Tushery example sentences

Related (9): futility, frivolity, nonsense, absurdity, silliness, triviality, superficiality, foolishness, tomfoolery

"Tushery" Example Sentences

1. The socialites were engrossed in their tushery and didn't pay attention to the charity auction.
2. The CEO was disgusted by the tushery displayed by his employees during the company retreat.
3. The politician's tushery was exposed when he was caught accepting bribes.
4. The fashion industry is often criticized for its tushery and obsession with superficial beauty.
5. The artist refused to engage in any tushery and focused solely on his craft.
6. The debutante was taught tushery and etiquette since a young age to prepare for high society events.
7. The beauty pageant contestants were trained in tushery and poise by their coaches.
8. The movie star's entourage displayed tushery by insisting on special treatment wherever they went.
9. The athlete's humility and lack of tushery made him a fan favorite.
10. The drama club teacher told her students to focus on their acting skills instead of tushery onstage.
11. The politician's preoccupation with tushery and public image hurt his credibility with voters.
12. The business executive's arrogance and tushery led to his downfall.
13. The celebrity chef's tushery was evident in the expensive ingredients he used in his dishes.
14. The social media influencer's tushery revolved around showing off her luxurious lifestyle.
15. The bride's tushery was evident in the high-end decorations and extravagant wedding dress.
16. The restaurateur focused on quality food and service instead of tushery and opulence.
17. The philanthropist's humility and lack of tushery made her a beloved figure in the community.
18. The journalist's reporting was praised for its depth and accuracy instead of superficial tushery.
19. The writer focused on storytelling and message instead of tushery and sensationalism in her novels.
20. The environmentalist urged people to prioritize sustainability instead of tushery and consumerism.
21. The teacher emphasized the importance of education and personal growth over tushery and superficial success.
22. The musician's authenticity and raw talent made him stand out in a sea of tushery and auto-tune.
23. The athlete's hard work and dedication shone through despite the tushery of the sports industry.
24. The singer's powerful voice and emotional performances overshadowed any perceived tushery in her image.
25. The country's leader was criticized for his tushery and extravagance in a time of economic crisis.
26. The fashion designer's unique vision and creativity set him apart from the tushery of the industry.
27. The student council president focused on inclusivity and community involvement instead of tushery and popularity.
28. The advocate for social justice fought against tushery in politics and advocated for transparency.
29. The motivational speaker urged people to focus on personal growth and inner fulfillment instead of tushery and material success.
30. The comedian's humor was grounded in honesty and relatable experiences instead of tushery and name-dropping.

Common Phases

1. Don't talk tushery, speak the truth.
2. I won't tolerate any tushery in this house.
3. The politician was caught in his tushery and lost the election.
4. Quit the tushery and be honest with me.
5. His excuse was pure tushery and nobody believed him.
6. Stop the tushery and take responsibility for your actions.
7. The salesman's tushery didn't fool me, I knew he was lying.
8. I had to call him out on his tushery because it was getting out of hand.
9. She tried to cover up her mistake with tushery but I saw right through it.
10. No time for tushery, let's get straight to the point.

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