"Uncommunicative" Example Sentences
1. My roommate is very uncommunicative and keeps to himself most of the time.
2. The old man sitting in the corner was completely uncommunicative, not even acknowledging our presence.
3. My introverted son tends to be rather uncommunicative, rarely sharing his thoughts and feelings.
4. The prisoner was completely uncommunicative during the initial interrogation, refusing to speak a single word.
5. The reclusive writer was known to be quite uncommunicative, rarely interacting with people outside of his immediate family.
6. The sullen teenager responded to our questions with shrugs and monosyllabic answers, making it clear he was being uncommunicative on purpose.
7. Her boyfriend has become very uncommunicative lately, avoiding discussing any issues in their relationship.
8. The antisocial child rarely spoke or interacted with the other kids, preferring to remain uncommunicative and isolated on the playground.
9. My old cat has become very uncommunicative in his older age, sleeping most of the day and rarely coming for petting and attention.
10. I found myself growing frustrated with my uncommunicative coworker who never shared details about tasks or asked for help when needed.
11. The toddler tended to be rather uncommunicative, using grunts and pointing rather than words to express his desires.
12. After the argument, she gave him the silent treatment, remaining completely uncommunicative for days.
13. During job interviews, I tend to become unusually uncommunicative and stiff due to nerves.
14. The injured soldier remained uncommunicative about the pain he was experiencing, not wanting to worry his family.
15. Due to his profound deafness from birth, the child was rather uncommunicative during early childhood development.
16. My normally talkative mother has become rather uncommunicative since the death of my father, rarely speaking about her loss and grief.
17. The withdrawn boy sulked in the corner of the classroom, remaining stubbornly uncommunicative and refusing to join class activities.
18. My melancholy song reflected my introverted and rather uncommunicative emotional state at the time of its creation.
19. The strangers sat next to each other in uncomfortable silence, neither person initiating communication and both remaining uncommunicative.
20. The last words my dying mother uttered to me were uncharacteristically uncommunicative and monosyllabic due to the opiates.
21. After a heated argument, my wife remained uncommunicative and avoided eye contact, refusing to discuss the issue further.
22. The militia soldier remained grimly uncommunicative even after days of interrogation and deprivation of food and sleep.
23. My husband tends to cope with stress by becoming uncommunicative and distant, preferring to be left alone with his thoughts.
24. The impatient physical therapist found the stroke victim to be stubbornly uncommunicative, refusing to comply with the exercises.
25. Due to her autism, my granddaughter tends to remain rather uncommunicative around unfamiliar people.
26. The injured child remained uncommunicative and fearful due to the trauma of the car accident and hospitalization.
27. The witness remained infuriatingly uncommunicative during police questioning, providing little information to help solve the crime.
28. My husband returned home from his business trip distant and uncommunicative, refusing to discuss what had upset him.
29. The shy student remained uncommunicative around her new classmates, avoiding eye contact and speaking only when spoken to directly.
30. My social anxiety disorder makes me withdrawn and uncommunicative in unfamiliar social situations with groups of people.
31. The unfriendly neighbor remained uncommunicative, never acknowledging or greeting us when passing by.
32. The anger and resentment between the estranged couple made them uncommunicative, unable to bridge the divide and resolve their issues.
33. After the argument, both participants became stubbornly uncommunicative, refusing to apologize first and prolonging the conflict.
34. While in a depressed state, I tended to become withdrawn and uncommunicative, isolating myself from others.
35. The aboriginal tribe remained wary and uncommunicative towards the explorers, suspicious of their intentions.
36. The withdrawn child refused to discuss his difficulties or problems with his parents, remaining stubbornly uncommunicative.
37. The elderly relative began to withdraw and become uncommunicative due to the progression of her dementia.
38. After several attempts at initiating conversation, I realized the woman sitting next to me on the train would remain uncommunicative for the duration of the ride.
39. The dementia patient became more and more difficult to communicate with as the disease progressed, becoming withdrawn and uncommunicative.
40. The prisoner remained uncommunicative during interrogation, refusing to divulge any information about his accomplices or plans.
41. The moody teenager gave one word answers before retreating into stony silence, making it clear he intended to remain uncommunicative.
42. After the argument, my normally affectionate husband became strangely distant and uncommunicative for days.
43. The patient's marked withdrawal and uncommunicative behavior deeply concerned the psychiatrist.
44. The hostage remained understandably frightened and uncommunicative even after being rescued by authorities.
45. The child was completely uncommunicative under the effects of the anesthesia during the surgical procedure.
46. The aboriginal tribe remained wary of and refused to communicate with the outside world, choosing to remain largely uncommunicative.
47. The wife felt hurt and frustrated by her husband's uncommunicative nature and unwillingness to discuss issues in their marriage.
48. The anxious patient remained unusually uncommunicative during the medical examination, refusing to answer questions about her symptoms.
49. The soldier's commanding officer found him to be stubbornly uncommunicative and unwilling to discuss the PTSD he was experiencing.
50. The doting grandparents found the newborn infant's uncommunicative nature completely enchanting.
51. The couple grew further and further apart as lack of communication and uncommunicative habits became entrenched in their marriage.
52. The cat remained obstinately uncommunicative despite hours of pleading and coaxing with treats.
53. The patient's uncommunicative nature and unwillingness to discuss his symptoms made diagnosing and treating his condition extremely difficult.
54. The famously reclusive writer was known for being notoriously uncommunicative with fans and the press.
55. The teacher found the usually talkative student to be withdrawn and uncommunicative, refusing to participate or engage in class discussions.
56. After receiving the bad news, I retreated into myself, becoming withdrawn and uncommunicative for days.
57. The corpse remained completely uncommunicative and still on the autopsy table.
58. The protestors remained frustratingly uncommunicative, refusing to say what other actions they had planned.
59. The neighbors found the new residents to be mysterious and uncommunicative, rarely speaking to anyone in the community.
60. The mute child could only communicate through sign language due to being uncommunicative and unable to speak.
Common Phases
1. Keep to oneself - Someone who is
uncommunicative tends to keep to themselves and avoid social interaction.
2. Give someone the silent treatment - To be intentionally
uncommunicative and refuse to speak to someone as a form of punishment.
3. Withdrawn - Being
uncommunicative and avoiding social interactions can cause someone to become withdrawn and socially isolated.
4. Not keen on small talk - Those who are
uncommunicative tend to avoid casual, superficial conversations or "small talk."
5. Introverted - Many
uncommunicative people are introverted and find interacting with others to be draining rather than energizing.
6. Refusing to open up -
Uncommunicative individuals often avoid opening up about their feelings, thoughts and personal lives.
7. Unsociable - Someone who is
uncommunicative and avoids interactions with others can be seen as unsociable or lacking in social skills.
8. Monosyllabic responses - An
uncommunicative person may respond to questions with short, monosyllabic answers rather than engaging in real conversations.
9. Distant - Those who are
uncommunicative often appear distant emotionally and psychologically from others.
10. Stubbornly taciturn - An
uncommunicative person can be seen as stubbornly taciturn, meaning reluctantly or persistently reluctant to speak.