Underestimate example sentences

Related (5): underappreciate, undervalue, minimize, belittle, neglect

"Underestimate" Example Sentences

1. Don't underestimate the power of a simple gesture to turn someone's day around.
2. People often underestimate how much preparation is needed for a big project.
3. He tends to underestimate the challenges involved in complex tasks.
4. She never underestimates the fierce competition she faces.
5. We underestimated the amount of work required to meet the deadline.
6. I tend to underestimate how difficult things will be until I actually start doing them.
7. They underestimated the public's demand for the new product.
8. She consistently underestimates her own abilities and talents.
9. We should not underestimate the psychological effects of the trauma they experienced.
10. I think you underestimate your ability to succeed if you try.
11. The battle proved harder than they had underestimated.
12. Do not underestimate the value of honesty and integrity in gaining trust.
13. I underestimated how transformational the experience would be for me.
14. He tended to underestimate women's abilities in the workplace.
15. You underestimate the power of kindness and compassion.
16. Don't underestimate the impact a few encouraging words can have.
17. They severely underestimated the difficulty of the climb.
18. I tend to underestimate the amount of time routines will take.
19. I think you're greatly underestimating your own talents and gifts.
20. Never underestimate the stubborn determination of a parent seeking justice for their child.
21. Many people severely underestimated the scale of the crisis.
22. They underestimated the dedication of their customers to the brand.
23. Politicians often underestimate the intelligence of the voters.
24. I tend to underestimate the emotional toll that difficult situations take.
25. Do not underestimate the determination of your opponent.
26. We severely underestimated the anger that decision would provoke.
27. I think you underestimate how beloved and respected you are to so many.
28. He severely underestimated just how difficult scaling the business would be.
29. Critics tend to underestimate the power of simplicity and clarity.
30. You should never underestimate the healing power of a bowl of soup and gentle touch.
31. Parents often underestimate their role as models for their children's behavior.
32. We greatly underestimated the difficulties of the move ahead of time.
33. You shouldn't underestimate the wisdom that comes with life experience.
34. Most people underestimate just how fragile life truly is.
35. Don't underestimate the strength within yourself to persevere.
36. I think you underestimate just how much your presence lights up a room.
37. The budget fell far short as officials had severely underestimated costs.
38. She often underestimated her own abilities to handle difficult situations.
39. Politicians tend to underestimate the intelligence of the average voter.
40. He consistently underestimates the challenges women face in the workplace.
41. Do not underestimate your ability to overcome obstacles and grow stronger.
42. We severely underestimated the complexity of integrating the two systems.
43. I think you underestimate your inherent wisdom and resilience.
44. She underestimated how much the loss would affect her.
45. Critics tend to underestimate the importance of happiness and simplicity.
46. You shouldn't underestimate the power of your own story to inspire others.
47. Officers severely underestimated the dangers they would face that day.
48. He tends to underestimate the emotional needs of his clients.
49. Media coverage severely underestimated the devastation caused by the storm.
50. Don't underestimate the value of your contributions, no matter how small.

Common Phases

1. Don't underestimate me.
2. You underestimate me/him/her/them.
3. I underestimated how difficult/challenging/time-consuming it would be.
4. They underestimated the impact/effect/consequences.
5. Officials underestimated the scale/magnitude/severity.
6. Critics tend to underestimate the importance/significance/value.
7. He consistently underestimates women/minorities/disadvantaged groups.
8. People often underestimate the power/strength/resiliency of the human spirit.
9. I tend to underestimate my own abilities/talents/skills.
10. Never underestimate the power/strength/willpower/determination/resiliency of (a particular group).

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