Ulpian example sentences

Related (21): jurisprudence, codification, Roman, law, legal, imperial, Digesta, Institutes, Pandects, Justinian, Constitutions, edict, theology, Digest, commentary, scholar, canon, civil, theologian, praetor, papinian.



  - (died c.228), Roman jurist, born in Phoenicia; Latin name Domitius Ulpianus. His numerous legal writings provided one of the chief sources for Justinian's Digest of 533.

"Ulpian" Example Sentences

1. Ulpian was an influential lawyer and jurist of the Roman Empire.
2. He was one of the most important jurists of the Roman Empire.
3. Ulpian was the most prolific jurist of the Roman Empire.
4. His writings on jurisprudence were highly influential in Roman law.
5. Ulpian's works on law were cited by later Roman jurists.
6. Ulpian's writings on law were cited by later Roman jurists.
7. Ulpian wrote extensively on a wide range of legal topics.
8. Ulpian's writings on Roman law were widely influential.
9. Ulpian's works on legal issues were highly influential in Roman law.
10. Ulpian's works on legal matters had a lasting influence on Roman law.
11. Ulpian's writings on Roman law were highly influential.
12. Ulpian's works on jurisprudence were highly influential in Roman law.
13. Ulpian's writings on legal topics were widely cited by later Roman jurists.
14. Ulpian was an important figure in the development of Roman law.
15. Ulpian's works on Roman law were highly influential in the development of Roman law.
16. Ulpian's writings on legal matters were highly influential in Roman law.
17. Ulpian's works on Roman law were widely cited by later Roman jurists.
18. Ulpian's works on legal issues were highly influential in the development of Roman law.
19. Ulpian's writings on Roman law were widely cited by later Roman jurists and lawyers.
20. Ulpian's works on legal matters had a lasting influence on the development of Roman law.
21. Ulpian's writings on law were widely cited by later Roman jurists and lawyers.
22. Ulpian's works on legal topics were highly influential in the development of Roman law.
23. Ulpian was an important contributor to the development of Roman law.
24. Ulpian's works on Roman law were widely influential in the development of Roman law.
25. Ulpian's writings on legal matters had a lasting impact on Roman law.
26. Ulpian's works on legal issues were highly influential in the development of Roman jurisprudence.
27. Ulpian's writings on law were widely cited by later Roman jurists and lawyers.
28. Ulpian's works on legal topics were highly influential in the evolution of Roman law.
29. Ulpian's writings on legal matters had a lasting influence on the evolution of Roman law.
30. Ulpian's works on Roman law were widely cited by later Roman jurists and legal scholars.
31. Ulpian was a major figure in the development of Roman jurisprudence.
32. Ulpian's works on legal issues were highly influential in the evolution of Roman law.
33. Ulpian's writings on law were widely cited by later Roman lawyers and legal scholars.
34. Ulpian's works on legal topics had a lasting impact on the evolution of Roman law.
35. Ulpian was an important contributor to the evolution of Roman law.
36. Ulpian's works on Roman law were widely influential in the evolution of Roman jurisprudence.
37. Ulpian's writings on legal matters had a lasting influence on the evolution of Roman jurisprudence.
38. Ulpian's works on legal issues were widely cited by later Roman lawyers and legal scholars.
39. Ulpian was a major figure in the development of Roman legal thought.
40. Ulpian's works on legal topics had a lasting impact on the development of Roman jurisprudence.

Common Phases

"Omnis actio quod adimit bonis meis;";"Quod quisque suo nomine agere potest;";"Quod ex lege naturali vel civili vel etiam consuetudine vel moribus probatur;";"Quod ex aequitate aut bono publico aut utilitate communi recte statuitur;";"Quod ex poenali lege vel praetoria vel honoraria vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto;";"Quod ex Ulpiani sententia probatur;";"Quod ex jure civili vel honorario vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto;";"Quod ex jure honorario vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto;";"Quod ex jure communi vel consuetudinario vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto vel edicto vel constitutione vel alio quolibet principali edicto;".

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