Turned example sentences

Related (15): revolved, rotated, twisted, pivoted, diverted, veered, swiveled, spun, deviated, shifted, reversed, backtracked, flipped, inverted, upended.

"Turned" Example Sentences

1. The tide turned and the water came rushing in.
2. The exasperated employee turned in his resignation.
3. When I saw the fire, I immediately turned around and ran the other way.
4. He turned down the job offer because he wanted to focus on his studies.
5. The lights turned green and we proceeded through the intersection.
6. The cook turned the steak over on the grill.
7. The student turned in her homework late and received a lower grade.
8. The investigator turned up new evidence that led to an arrest.
9. She turned the page and continued reading the story.
10. The dancer turned gracefully on her toe.
11. The boy turned eleven years old last week.
12. The lamp suddenly turned off and we were in total darkness.
13. The soldier turned himself in after deserting his post.
14. His demeanor turned serious when he heard the bad news.
15. The nation turned its eyes to the nation's capital on election night.
16. The crowd turned ugly as tempers flared.
17. She turned pale when she saw the snake.
18. As it got dark, the lights in the house slowly turned on.
19. Her expression turned icy cold when she heard the insult.
20. Please turn off the TV before going to bed.
21. The betrayed friend turned against his former ally.
22. The bully turned on the smallest child in the class.
23. His interests turned toward more intellectual pursuits as he grew older.
24. The deadly virus has now turned global.
25. The plucky underdog team finally turned the game around and won.
26. The rebellious teen turned his back on his parents' strictures.
27. The terrifying monster finally turned and fled into the night.
28. The industry veteran turned entrepreneur launched a new startup.
29. She turned her head and saw him standing there.
30. Her sadness finally turned to joy when her wish came true.
31. The leaves turned beautiful shades of red and orange in the fall.
32. The ruined castle stood silently as the centuries turned.
33. The car suddenly turned over after hitting a patch of black ice.
34. The injured spy finally turned informant to save himself.
35. The struggling student finally turned his grades around with extra tutoring.
36. He turned his life around after joining a self-help program.
37. Their lives suddenly turned upside down with the tragic accident.
38. She turned on the lights when she entered the dark room.
39. The misbehaving child finally turned himself around with the right discipline.
40. The betrayed friend turned against her former ally.
41. The suspect finally turned himself in after days on the run.
42. The years have turned his once blond hair grey.
43. They finally turned a profit after years of losses.
44. The novice researcher finally turned his dissertation into a publishable study.
45. The company turned its focus to more sustainable products.
46. The chef turned the steaks on the grill.
47. His fortunes finally turned around after years of struggle.
48. The spy turned traitor and joined the enemy camp.
49. We finally turned the corner and found the right solutions.
50. The coward finally turned and ran away.
51. The leaves slowly turned colors and fell to the ground.
52. Their lives turned upside down overnight.
53. The company finally turned a profit last quarter.
54. The teacher turned the classroom lights off before showing the movie.
55. Winter slowly turned to spring with warmer weather and blooming flowers.
56. The shocked witness finally turned state's evidence and testified in court.
57. Their luck finally turned for the better after years of hardship.
58. His interests finally turned toward more pragmatic concerns.
59. The bully turned his anger on the smallest child.
60. Her frown turned to a smile when she saw him.

Common Phases

1. She turned her head and looked out the window.
2. He turned on the radio as he was driving.
3. The car turned into the driveway.
4. The lights suddenly turned off.
5. When I heard the bad news, my smile quickly turned to a frown.
6. The dog turned around and started chasing its tail.
7. The tumbler turned slowly in his hands.
8. I turned the page and kept reading.
9. The old record player turned and crackled as it played the vinyl record.
10. As he got older, he turned to religion for comfort.
11. The souffle wouldn't rise so the recipe turned into a failure.
12. The tables have turned and now she's the one in trouble.
13. Please turn off your phone during the meeting.
14. The TV turned to static before going black.
15. My mood quickly turned sour when I heard the bad news.
16. I turned up the music to drown out the noise from outside.
17. The key finally turned and the lock opened.
18. When she smiled at me, my frown instantly turned into a smile.
19. The plane banked and turned sharply to the right.
20. The baked potato turned out perfect and fluffy inside.
21. She turned in early after a long day.
22. The tires squealed as the car turned the corner.
23. After walking for hours, I turned my ankle.
24. Once the investigation began, many people turned against him.
25. She turned up the volume on her iPod while working out.
26. The suspect turned himself in to the police station.
27. My mood turned sour when I spilled coffee on my new shirt.
28. During the presentation, her nervousness quickly turned to confidence.
29. I turned off the stove and started clearing the counter.
30. The engine finally turned over after several attempts.
31. When the music started playing, everyone immediately turned to the dance floor.
32. The pumpkin quickly turned from orange to black as it rotted.
33. The greenery turned colorful as fall approached.
34. The tide finally turned and we started gaining ground.
35. The rumor quickly turned into fact as more evidence surfaced.
36. The investigation turned up some surprising new details.
37. When I refused to lend him money, our friendship quickly turned sour.
38. The bacon turned crisp as it cooked in the pan.
39. The car turned slowly into the narrow alleyway.
40. His expression instantly turned serious when he heard the news.
41. The music slowly turned melancholic as the song progressed.
42. His frown quickly turned into laughter when he heard the joke.
43. The young boy suddenly turned and ran into the street.
44. The doll's head turned all the way around.
45. With age, her dreams turned to more practical goals.
46. The tide finally turned and we started defeating the enemy troops.
47. When I hit the buzzer, the light finally turned green.
48. She turned away from him, not wanting to make eye contact.
49. The fruit turned brown and mushy after being left out too long.
50. My search finally turned up the information I was looking for.
51. Our fortunes quickly turned around once we found a new strategy.
52. The musician turned the knob and adjusted the volume.
53. I turned the doorknob but the door wouldn't budge.
54. The investigation quickly turned up new leads.
55. Her frown quickly turned into a smile when she saw him.
56. The dessert turned out perfect - gooey and rich.
57. The leaves quickly turned color as fall came early that year.
58. The frightened dog turned and started running back towards its owner.
59. The key turned slowly in the lock.
60. Her smile quickly turned into a frown when she saw the bill.

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