Unfurled example sentences
Related (2): unfolded, unfurled
"Unfurled" Example Sentences
1. The flag unfurled slowly in the morning breeze.
2. The old scroll unfurled to reveal the hidden text within.
3. As the balloon rose into the air, the ribbon unfurled behind it.
4. The cat stretched and unfurled herself in the sunbeam on the floor.
5. The banner unfurled above the crowd at the rally.
6. The kite caught the wind and quickly unfurled from its tangle.
7. The window shutter unfurled with a loud creak.
8. The old parchment map unfurled to reveal an aging ink map.
9. As the sails unfurled, the ship began to pick up speed.
10. The traveler unfurled the worn map to examine his destination.
11. The rose unfurled its pink petals to the morning sun.
12. The eagle unfurled its great wings as it took flight from the nest.
13. The yoga mat unfurled with a satisfying snap as she laid it on the floor.
14. The giant banana leaf unfurled to reveal the traditional wedding feast beneath.
15. The seagull unfurled its wings to catch an updraft.
16. The caterpillar unfurled itself from its chrysalis into a butterfly.
17. She unfurled her sleeping bag and prepared for a night under the stars.
18. The umbrella unfurled immediately when he pressed the button.
19. The palm frond unfurled to offer shade from the blistering sun.
20. The umbrellas unfurled all around as the rain began to fall.
21. The parasail unfurled behind the speedboat as they gained altitude.
22. The snake unfurled its long body from around the branch.
23. The fiddlehead ferns began to unfurl new green fronds.
24. The grass blade unfurled to reveal its unique structure.
25. The long branches of the willow tree unfurled toward the river below.
26. The carpets unfurled elegantly at the sides of the stage for the performance.
27. The glory lily unfurled its purple flowers in the early morning hours.
28. The leaf unfurled itself slowly as it emerged from its bud.
29. The tiger lily unfurled its bright orange blossoms.
30. The leather map unfurled to reveal a wealth of hidden notes and markings.
31. As dawn broke, the lady fern unfurled its lacy green fronds.
32. The swan unfurled its great wings before taking flight over the lake.
33. The snake plant unfurled a new leaf to join its crowded siblings.
34. The festive banners unfurled from the rafters for the birthday party.
35. The new fern fronds unfurled delicately from the center stalk.
36. The narrow roadway unfurled ahead like a long ribbon.
37. The little leaves unfurled themselves slowly into existence.
38. The huge insects unfurled their iridescent wings with a sudden flourish.
39. The hostess unfurled her family's tapestry for all the guests to admire.
40. The Nile perch unfurled its great tail fin as it darted away.
41. The balloon's string unfurled meters of ribbon behind it.
42. I watched as the flower unfurled itself from the tiny bud.
43. The cockatoo unfurled its plumage in an excited display for its mate.
44. The cobra unfurled its menacing hood ready to strike.
45. The toddler unfurled the toilet paper roll and watched it tumble across the floor.
46. The elephant unfurled its massive ears like sails to catch the breeze.
47. The tulip unfurled its delicate petals to reveal a burst of color.
48. The wharf unfurled into the bay like the arm of an old fisherman.
49. The puppy unfurled itself from its sleeping position with a wide yawn.
50. The ivy unfurled its tendrils in search of a surface to cling to.
51. The rippling muscles unfurled across his body.
52. The parachute unfurled high above the desert landscape.
53. The vast carpet unfurled across the floor of the grand ballroom.
54. The fern unfurled its fresh new fronds in springtime.
55. The tiger unfurled its massive paws and stood to roar.
56. The wagon wheel unfurled like an old paper fan.
57. The dandelion unfurled its fluffy white seeds in the summer breeze.
58. The tapestry unfurled itself upon the old stone wall.
59. The oak leaf unfurled into its familiar shape.
60. The morning glory unfurled itself greedily in the direction of the sun.
Common Phases
1. The flag unfurled in the morning breeze.
2. The scroll unfurled to reveal an ancient map.
3. He unfurled the sail to catch more wind.
4. She unfurled her wings and took flight.
5. The tentacles slowly unfurled from the monster's gaping mouth.
6. They unfurled the massive banner across the stadium.
7. The seeds unfurled their delicate petals as they sprouted.
8. As the sunlight hit the paper, the pages slowly unfurled.
9. The matador waved his red cape and the bull unfurled its horns.
10. She unfurled her yoga mat and began her routine.
11. The vines slowly unfurled from the tree and crept along the ground.
12. The parasail unfurled behind the speed boat and lifted him into the air.
13. The caterpillar unfurled itself from its cocoon as a beautiful butterfly.
14. The mapmaker unfurled the parchment to show them the route.
15. The snake slowly unfurled itself from its coil, preparing to strike.
16. The balloonist released the ropes and the parachute unfurled above him.
17. The lotus blossoms slowly unfurled their delicate petals in the morning light.
18. The telescope unfurled to its full length with a series of clicks and clanks.
19. The fireworks unfurled into flowers of green, red and gold in the night sky.
20. The carpets were unfurled across the marble floors for the Sultan's guests.
21. The parasailors jumped into the lake and the colorful canopies unfurled behind them.
22. The fern fronds slowly unfurled from their tightly furled curls.
23. She unfurled the rubber boat and slid into the still lake.
24. The palm fronds unfurled in the tropical breeze.
25. The mermaid unfurled her glistening tail as she emerged from the water.
26. The roll of fabric slowly unfurled itself across the long worktable.
27. The bayonet slowly unfurled like a cobra ready to strike.
28. The cinnamon tree unfurled its leaves to greet the sunlight.
29. The army unfurled their standards and charged into battle.
30. The huntsman unfurled his whip with a crack.
31. The ladybug unfurled its wings and took flight.
32. The bamboo slowly unfurled its new shoots to form fresh stalks.
33. The fortune teller unfurled her deck of tarot cards.
34. The lady slowly unfurled her lace fan to cool herself.
35. The scroll slowly unfurled itself to reveal an ancient drawing.
36. The scroll unfurled, displaying a prophecy of times to come.
37. The ribbon unfurled itself into a long silken streamer.
38. The serpent slowly unfurled itself from its dark hiding place.
39. The runner unfurled the finishing tape with a flourish.
40. The tiger slowly unfurled himself from the long grass, ready to pounce.
41. The roadrunner unfurled its wings and took flight across the desert.
42. The mainsail unfurled suddenly, catching the sea breeze.
43. The crest unfurled above his shining helmet.
44. The magician unfurled his silk scarf with a flourish.
45. The carpets were unfurled for the King's feast.
46. The paper lanterns unfurled their colorful shapes into the night sky.
47. The banner unfurled proudly above the battlefield.
48. The orchid slowly unfurled its beautiful blossom.
49. The roses slowly unfurled their delicate blooms in the dawn light.
50. The banner unfurled across the city square.
51. The stallion unfurled his mane and pawed the ground.
52. The mummy's bandages slowly unfurled to reveal a desiccated corpse.
53. The petals slowly unfurled to reveal the flower's golden stamen.
54. The futon unfurled to reveal a comfortable resting place.
55. The teacher unfurled the giant map across the blackboard.
56. The mummy's curse slowly unfurled itself from the dusty sarcophagus.
57. The tent canvas unfurled itself across the campsite.
58. The ribbon slowly unfurled itself from around the present.
59. The palm frond unfurled itself to provide shelter from the rain.
60. The parachutes unfurled with colorful canopy above the drop zone.