrily at the cookies.
5. The loud tum tum of the car engine disturbed the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.
6. The tribe played the tum tum to signal the start of the ceremony.
7. My heart went tum tum tum whenever I saw her walk into the room.
8. The kids giggled as they listened to the tum tum of their friend's belly.
9. The hungry immigrant's tum tum rumbled incessantly during the journey.
10. The child's tum tum growled when there was no food at home for dinner.
11. The marching band paraded down the street with the tum tum of their drums.
12. The loud tum tum of theApache drums warned of invading enemies.
13. The shy boy blushed as his tum tum tumbled hearing his crush's voice.
14. The alien's tum tum made a strange clicking sound instead of rumbling.
15. The incessant tum tum of the jackhammer disrupted the solitude of the garden.
16. The tum tum of Anne's belly told her it was time to use the restroom.
17. The tum tum of thunder echoed across the valley during the storm.
18. The hungry explorer's tum tum rumbled loudly in the Amazon jungle.
19. The baby's tumtum tumbledwith giggles as her parents tickled her.
20. The hungry kitten'stum tum rumbledloudly as it begged for food.
21. The loud tum tum of the drums filled the plaza during the festival.
22. The loud tum tum of the train approaching woke me from my nap.
23. The impatient children jumped and danced to the tum tum of the music.
24. The racing tum tum of my heart gave away my nervousness during the exam.
25. The earthquake caused thetum tumof vibrationsthat shook the buildings.
26. The rhythmictum tumof the Latin music got me up and dancing.
27. The starving refugee's tum tum rumbled incessantly as he begged for food.
28. The monotonous tum tum of the clock annoyed me as I tried to fall asleep.
29. The tum tum of the rain on the roof lulled me to sleep.
30. The loud tum tum of marching feet filled the street during the parade.
31. The lively tum tum of the samba drums got everyone dancing and singing.
32. The tum tum of my heart raced as I saw her walk down the aisle.
33. The wet kitten's tum tum rumbled as it begged for milk.
34. The hiker's tum tum rumbled loudly after days without a real meal.
35. The tum tum of the heartbeat grew faint as life slipped away.
36. The monotonous tum tum of the old washing machine annoyed everyone in the house.
37. The loud tum tum of the tribal drums signaled the start of an important ritual.
38. The rumbling tum tums of the hungrytigersscared the zookeeper.
39. The shaman beat the tum tum to call on the spirits for help.
40. The tum tum of the digger's engine disrupted the tranquility of the countryside.
41. My tum tum tumbled with joy when I heard the good news.
42. The baby's tum tum growled as she got hungry before her next meal.
43. The tum tum of the drums filled the air during the battle preparations.
44. The little girl's tum tum fluttered with nerves on the first day of school.
45. The tum tum of thunder shook the windows during the storm.
46. The somber tum tum of the funeral drum filled the air.
47. The racing tum tum of my heart beat faster with anticipation.
48. The child's tum tum rumbled loudly as he waited for dessert.
49. The loud tum tum of the bass drum punctuated the rock song.
50. The hungry worker's tum tum grumbled all through the long shift.
Common Phases
1. Ich
tum es einfach.
Tum, was dir gefällt.
3. Was tust du denn da?
4. Er tut dies und das.
5. Sie tut es immer so.
6. Ich tue nichts Böses.
7. Ich tue mein Bestes.
8. Tut mir leid, dass ich zu spät bin.
9. Es tut mir leid, dich geweckt zu haben.
10. Es tut gut, dich zu sehen.
11. Viel Glück, ich werde mein Bestes tun.
12. Ich tue mein Bestes, um dir zu helfen.
13. Tut nichts Überstürztes.
14. Tut mir leid, wenn ich dich gestört habe.
15. Er tat nie etwas Illegales.
16. Tut, was du tun musst, dann geh.
17. Tust du das wirklich jeden Tag?
18. Was habe ich getan?
19. Tu nicht so überrascht.
20. Tu, was du nicht lassen kannst.
21. Was hat sie denn jetzt schon wieder getan?
22. Tut so, als wüsstest du von nichts.
23. Sie tat mir Leid.
24. Tut, worauf du Lust hast.
25. Tut mir so leid, dass ich nicht kommen kann.
26. Ich tue alles in meiner Macht Stehende.
27. Hab keine Angst, ich tue dir nichts.
28. Sie tut nie etwas Eigenes.
29. Ich werde tun, was ich kann.
30. Tue ich dir hiermit Unrecht?
31. Das tust du doch absichtlich.
32. Tut, wer du bist, und sei, wer du bist.
33. Es tut so weh.
34. Tut nicht so, als wüsstest du es nicht.
35. Tut mir leid für die Enttäuschung.
36. Ich tue es einfach nicht mehr.
37. Ich werde tun, was ich kann.
38. Tut einfach das Richtige.
39. Tut einfach das, was du tun musst.
40. Tut, was du tun kannst.
41. Ich tue mein Bestes.
42. Tut mir wirklich sehr leid.
43. Tut dein Bestes.
44. Tut mir echt schrecklich leid.
45. Tut es einfach.
46. Tut, was dir Spaß macht.
47. Ich habe nichts getan.
48. Tut mir furchtbar leid.
49. Ich tue einfach, was ich kann.
50. Ich habe nichts Falsches getan.
51. Tut mir sehr leid.
52. Ich tue alles, was ich kann.
53. Tut einfach, was du willst.
54. Tut, was du tun möchtest.
55. Tut, was immer du meinst.
56. Ich tue nichts Schlimmes.
57. Ich tue, was ich denke.
58. Ich tue, was nötig ist.
59. Tut nicht so ernst.
60. Es tut weh.