"Tumbledungs" Example Sentences
1. The tumbledungs in the field seemed to be multiplying by the minute.
2. The smell of the tumbledungs was overpowering.
3. I nearly stepped in a giant tumbledung on my walk this morning.
4. The garden was full of tumbledungs, making it difficult to maneuver around.
5. The farmer's tractor had accidentally spread tumbledungs all over the road.
6. The cows were happily grazing amidst the tumbledungs.
7. There were so many tumbledungs that it looked like a mountain range in the distance.
8. The tumbledung beetle was hard at work, rolling a large ball across the field.
9. The barnyard was littered with tumbledungs, making it tough to walk without getting dirty.
10. The tumbledungs provided excellent fertilizer for the crops.
11. The children played a game, seeing who could toss tumbledungs the farthest.
12. The tumbledungs were so large that they were a hazard for the farm animals to walk over.
13. We had to shovel out the tumbledungs from the fields before we could start planting.
14. The tumbledungs made excellent kindling for the fireplace.
15. The tumbledungs were so stinky that even the flies avoided them.
16. The cows seemed to have a particular fondness for the tumbledungs.
17. The farmer had to hire extra help to clean up the tumbledungs after a particularly rainy season.
18. I had no idea that tumbledungs could be used for medicinal purposes.
19. The tumbledungs had attracted a swarm of bees, which the farmer was not too pleased about.
20. The tumbledungs that were left on the road caused quite a few flat tires among passing cars.
21. The tumbledungs provided a rich habitat for many different insects and arachnids.
22. The tumbledungs were like little islands in the pasture, surrounded by a sea of green grass.
23. The children loved collecting tumbledungs and using them as projectiles in their games.
24. The scent of the tumbledungs reminded me of the fresh country air.
25. The cows were at their happiest when they had a fresh pile of tumbledungs to lounge in.
26. The tumbledungs were slippery to walk on after a rainstorm.
27. The horses were curious about the tumbledungs and would often sniff them before moving on.
28. The tumbledungs created a natural barrier that kept the farm animals from wandering too far.
29. The farmer had to use a special machine to scoop up the tumbledungs and transport them to a compost heap.
30. The sight of the tumbledungs always made me thankful for the hardworking farmers who kept our food supply going.
Common Phases
1. I found
tumbledungs all over my garden; it was a mess.
2. The
tumbledungs were scattered all over the park; it wasn't safe to walk around.
3. My dog loves to play with
tumbledungs; he thinks they're toys.
4. I accidentally stepped on a tumbledung; it was disgusting.
5. The smell of
tumbledungs was overwhelming; I had to leave the room.