Unfurl example sentences

Related (6): unfold, unravel, unroll, extend, release, display

"Unfurl" Example Sentences

1. The flag unfurled in the morning breeze.
2. The banner unfurled from the top of the building.
3. The sails unfurled as the wind picked up.
4. As he unfurled the scroll, a look of recognition crossed his face.
5. The road map unfurled across the passenger seat.
6. The traveler unfurled the weathered parchment on the table.
7. The kite unfurled in the wind as the children ran after it.
8. The wings of the hang glider unfurled above the valley.
9. The children excitedly unfurled the Christmas wrapping paper.
10. She carefully unfurled the yellowed newspaper clipping.
11. The umbrellas unfurled all around them during the sudden downpour.
12. The gardener unfurled his long hose to water the lawn.
13. The dancers unfurled their fans as the music began to play.
14. The adventurer unfurled the treasure map found in the dusty old trunk.
15. The magician dramatically unfurled his cape as he took the stage.
16. He slowly unfurled his shirt sleeve to reveal the tattoo.
17. The yogi unfurled his mat and began his sun salutations.
18. The spider unfurled its web between the trees.
19. The caterpillar unfurled itself from its cocoon.
20. The flowers unfurled their bright petals to the sun.
21. The bride unfurled the wedding veil from the hat box.
22. She unfurled the knitting needles from her bag.
23. The detective unfurled the crime scene photos on the table.
24. The professor unfurled the old leather-bound book carefully.
25. The wrinkled piece of paper slowly unfurled itself.
26. The paper lantern unfurled like a flower as it filled with air.
27. The baby chick unfurled its damp feathers as it dried in the sun.
28. The vines unfurled from the trellis and crept up the wall.
29. The muscles in his arm unfurled as he tensed them.
30. The room darkened as the curtains unfurled across the windows.
31. The carpet unfurled itself out and down the stairs.
32. The concertina unfurled with a snap as he began to play.
33. The secrets within began to unfurl themselves to her.
34. The bandages unfurled from around the injured limb.
35. The window blinds unfurled with the touch of a button.
36. The fingers unfurled from their clenched position.
37. The secrets of the past began to slowly unfurl.
38. The dust cloth unfurled along the length of the shelf.
39. A long ribbon of silk slowly unfurled from within the box.
40. The scroll within the sarcophagus slowly unfurled itself.
41. The tent poles unfurled from the bag and were slotted together.
42. The carpet unfurled itself across the stage as the music began.
43. The tent unfurled itself as the men worked at its stakes and ties.
44. The paper chain unfurled itself from around the gift box.
45. The spider silk slowly unfurled from between her claws.
46. The memories within her mind unfurled one by one.
47. The inchworm unfurled itself from the coil of silk.
48. The path ahead unfurled itself before her feet.
49. The telescope unfurled its long tube as it prepared for viewing.
50. The tree unfurled its leaves to the springtime breeze.
51. The parachute unfurled above the falling solider.
52. The rolled up carpet unfurled itself as it was pulled across the floor.
53. The rolling pin unfurled the ball of dough onto the floured surface.
54. The teacher unfurled a long sheet of roll paper on the desk.
55. The grass unfurled itself upward after being walked upon.
56. The old scroll unfurled itself, revealing ancient writings.
57. The cat unfurled itself and stretched in the window.
58. The planter box unfurled green tendrils that crept up the wall.
59. The furloughed employees anxiously awaited their return to work.
60. The trapeze artist unfurled herself as she floated through the air.

Common Phases

1. The banner unfurled slowly in the gentle breeze.
2. He slowly unfurled the treasure map and examined it carefully.
3. The golden ray of sunshine unfurled the soft fabric and washed it over with richness.
4. The dark clouds unfurled and revealed the shiny surface of the lake.
5. As the sail unfurled, the boat began to move across the sea.
6. The team unfurled their huge flag before entering the stadium.
7. The sleepy creature slowly unfurled its shimmering wings.
8. The girl unfurled her fingers from the binoculars and stared in wonder.
9. The flower slowly unfurled its delicate petals in the morning sun.
10. The giant cuttlefish slowly unfurled its tentacles from its mantle.
11. The storm damage caused several banners to unfurl from their poles.
12. The tired traveler unfurled his blanket on the forest floor.
13. The scarf unfurled itself from around her neck as she walked.
14. Grass blades unfurled from the warming soil of springtime.
15. The snake slowly unfurled itself from its hiding place.
16. When the top fell off, the parachute unfurled above the toy soldier.
17. The red carpet slowly unfurled down the grand staircase.
18. The mummy slowly unfurled its bandages and came to life.
19. He cautiously unfurled the papyrus scroll and began to read the ancient text.
20. The leaves on the tree slowly unfurled in response to warm sunshine.
21. The scrolls had mostly unfurled from age in the dusty chest.
22. The kite slowly unfurled itself and took to the sky.
23. The butterfly slowly unfurled its wings and took flight.
24. The magic carpet slowly unfurled itself from the lamp.
25. Freshly unfurled leaves sparkled with morning dew.
26. The jester slowly unfurled his colorful coat at the festival.
27. The carpenter unfurled the blueprints to study the schematics.
28. The spider slowly unfurled its web overnight.
29. The cruise ship unfurled its sails and set off into the Caribbean.
30. The news unfurled like a rapidly spreading rumor.
31. The rolls of paper unfurled themselves across the floor of the old library.
32. The feather boa slowly unfurled itself from around her neck.
33. The sun slowly unfurled its rays of light over the sleeping town.
34. The woman unfurled a blanket and laid it on the damp grass.
35. The flag unfurled over the war memorial to honor the fallen.
36. He unfurled the treasure map and began searching the island beach.
37. The fog slowly unfurled from the valley floor in the early morning.
38. The mummy's bandages slowly unfurled as it came alive.
39. The gauzy curtains unfurled themselves in the breeze.
40. The wings unfurled from his back, ready to take flight.
41. The priest unfurled the scroll as he began to read from the holy book.
42. The grass blades slowly unfurled from the thawing soil.
43. The carpets slowly unfurled themselves across the wooden floor.
44. The scroll's faded ink slowly unfurled to reveal its centuries-old secret.
45. The red carpet slowly unfurled down the aisle.
46. The seeds unfurled their little green sprouts up into the light.
47. The wings on the angel painting slowly unfurled.
48. The sails unfurled to capture the wind.
49. Fallen leaves unfurled from the bare trees in autumn.
50. The scrolls in the museum case had mostly unfurled with age.
51. The inflation of the balloon slowly unfurled the creases in its surface.
52. The silken flags unfurled as the procession made its way down the street.
53. The umbrella slowly unfurled itself in the gust of wind.
54. The vellum scrolls slowly unfurled themselves after centuries of storage.
55. The vines unfurled along the stone wall of the castle.
56. The rug slowly unfurled itself across the wooden floor.
57. The chrysalis slowly unfurled, releasing the newly formed wings.
58. They unfurled the huge sail in preparation for their journey.
59. The map slowly unfurled when he removed the elastic band.
60. The grass blades slowly unfurled from beneath the snow.

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