Undefiled example sentences

Related (8): pure, pristine, immaculate, untouched, unblemished, spotless, untainted, unspoiled.

"Undefiled" Example Sentences

1) She remained undefiled by the corruption around her.
2) Their love remained pure and undefiled.
3) The land was still undefiled by human hands.
4) The virgin daughter stayed undefiled.
5) The hills stood tall and undefiled.
6) The air in the mountains was still undefiled by pollution.
7) The artifact was found in an undefiled tomb.
8) Their innocence remained undefiled.
9) The water was still undefiled and crystal clear.
10) Keep thy spirit undefiled.
11) He sought to remain undefiled by sin.
12) I kept my hands undefiled from bribery.
13) Her morals remained undefiled.
14) The pristine landscape was still undefiled.
15) The Lamb of God, holy and undefiled.
16) The artifact remained undefiled for centuries.
17) He preserved his mind undefiled amidst corruption.
18) Their virtue remained pure and undefiled.
19) The violet forests remained undefiled by humans.
20) The cave was still dark and undefiled.
21) Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
22) The relics remained undefiled for hundreds of years.
23) His motives remained undefiled by greed.
24) Their marriage remained undefiled.
25) The children were kept undefiled from evil.
26) The barren land remained undefiled by modern technology.
27) He desired a bride who was undefiled
28) His heart remained undefiled by malice.
29) She remained chaste and undefiled.
30) An undefiled heart, which God hath not forsaken. Psalm 24:4
31) The artifact was found in an undefiled state.
32) Thou shalt walk in undefiled ways.
33) The temple remained undefiled.
34) I kept my youth undefiled.
35) The valley remained undefiled by human development.
36) Their conscience remained undefiled by sin.
37) Keep thyself pure and undefiled.
38) The discovery was made in an area that had remained undefiled for centuries.
39) His spirit remained undefiled by selfishness.
40) His motives remained undefiled by greed.
41) The land was still pristine and undefiled.
42) She remained undefiled despite temptation.
43) Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Titus 1:15
44) The artifact was found in an undefiled tomb.
45) The pouch contained relics that remained undefiled for centuries.
46) Their eyes remained undefiled.
47) Her soul remained undefiled.
48) The garden was still green and undefiled.
49) He sought an undefiled wife.
50) The Scripture is able to make one wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:15-17
51) The rite was performed in an undefiled space.
52) The remains were intact and undefiled.
53) Their minds remained undefiled by sinful thoughts.
54) The mountain air was clean and undefiled.
55) Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Titus 1:15
56) The jewel remained untouched and undefiled.
57) He remained undefiled amidst temptation.
58) The artifact was found in an undefiled tomb.
59) Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Jude 1:21
60) The unspoiled beach remained undefiled by industry.

Common Phases

1. The ritual was performed in an undefiled space.
2. She walked the undefiled path of righteousness.
3. Only the pure in heart can see God in His undefiled glory.
4. He kept himself undefiled from the world.
5. They sought an undefiled bride for the ceremony.
6. The lamb was sacrificed in an undefiled manner.
7. The priest instructed the worshippers to come with undefiled hands and a pure heart.
8. The virgin kept herself undefiled and ready for her heavenly bridegroom.
9. The undefiled altar stood ready to receive offerings from the faithful.
10. His undefiled thought and his virtue must lift him above all temptations.
11. Job said, "My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live." Thus he remained undefiled.
12. The sacred space was cleansed and made undefiled for the ceremony.
13. She prayed for wisdom and an undefiled heart.
14. The priest blessed the bread and wine in an undefiled sanctuary.
15. He saw the bride approach in her undefiled white gown.
16. The creatures that passed before me were defiled, but I remained undefiled in the midst of them all.
17. The virgins kept themselves undefiled for the coming of the bridegroom.
18. His undefiled hands held the sacrificial lamb.
19. The altar cloth was kept spotless and undefiled.
20. Their hands and hearts remained undefiled as they worshipped the living God.
21. The altar pots were washed and made perfectly clean and undefiled.
22. The ceremony began as the sun rose undefiled over the horizon.
23. The pure water flowed undefiled from the mountain spring.
24. He sings praises to God with undefiled lips.
25. The milk remained undefiled and excellent for the baby.
26. The chalice was wiped perfectly clean and made undefiled.
27. The golden lampstand stood undefiled in the holy of holies.
28. The Levites sang praises to the Lord with undefiled voices.
29. They walked the path of righteousness and kept their garments undefiled.
30. His undefiled vows pleased the Lord.
31. I shall keep my conscience undefiled.
32. Her undefiled faith led many to the gospel.
33. The temple bells rang out their undefiled song of praise to God.
34. The king feasted with his loyal subjects in an undefiled hall.
35. The incense filled the holy place with its undefiled fragrance.
36. The new bride glided gracefully down the aisle in her veil of undefiled white.
37. The relics remained perfectly intact and undefiled by time.
38. The sacrificial lambs were found to be undefiled and suitable for the altar.
39. The wine had remained perfectly still and undefiled for many years.
40. The undefiled waters rippled gently in the moonlight.
41. Her undefiled name was praised throughout the land.
42. The candles burned with an undefiled flame.
43. The gospel seed fell upon good and undefiled ground.
44. The undefiled document bore the king's seal.
45. Their minds remained undefiled by worldly thoughts.
46. Her words flowed like music from undefiled lips.
47. The city's undefiled reputation stood the test of time.
48. The priest sprinkled the unleavened bread with undefiled water.
49. They raised their undefiled hands in prayer to the Most High God.
50. The bride wore a veil of undefiled lace.
51. The paint brushes remained undefiled and ready for use.
52. I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. So my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. Psalm 34:4-5 Thus David remained undefiled.
53. Her eyes remained undefiled and filled with joy.
54. The musical instruments gave forth their undefiled sound.
55. The tools were washed and made perfectly clean and undefiled.
56. His thoughts remained undefiled by jealousy or lust.
57. The soil remained undefiled and fertile.
58. The temple courts were filled with people of undefiled hearts and pure intentions.
59. The heirlooms remained undefiled through generations.
60. The tree stood tall and undefiled, a symbol of purity and peace.

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