Unalike example sentences

Related (12): Different, dissimilar, diverse, distinct, unlike, contrasting, disparate, varying, unequal, contrastive, divergent, heterogeneous.

"Unalike" Example Sentences

1. The two siblings were unalike in appearance and personality.
2. Her reserved, scholarly nature seemed unalike her flamboyant sister's.
3. The twins may look alike, but their talents and interests are unalike.
4. The unalike temperaments led to frequent disagreements and arguments.
5. Their unalike upbringings shaped them into very different adults.
6. Though related by blood, their characters and passions remained unalike.
7. Their unalike responses to adversity revealed their inherent differences.
8. The façade of their amiable relationship hid their deeply unalike natures.
9. The siblings became more unalike as they grew older and pursued different goals.
10. Despite their unalike talents, they could always find common ground in their love for each other.
11. Though coming from similar backgrounds, their destinies became increasingly unalike.
12. Their unalike personalities led them to choose markedly different career paths.
13. Despite sharing the same genes, their hopes, dreams, and ambitions remained unalike.
14. His happy-go-lucky attitude seemed unalike her serious, studious disposition.
15. Being fraternal twins, their appearances were always somewhat unalike.
16. Their unalike work ethics often led to conflict and disagreements.
17. Their radically unalike political views were a constant source of tension.
18. Though born on the same day, their life trajectories became increasingly unalike.
19. Their unalike parenting styles led them to raise their children in markedly different ways.
20. Their unalike strengths and weaknesses complemented each other.
21. Though related, their experiences of the same event remained profoundly unalike.
22. Their paths diverged as they pursued ambitions that were increasingly unalike.
23. Though exposed to the same environment, their reactions were often markedly unalike.
24. Being raised as identical twins, the differences in their characters seemed all the more unalike.
25. Their unalike upbringings instilled fundamentally different values in them.
26. Though nurtured under the same roof, their worldviews developed along unalike lines.
27. Their unalike priorities created a gulf between them that only grew with time.
28. Their unalike interests led them to choose companions who were not mutually appealing.
29. Their unalike temperaments shaped their perceptions of the world into radically different forms.
30. At heart, their fundamental desires and needs remained unalike.
31. Though coming from the same gene pool, their talents blossomed into markedly unalike forms.
32. Their unalike takes on life often led them to talk past each other.
33. Though raised by the same parents, their values developed along profoundly unalike lines.
34. The wisdom they gained from life's hardships manifested in markedly unalike ways.
35. Their unalike perspectives on spirituality shaped profoundly different meanings from the same experience.
36. Though tied by blood, their visions of the future remained profoundly unalike.
37. The paths forged by their unalike talents and personalities diverged further with age.
38. The choices made by their unalike temperaments led them further and further apart.
39. Though coming from one womb, their souls developed in markedly unalike directions.
40. At heart, their desires and ambitions remained poles unalike.
41. Though walking down seemingly similar paths, there destinations promised to be unalike.
42. Their unalike molds of minds saw mysteries where the other saw only facts.
43. Though nurtured under the same influences, their characters blossomed into radically unalike forms.
44. The genetic variations that made them unalike created a gulf that even love could not bridge.
45. Though bound by blood and affection, their journeys of self-discovery led them in profoundly unalike directions.
46. The paths forged by their unalike passions and priorities diverged further and further.
47. Despite their unalike temperaments, they always found a way to show affection for one another.
48. Though their talents lay in opposing directions, their hearts remained aligned toward love and duty.
49. Their unalike perspectives often created conflict but also balanced and enriched each other's worldview.
50. Though their ambitions pulled them down unalike roads, family ties remained strong.

Common Phases

1. As unalike as - As different as
2. Unalike in nature - Different in nature
3. Unalike in character - Different in character
4. Unalike in temperament - Different in temperament
5. Unalike in disposition - Different in disposition
6. Unalike in talents - Different in talents
7. Unalike in personality- Different in personality
8. Unalike in appearance - Different in appearance
9. Unalike in priorities - Different in priorities
10. Unalike in desires - Different in desires

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