Undiscriminating example sentences

Related (5): unselective, indiscriminate, random, haphazard, arbitrary.



undiscriminating (adjective)

  - not having or showing good judgment or taste.


boorish, loutish, oafish, thuggish, brutish, bearish, Neanderthal, philistine, coarse, uncouth, unsavory, crass, vulgar, common, unrefined, unsophisticated, uncultured, uncultivated, tasteless, insensitive, unfeeling, imperceptive, callous, cloddish, slobbish, plebby, clodhopping, yobbish, ocker, refined

"Undiscriminating" Example Sentences

1. The gunfire was indiscriminate and undiscriminating, hitting civilians and combatants alike.
2. The bomb had an undiscriminating impact, destroying everything in its path.
3. The cyclone left widespread devastation in an undiscriminating manner, destroying homes and businesses.
4. The pesticide showed undiscriminating toxicity, killing beneficial insects along with the pests.
5. The neurotoxin impacts neurons in an undiscriminating manner, leading to widespread symptoms.
6. The drug demonstrated an undiscriminating binding profile with no receptor selectivity.
7. The agonist binds undiscriminatingly to multiple receptor types.
8. The chemical attack had an undiscriminating impact, sickening many civilians and soldiers.
9. The medicine acted in an undiscriminating pharmacological manner.
10. The drug exhibits undiscriminating mechanisms of action.
11. The fire spread in an undiscriminating manner, destroying everything in its path.
12. The herbicide wiped out all plant life in an undiscriminating way.
13. The toxin had an undiscriminating impact, poisoning people and animals alike.
14. The virus infected everyone it touched in an undiscriminating fashion.
15. The compound bound undiscriminatingly to multiple receptor sites.
16. The researchers found the drug to have broad, undiscriminating effects.
17. The enzyme interacts with compounds in an undiscriminating fashion.
18. The neuroleptic exhibits an undiscriminating binding profile.
19. The surgeon performed an undiscriminating vagotomy.
20. The drug has broad, undiscriminating effects due to low receptor specificity.
21. Undiscriminating inflammation results in widespread tissue damage.
22. The drug acts in an undiscriminating manner to decrease neurotransmitter reuptake.
23. The poison acted in an undiscriminating way, causing a variety of symptoms.
24. The laser destroyed tissue in an undiscriminating manner.
25. The neurotoxin disrupted neuronal signaling in an undiscriminating fashion.
26. The filter selected particles in an undiscriminating manner.
27. The drug targets GABA receptors in an undiscriminating manner.
28. The herbicide acted in an undiscriminating fashion, damaging the entire plant.
29. The radiation therapy impacted tissues in an undiscriminating manner.
30. The medication exhibited broad, undiscriminating pharmacological activity.
31. The chemical attack caused undiscriminating damage throughout the city.
32. The drug inhibited neurotransmitter reuptake in an undiscriminating manner.
33. The pesticide acted in an undiscriminating way, killing many organisms.
34. The drug showed broad, undiscriminating effects.
35. The rain fell in an undiscriminating manner, soaking everyone equally.
36. The mudslide impacted property in an undiscriminating fashion.
37. The medication caused an undiscriminating range of side effects.
38. The infection spread in an undiscriminating manner, rapidly affecting many people.
39. The heat wave impacted areas in an undiscriminating fashion.
40. The treatment options were undiscriminating and failed to consider individual needs.
41. The mediator promoted undiscriminating unity that ignored real differences.
42. The thoughtless speech showed an undiscriminating attitude toward the audience.
43. The theory treats experiences in an undiscriminating manner, lumping them all together.
44. The uncaring boss applied the rule in an undiscriminating way to every employee.
45. The police acted in an indiscriminate and undiscriminating way during the protests.
46. The undiscriminating management style failed to recognize individual strengths.
47. The undiscriminating curriculum ignored different students' abilities and interests.
48. The undiscriminating justice system disproportionately impacted minorities.
49. The undiscriminating government aid benefited the privileged as well as the needy.
50. The undiscriminating menu offers no healthy or vegetarian options.
51. The undiscriminating cleanup effort inadequately addressed sources of pollution.
52. The undiscriminating party atmosphere appealed to people of all backgrounds.
53. The undiscriminating shopper bought gifts for everyone on their list.
54. The undiscriminating din rose from the crowd gathered in the square.
55. The undiscriminating glare of the floodlights left nowhere in shadow.
56. The music played at a volume that was undiscriminating in who it disturbed.
57. The undiscriminating glare of the camera flash left no one in the audience unseen.
58. The undiscriminating notice had no regard for the varying priorities of recipients.
59. The undiscriminating sun shone on all equally.
60. The flood waters rose with an undiscriminating relentlessness.

Common Phases

1. The restaurant had undiscriminating service, serving any customer who walked through the door.
2. Their undiscriminating hiring practices led to many incompetent workers being employed.
3. His undiscriminating generosity led him to give money to every person who asked, even strangers and scammers.
4. She developed an undiscriminating taste for sugary snacks and treats.
5. The dog's undiscriminating appetite led him to eat anything on the floor, regardless if it was food.
6. The child's undiscriminating palate preferred only chicken nuggets and mac and cheese.
7. The undiscriminating reviewer gave every book five stars regardless of the quality.
8. Their undiscriminating investment approach led them to lose money on most of their stock picks.
9. The tourist developed an undiscriminating appetite for local cuisine during his travels.
10. Their undiscriminating focus on growth meant quality often suffered.
11. The shop's undiscriminating purchases led to far too much excess inventory.
12. Their undiscriminating lending practices led to an increase in defaults and repossessions.
13. The band developed an undiscriminating fan base by playing only the most popular songs.
14. The committee made an undiscriminating catalog of nominees, accepting almost anyone recommended.
15. He developed an undiscriminating eye for art, admiring any abstract painting he saw.
16. The theatre had an undiscriminating policy of admitting anyone who purchased a ticket.
17. His undiscriminating palate preferred only the sweetest, most calorie-laden food options.
18. The critic's undiscriminating praise dismissed all notions of artistic difficulty or merit.
19. Their undiscriminating enthusiasm led them to support any charitable cause promoted to them.
20. The teacher's undiscriminating grading policy awarded high scores to any assignment turned in.
21. Her undiscriminating fashion sense led her to purchase any clothing trend that caught her eye.
22. The museum's undiscriminating acquisition strategy soon overwhelmed its storage facilities.
23. The undiscriminating welcome mat policy led to repeated trouble by uninvited guests.
24. Their undiscriminating mass production led to low quality in almost every product.
25. The library's undiscriminating acceptance policy led to a cluttered, chaotic collection.
26. His undiscriminating dietary habits meant he consumed anything edible in sight.
27. The team developed an undiscriminating strategy of acquiring any free agent available.
28. The uncultured diner developed an undiscriminating taste for the blandest foods on the menu.
29. Their undiscriminating approach to errors meant they rarely caught even the most glaring mistakes.
30. The store had an undiscriminating return policy, accepting any returned items with no questions asked.
31. Her undiscriminating promotion policy elevated almost every employee with seniority.
32. The receptionist had an undiscriminating screening policy, forwarding all calls to her boss.
33. His undiscriminating humor appealed to the lowest common denominator.
34. The salesperson's undiscriminating approach meant recommending any product to any customer.
35. The agent developed an undiscriminating clientele by representing any author who asked.
36. Their undiscriminating bidding approach meant overpaying for almost every item auctioned.
37. The undiscriminating listeners applauded anything performed on stage.
38. Their undiscriminating admissions policy led to declining academic standards.
39. The unsophisticated tourist developed an undiscriminating taste for any cuisine served.
40. The undiscriminating reading led him to finish any book he started, regardless of quality.
41. His undiscriminating social circle embraced anyone willing to spend time with him.
42. The recruiters developed an undiscriminating applicant pool by accepting almost any resume.
43. The undiscriminating listener greeted every story with the same level of interest.
44. The show had an undiscriminating focus, trying to appeal to all demographics.
45. The undiscriminating love embraced everyone equally, without judgment or preference.
46. Her undiscriminating fashion choices led her to wear any trend that caught her fancy.
47. The undiscriminating playlist included songs from every genre, both popular and obscure.
48. The undiscriminating critic praised every performance with the same level of enthusiasm.
49. The undiscriminating buyer purchased any item offered at a discount.
50. The undiscriminating vacationer visited any tourist attraction touted by the guidebook.
51. The undiscriminating recipe collection included any dish submitted by a reader.
52. The undiscriminating playlist featured any song recommended by a subscriber.
53. The undiscriminating buyer purchased every gadget offered in the catalogue.
54. The undiscriminating tourist tried any local delicacy recommended by a guidebook.
55. The undiscriminating recruitment led to a team of varying abilities and motivations.
56. The undiscriminating policy meant admitting any student who applied.
57. The undiscriminating promotion accepted any ad submitted.
58. The undiscerning recipient accepted any gift given without consideration of its quality.
59. The undiscriminating menu offered any dish the chef felt like making that day.
60. The undiscriminating advertiser accepted any client willing to pay the fees.

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