Unaffected example sentences

Related (10): uninfluenced, unchanged, unaltered, undisturbed, unimpaired, unscathed, untouched, unspoiled, unwavering, unresponsive.

"Unaffected" Example Sentences

1. Her cerebral functions remained unaffected by the tumor.
2. The company's stocks were largely unaffected by the news.
3. The hurricane left the island mostly unaffected.
4. The city remained largely unaffected by the earthquake.
5. The pathogen left the immune cells seemingly unaffected.
6. Her mood appeared unaffected by the bad news.
7. The program appeared to have left his cognitive abilities unaffected.
8. The treatment seemed to leave her health largely unaffected.
9. The blizzard left the southern parts of the state relatively unaffected.
10. The medication appeared to leave her motor skills unaffected.
11. The new law will leave the small farmers unaffected.
12. The local wild population was left relatively unaffected.
13. The students' performance appeared to be unaffected by the lack of resources.
14. The calm teacher seemed completely unaffected by the chaos around her.
15. Her sense of humor remained remarkably unaffected by age.
16. The spill largely left the marine ecosystem unaffected.
17. His venturesome spirit remained utterly unaffected by failures.
18. The first team left the opposition players seemingly unaffected.
19. The crisis left the incumbent administration relatively unaffected.
20. The solutions left the original equations completely unaffected.
21. Their financial situation was seemingly unaffected by the losses.
22. His work ethic remained completely unaffected by age.
23. The drug appeared to leave her cognitive functions completely unaffected.
24. The construction project has left the historic homes relatively unaffected.
25. His performance seemed completely unaffected by illness.
26. Her fighting spirit appeared utterly unaffected by repeated defeats.
27. The local businesses remained largely unaffected by the competition.
28. His confidence appeared totally unaffected by failure.
29. The rural areas were left relatively unaffected by the civil unrest.
30. The publishing industry remained largely unaffected by technological changes.
31. Her strong will seemed completely unaffected by adversity.
32. The currency remained largely unaffected by the economic crisis.
33. The earthquake left the western parts of the city relatively unaffected.
34. His goals seemed utterly unaffected by popular opinion.
35. The new drug appears to leave cognitive functions largely unaffected.
36. The coastal city was left relatively unaffected by the hurricane.
37. The error left the experimental results largely unaffected.
38. Their work ethic seemed unaffected by factors like pay or promotion.
39. The drugs appeared to leave her motor skills unaffected.
40. The tornado left the southern part of the county relatively unaffected.
41. His performance remained completely unaffected by distractions.
42. The intervention appeared to leave cognitive functions largely untouched.
43. The storm left the Highlands region fairly unaffected.
44. Their joy seemed utterly unaffected by material possessions.
45. Her determination seemed completely unaffected by disappointment.
46. The recipe changes left the flavor of the dish largely unaffected.
47. Her confidence appeared completely unaffected by public criticism.
48. The stock prices remained largely unaffected by the company news.
49. The crisis left the poorer nations seemingly unaffected.
50. His zest for life remained utterly unaffected by age.
51. Her plan remained entirely unaffected by external conditions.
52. The coastal community was left largely unaffected by the tsunami.
53. The drought left the northern parts of the county relatively unaffected.
54. Their academic performance seemed unaffected by personal factors.
55. The experimental group was apparently unaffected by the environmental conditions.
56. The forensic team left the crime scene seemingly unaffected.
57. Her spirit seemed totally unaffected by illness or injury.
58. The anesthetic appeared to leave his cognitive functions largely unaffected.
59. The strong winds left the eastern parts of the city relatively unaffected.
60. The explosions left the nearby residences seemingly unaffected.

Common Phases

1. remain unaffected
2. left unaffected
3. largely unaffected
4. seemingly unaffected
5. completely unaffected
6. remain unaffected by
7. left relatively unaffected by
8. left largely unaffected by
9. appear(s) unaffected by
10. utterly unaffected by

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