Uneasy example sentences

Related (9): nervous, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy, unrestful, uncomfortable, disquieted, agitated, tense

"Uneasy" Example Sentences

1. I have an uneasy feeling about this situation.
2. An uneasy silence fell over the room.
3. The uneasy truce would not last for long.
4. His uneasy smile betrayed his nervousness.
5. She felt uneasy around strangers.
6. The uneasy look on his face showed his worry.
7. An uneasy calm had settled over the camp.
8. I slept uneasily last night.
9. The uneasy atmosphere made me uncomfortable.
10. The uneasy compromise left both sides dissatisfied.
11. The uneasy alliance would soon break apart.
12. His uneasy laughter did not sound sincere.
13. An uneasy expression came over her face.
14. The crowd watched in uneasy anticipation.
15. His uneasy conscience haunted him.
16. The uneasy balance of power would not hold.
17. The uneasy motion of the car made me queasy.
18. An uneasy feeling churned in my stomach.
19. Her uneasy stare made me shift in my seat.
20. The uneasy crowd awaited the verdict.
21. The uneasy minds shifted restlessly.
22. The uneasy lull in the fighting would not last.
23. An uneasy expression crossed his face.
24. An uneasy tension filled the air.
25. The uneasy partnership was doomed from the start.
26. The uneasy chatter died away.
27. The uneasy smile did not reach his eyes.
28. The uneasy calm unnerved them.
29. The uneasy truce was preferable to all-out war.
30. The uneasy conditions made productive work impossible.
31. The uneasy bargain left both parties dissatisfied.
32. The uneasy compromise papered over problems.
33. The uneasy simmering of resentment that fueled rebellion.
34. The uneasy lull before the storm.
35. The uneasy harmony of clashing objectives.
36. The uneasy mixture of hope and dread.
37. The uneasy transition from one way of life to another.
38. The uneasy progress dogged by setbacks.
39. Her uneasy laughter belied her discomfort.
40. The uneasy peace hung by a thread.
41. The uneasy glance betrayed his anxiety.
42. The uneasy jostling of the impatient crowd.
43. The uneasy fix of a reluctant compromise.
44. The uneasy motion of the lift made me nauseous.
45. The uneasy rhythm of held breath and staggered sighs.
46. The uneasy conscience that stalked him at night.
47. The uneasy awareness of being watched.
48. The uneasy swell of nausea rose within me.
49. The uneasy quiet settled heavily over the room.
50. The uneasy peace left many unsettled questions.
51. His uneasy expression revealed his inner conflict.
52. The uneasy truce would unravel at any moment.
53. An uneasy silence filled the air.
54. The uneasy negotiation teetered on the brink of failure.
55. He spoke with uneasy politeness.
56. An uneasy pity welled up within her.
57. The scene filled him with uneasy nostalgia.
58. The uneasy impasse would not hold for long.
59. The uneasy respite gave them brief relief.
60. The uneasy anticipation built to a crescendo.

Common Phases

1. I feel uneasy about going out alone at night.
2. The uneasy silence filled the room after the argument.
3. His guilty conscience made him feel uneasy.
4. The uneasy truce between the two countries may not last.
5. The uneasy customer complained to the manager.
6. An uneasy peace had settled over the kingdom.
7. Her uneasy expression betrayed her worry.
8. The crowd fell into an uneasy murmur.
9. The uneasy compromise failed to resolve the underlying problem.
10. Uneasy looks were exchanged among the conspirators.
11. His restless sleep was plagued by uneasy dreams.
12. The uneasy calm before the storm.
13. The uneasy glances between the two friends hinted at a disagreement.
14. An uneasy guilt gnawed at his conscience.
15. The uneasy alliance between the two groups soon fell apart.
16. She walked with an uneasy gait, betraying her uneasiness.
17. The country was in an uneasy state as revolution brewed.
18. Uneasy whispers rustled through the rows of desks.
19. The uneasy susurration of thousands of wings filled the air.
20. The uneasy abyss of uncertainty yawned before him.
21. She felt uneasy when walking alone in that part of the city at night.
22. His uneasy laugh revealed his nervousness.
23. An uneasy feeling crept over him as he watched the clouds gather.
24. The uneasy look in his eyes betrayed his worry.
25. The uneasy tension in the room finally broke as they began to laugh.
26. The uneasy expression on her face showed she was hiding something.
27. Uneasy murmurs rippled through the crowd as the speaker took the stage.
28. The uneasy stillness of the forest hinted at impending danger.
29. She sat with an uneasy expression, biting her nails.
30. An uneasy pit formed in her stomach as she realized what she had done.
31. The uneasy compromise settled the argument for now but did not resolve the underlying issues.
32. After the argument, an uneasy tension filled the space between them.
33. The uneasy glances he was getting from his coworkers made him nervous.
34. Uneasy whispers circulated through the room as they waited for the verdict.
35. An uneasy flutter filled her stomach as she thought about confronting him.
36. He walked with an uneasy gait that betrayed his nervous agitation.
37. The uneasy alliance between the two rivals would not last.
38. An uneasy edge crept into her laugh as she tried to cover up her worries.
39. The uneasy alliance between the countries soon fell apart.
40. A hush fell over the crowd as an uneasy whisper rippled through the stands.
41. The uneasy quiet of the house hinted that something was wrong.
42. Her uneasy expression revealed she was worried about something.
43. An uneasy peace had settled over the kingdom, though it was fragile.
44. The uneasy compromise between the two factions failed to resolve the underlying tensions.
45. The uneasy alliance between the two companies soon dissolved.
46. The uneasiness was visible in her forced laughter and uneasy glances around the room.
47. An uneasy headwind blew against his progress.
48. The uneasy handshake between the rivals hinted at lingering mistrust.
49. The uneasy compromise failed to resolve the underlying tensions between them.
50. The uneasy truce between the nations soon broke down.
51. An uneasy pall hung over the solemn gathering.
52. The uneasy customer complained to the manager about the service.
53. An uneasy sense of foreboding filled him as night fell.
54. He walked with an uneasy gait that betrayed his nervous state of mind.
55. An uneasy smile played on her lips as she tried to cover her worry.
56. The uneasy compromise satisfied neither side.
57. The uneasy peace between the nations could not last.
58. An uneasy silence descended over the office as the news broke.
59. An uneasy sputter filled the quiet cabin as the engine struggled to turn over.
60. The uneasy compromise only swept the issues under the rug; it did not truly resolve them.

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