Unessential example sentences

Related (10): optional, unnecessary, disposable, extraneous, irrelevant, nonessential, incidental, peripheral, inconsequential, trivial.

"Unessential" Example Sentences

1. Cutting unessential spending will help balance the budget.
2. We should prioritize essential tasks and eliminate unessential ones.
3. Simplifying your life by removing unessential items and commitments can improve focus and productivity.
4. Excessive luxury items and amenities are often unessential.
5. The report contained much unessential information.
6. Management encouraged employees to eliminate unessential processes and tasks.
7. The designer removed unessential details from the design.
8. The general advised soldiers not to carry unessential gear into battle.
9. Editors removed unessential words from the manuscript.
10. Downsizing the company included eliminating unessential positions.
11. I tried to provide only essential details while excluding unessential ones.
12. The shelter rehomed unessential pets to make room for more needy animals.
13. They cut amenities and features considered unessential for basic function.
14. The plan focused on essential survival needs while excluding unessential luxuries.
15. Dieters are advised to avoid unessential calories.
16. The law aimed to simplify tax rules by removing unessential provisions.
17. The teacher only assigned essential readings and omitted unessential ones.
18. The builder recommended removing unessential architectural details to save costs.
19. Consumers seek basic necessities while avoiding unessential extras.
20. Removing unessential activities can free up time for more productive pursuits.
21. The redesign focused on streamlining the product by removing unessential features.
22. Minimalists strive to remove unessential possessions from their lives.
23. The startup aimed to provide only essential services while avoiding unessential features.
24. Eliminating unessential reminders can reduce clutter and distraction.
25. He focused his comments on essential points while avoiding unessential tangents.
26. The decorator removed unessential furniture to simplify the decor.
27. Trimming unessential costs now can help the company weather an economic downturn.
28. Recycling involves removing unessential packaging from products.
29. Streamlining work processes often means removing unessential steps.
30. Activists argued environmental protections considered unessential should remain in place.
31. Leaders issued orders to cut unessential expenditures immediately.
32. The field trip's schedule omitted unessential activities to save time.
33. Editorial assistants removed unessential details from press releases before publication.
34. The trainer taught athletes to avoid unessential movements that wasted energy.
35. She edited the speech to omit unessential phrases and repetitive words.
36. The manual advised removing unessential options from the machine to make it simpler to use.
37. Experts recommend removing unessential electronic devices to improve cybersecurity.
38. The architect designed a minimalist house with few unessential features.
39. The new health plan covered essential benefits but omitted many unessential ones.
40. The cookbook focused only on essential techniques while excluding unessential extras.
41. Experts warn that too much technology and too many possessions become unessential distractions.
42. The wardrobe makeover aimed to remove unessential clothes that were never worn.
43. Removing unessential needs and wants can lead to greater contentment.
44. Minimal living encourages eliminating unessential material items.
45. Dieters aim to reduce unessential calories from drinks, snacks and condiments.
46. TheCells need only essential nutrients to survive and cannot utilize unessential ones.
47. The mayor aimed to cut unessential spending from the city budget.
48. The cleaner removed unessential items from the workspace to declutter it.
49. The instructor assigned only essential readings and omitted unessential ones.
50. Nature does not produce anything unessential; humans deem things unessential.
51. The regulations aimed to remove unessential red tape hindering business growth.
52. The gardener removed unessential weeds competing with essential plants for resources.
53. Slowing down and removing unessential distractions can improve mental clarity.
54. Removing unessential furniture opened up the small room, making it feel larger.
55. College admissions officers ignore unessential extracurricular activities and focus on essential ones.
56. The life coach advised reducing unessential commitments to improve work-life balance.
57. Minimalists remove unessential physical and digital clutter from their lives.
58. Trimming unessential tasks from an overabundance of work can relieve stress.
59. The starting lineup is essentially players while reserves are often considered unessential.
60. Evolution favors traits essential for survival while removing unessential variations.

Common Phases

1. The frills and extras were unessential to the main function of the product.
2. The report focused only on the essential facts, omitting unessential details.
3. The hikers removed all unessential gear from their packs to reduce weight.
4. Experts say that removing unessential tasks can free up valuable time.
5. The surgeon removed all unessential tissue to minimize postoperative complications.
6. The adviser recommended removing unessential expenditures to get my finances under control.
7. The editor removed unessential adverbs and adjectives to tighten the prose.
8. I stripped away unessential luxuries to focus on the basics that matter most.
9. The military leader ordered the removal of all unessential equipment from the vehicles.
10. Experts recommend decluttering by removing unessential items to create a simpler, less stressful life.
11. The writer used minimalist language, excluding all unessential words.
12. My priority was to remove unessential activities that distracted from my main goals.
13. Minimalist living involves removing unessential material items to improve wellbeing.
14. In the heat of summer, I avoid wearing unessential layers of clothing.
15. The architect designed the house with few unessential decorative elements.
16. During takeoff and landing, all unessential electronic devices must be turned off.
17. We skipped the unessential social activities to focus on what really mattered.
18. The coach instructed the players to avoid performing unessential drills.
19. The minimalist lifestyle involves eliminating unessential material possessions.
20. The tutor focused only on the essential concepts, leaving out unessential details.
21. We omitted unessential data from the report to keep it concise.
22. In times of crisis, people tend to shed unessential luxuries and wants.
23. Following the minimalist ethos, I try to avoid purchasing unessential items.
24. The athlete engineered a regimen excluding all unessential exercises.
25. Minimalism teaches us to remove unessential commitments that clutter our schedules.
26. The survivalist packed only the essential gear, leaving behind unessential items.
27. I canceled unessential subscriptions and memberships to save money.
28. Less is more; we filled the space with only essential elements, omitting unessential furnishings.
29.The administrator identified and removed unessential policies and procedures.
30. I trimmed unessential costs from the budget to hit our financial targets.
31.Our overconsumption of unessential goods is unsustainable and damaging to the planet.
32. Nature creates with economy, using only essential forms and omitting unessential ones.
33.In writing, I strive to remove all unessential words and wordiness.
34. The essay focused only on the thesis, eliminating unessential tangents.
35. Avoid filling your life with unessential tasks, commitments, and material things.
36. Some minimalists own only the fewest possible unessential items.
37. The professional recommended removing unessential steps from the process to improve efficiency.
38.Less is more; the design featured only the essential shapes, omitting unessential details.
39. The architect designed the structure according to the principle of omitting all unessential elements.
40. The minimalist strives to own only essential items, removing all unessential ones.
41. Getting rid of unessential clutter can improve mood, productivity, and life satisfaction.
42. Excess unessential calories provide no benefit to health and wellbeing.
43. Living with fewer material possessions helps us recognize unessential wants and needs.
44. The less we own, the easier it becomes to identify unessential material items.
45. The scientist focused only on the most essential variables, ignoring unessential factors.
46. Simplicity and minimalism involve removing unessential distractions and complications.
47. Reducing unessential noise and clutter allows the essential to shine through.
48. The investor identified and removed unessential expenses from the budget.
49. During times of scarcity, people tend to focus on the essential and ignore the unessential.
50. The minimalist values freedom from unessential material possessions and commitments.
51. Excess unessential words and phrases clutter writing and speech.
52. From an early age, children should learn to distinguish essential needs from unessential wants.
53. Removing unessential tasks can make room for more meaningful activities.
54. Living with less helps us recognize the difference between essential and unessential experiences.
55. I aim to prune unessential commitments from my schedule to make time for what matters most.
56. Decluttering involves removing unessential distractions to create focus on the essential.
57. During spring cleaning, I get rid of unessential items that no longer serve a purpose.
58. A simpler, less cluttered life allows the essential facets of our humanity to shine through.
59. Minimalism teaches us to remove unessential things and focus on what truly enriches our lives.
60. Reduce unessential noise and clutter to make room for wonder, wisdom and meaning.

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